Sat 22 Feb
👅2 new girls from asian💚 971-300-3277⭐suck u dry🍎petite lovely🍎erotic licking🍎gfe love feelings🍎finger my pussy🍎juicy tight pussy🍎
(Portland, US)
🌟💥✨Big Ball Baby✨💥🌟 💎Busty girl🎀BBJ✨Best GFE✅GOOD Service✨Young / Busty🎀503-997-1999💎
(Portland, US)
E Cup, Keep You Cum'n loves to get fucked in every postition🟡⛔🔵come fuck me now🟡⛔🔵971-308-0988🟡⛔🔵drain your cum
(Portland, US)
Fri 21 Feb
Tue 18 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
★【STOP SCROLLING】★ 【LateNights EarlyMornings】★ 【NOT a CLoCkWatChInG 】★ call/Text 208.991.2513 - 25
(Portland, I-205 & Sandy blvd OutCals 2)
►#❶★T✪✪ H✪T ★ Brea ★ BaBY*%*THe SeXieST BLaCK BaRbiE% Ѽ APPLE Ѽ BOTt✪m BOOTy% ★CaLL N✪W! - 25 - 25
(Portland, pdx locations)
New New New ☆★☆★☆ ♥ M°E°X°I°C°A°N ● P°RI°N°C°E°S°S ♡ READY 2 PLAY ♥ Specials $$$ 100% me or Free ★ - 23
Sweet and Talented with a Wicked Hourglass Figure, TNA-approved, In/outcall...NEW PICS - 31
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
♥°o°• EVERY•°o°• Mans °o°• FANTASY •°♥* BRUNETTE BOMBSHELL! 100% REAL!* - 24
(Portland, Pdx- Incall/outcall)
🐥 Early Bird Special!! Sexy Irish Co-Ed 100% Me or it's FREE - INCALL & OC 💋💋💋 - 22
(Bend, Central Oregon)
♥CoZy uP 2 Me...a CuRVie CuTie! My NaTuRaL 38EE R GuaRaNTeeD 2 PLeaSE ♥ 75 Special 2nite! - 28
(Portland, Outcall/Incall)
I Prefer The Company Of Mature Older Men, I know what it takes to satisfy you! - 36
(Portland, SE Incall /Outcall anywere)
Come RELAX & ENJOY yourself in the company of FUN SIZE (4'10), FLEXIBLE & SEXY you wont regret it!! - 30
(Portland, Portland/Vancouver surrounding areas)
Extremely HOT Blonde let me warm you up! My place or Yours 5034751998 - 34
(Portland, all areas for outcall/ private home inc)
°•°BrooklynnE°•° A PeRfEct EnDiNg to StArt yOUR FlAWlESS week ;) - 21
(Portland, yOUR pLACE oR mINE ;))
**~~~~ ANGELINA MARIE - - - - all natural PERSIAN/SPANISH hottie ~~~~* - 26
❤Tongue Lashing Queen of Pdx ❤ A+ Reviews ❤Blonde 36DD COUGAR/MILF ❤5033094178 - 40
♥ This Durty Girl is Always Ready 2 Play! ________ _________ Natural 38EEE!! ♥ 75 Specials 2nite! - 26
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
The Best just got Better, come get a taste of something different...! - 20
(Portland, Portland Metro)
*Surrender Tonite* ________ *Luscious Curves* _______ *Petite & Beautiful* _______ *75 $PeCiaLS!* - 26
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
~*~ ____ ~*~ SwEeTeR ~*~ ___ _~*~ ThAn ~*~ ___ ~*~ cAnD y~*~ ___ ~* - 19
(portland & surrounding areas)
♥ STuNNiNGLy BeauTiFul BBW! ♥ NaTuRaL 38EE GuaRaNTeeD 2 PLeaSe! ♥ FoRGeT THe ReST, HaVe THe BeST! - 29
(Incall SE Foster 75+ & Outcall 100+, Portland)
Sweet and Talented with a Wicked Hourglass Figure, TNA-approved, In/outcall...NEW PICS - 31
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
Super Sexy, Sweet and Available Now! See My Pics... - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In the city)
Sultry, sane, fun, and sweet w/ WICKED HOURGLASS FIGURE ❤️ Incall SE pdx/outcalls too ❤️ - 30
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
***Summer's here, and this Sexy BBW is ready to play! *** SPECIALS NOW!!! - 30
(Portland, East Vancouver)
(( Specials )) +++ _______ A S I A N - P E A C H _______ +++ (( Specials )) - 20
(PDX i2O5 & Outcalls -)
Special Tonight - Give Me a Call!! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In town)
Specials Til NoonNoon~ S E X Y♥♡ B L O N D E ♡♥♡32DD ♥♡ B O M B S H E L L♥♡ Morning Specials - 25
(Eugene, Springfield, Surrounding Areas)
SunDaY Special 150 hr Outcall Big Booty Allie Here for short time 150 Hr - 30
(Incall Portland/ Outcall within 45miles)
❤ STuNNiNG & SeDuCTiVe BBW ✨VoLuPTuouS ViXeN! ❤ NaTuRaL 38EE! ✨ 75 $PeCiaL ❤ CaLL Me Day oR NiTe! - 29
(Incall SE Foster & Outcall Metro, Portland)
Special Tonight - Give Me a Call!! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In your arms ;))
⭐ Special $$100hr💜💋ExoTiC, EroTiC, SweeT & SeDuctivE GirL NexT DooR!!💜 - 29
(PDX, Gresham, Beaverton and surrounding, Portland)
SPECIAL! Tonight, TUESDAY 10/30 in & SW PDX :) - 39
(Portland, SW AND SE PORTLAND & Outcal everywhere.)
__[[[ SPECIALS ]]] * ((( Don't Please Yourself...))) * [[[ ALLOW ME! ]]]__*Real Girl* *Real Service* - 25
(Portland Baby...)
☆★ *|| SOFT-TOUCH ||* __ *|| B U S T Y ||* __ * || SENSUAL BOMBSHELL || * ★☆ - 30
(Portland, in-call/out-call)
smooth silky chocolate skin (tigard incall)ask about my specials - 21
(Tigard, Portland/Surrounding areas)
⭐StayIn LiL LoNgER⭐Special $$100hr💜💋ExoTiC, EroTiC, SweeT & SeDuctivE GirL NexT DooR!!💜 - 29
(PDX, Gresham, Beaverton and surrounding, Portland)
SPECIALS OUTCALL ONLY☆ Nice & A Whole Bunch of NAUGHTY☆TNA REVIEWED☆Pretty, Long Legs & Slippery - 29
(Like Visa...Everywhere u want 2 be. PDX-, Portland)
Smokin ¤¤ HOtt ¥¥€ BruNNETte , LeT'§ MAKeOuT, let's. Keep eaChother WArm Incall/Outcall 24/7 - 28