Sat 11 Jan
Its a beautiful day💋 Make it perfect with a Body Rub and Erotic Body Glide Guarenteed to please😍 - 34
(Portland, Tualatin, just off the Nyberg exit)
Week-end Special $ 75** Hot Erotic Total Full-body Relaxation *** For Mature Men Only - 49
(Johns Landing area)
**** EROTIC *** TOUCH ~ *** SOOTHING *** MASSAGE **** ~~~ Supreme Relaxation ~~~~ TO YOUR HOTEL ~~~ - 38
FBST -Tantra -Toys -Prostate Attention -Sensual Relaxation -Taboo Play -Sexy & Sane Explorations! - 41
(Northwest Portland, NW / DT Portland)
🍒🍒 Come enjoy a soothing Body Rub followed by an intensely erotic Body Glide and Prostate Play.💋💋 - 35
(Portland, Wilsonville)
INCALL today!!! Experience the art of bodywork with a talented and erotic woman! - 32
(Portland, Vancouver (min. from Portland, off I-5))
💕💕🆕GrAnd 🌏OpenING🆕💕💕Petite🇨🇳Cute🇯🇵 Asian🇰🇷Girls ☎️ 360-314-6925☎️ - 22
(Portland, Portland Beaverton Vancouver)
Duck in out of the rain and enjoy a warm sensual body rub and amazing body glide!!!
(Portland, Tualatin)
Busty RedHead❤sensual Relaxing❤SuPeR Hot~❤❤❤❤ Hotel OUTCALL - 33
Celebrate you! ~ FBST - Prostate Attention - Toys - Sensual Relaxation - Taboo Play & more ~ - 40
(Northwest Portland, NW / DT Portland)
◆ ___ SOOTHING ___ ◆ ___ PURE RELAXATION ___ ◆ ___ HOTEL OUTCALL ___ ◆ ___ QUICK ARRIVAL - 33
(Portland, **~**To you within 30 ~ 45 minutes**~**)
NOTHING COMPARES...... To MY Warm SENSUAL TOUCH!!! (( Guaranteed to Relax~&~Relieve )) HOTEL SERVICE - 38
(Portland, ***** Discreet Hotel Room Service *****)
** SEXXY & SENSUOUS **----------** FULL BODY RUBDOWN **-----------** HOTEL ROOM SERVICE **--------- - 37
((( PRIVATE SEXY MASSAGE ))) The intimate touch YOU desire & The soothing relaxation YOU so deserve - 35
(Portland, = = Discreet = = F=A=S=T = = Arrival)
❤ .S. T. A. C. K. E. D. __N __ S. T. U. N. N. I. N. G .❤ Eroitc Massage - 26
(se Incall (Hotel Outcall))
🍒🍒 SPECIAL, SPECIAL, SPECIAL💋💋 Please Text for Details & Scheduling💋Body Rub, Body Glides & Prostate Play - 35
(Portland, Tualatin, just off the Nyberg exit)
~ • : * • : * : • . SuNdAy SkOoL ** WoRsHiP oR Be WoRsHiPpEd! . • : * : • * : • ~ - 29
(Portland, Incall/vancouver, out/you tell me...)
-- ♥ --EXOTIC & Sensual -- ♥ -- All NATURAL BUSTY -- ♥ --HEAVENLY BODY TOUCH ✰ - 30
(Portland, Portland - in-call/out-call)
erotic indulge in a sexy and erotic body rub:: $80!! - 20
(Portland, downtown Vancouver, incall only)
***--* Bethany's Sensual Bliss *--*** Erotic an Mutual - 26
(Portland, Se hawthorne near 40 th, PDX)
Experience the art of relaxation, with an erotic, classy woman - 31
(Vancouver (minutes from Portland))
ENLIGHTEN Your MONDAY~~ With Some Extreme Relaxation..( Discrete & confidential) HOTEL SPECIALS!!! - 35
♥♡♥♡♥♡EUR0PEAN D0LL♥♡♥♡♥♡ with a T A N T A L I Z I N G T0UCH!!! - 23
(Portland, Downtown Vancouver ((Private Incall)))
❤️ Don't be shy, let me Pamper you with a Soothing Body Rub,Body Glide, and Prostate Play!🍒🍒 - 35
(Beaverton, Portland)
Feel more alive! Connect into soulful sensual explorations... - 39
(Northwest Portland, NW / DT Portland)
ℒ e t ' s °•❤•° ℳ a k e °•❤•° ℳ a g i c ((C0ME 0VER && RELAX)) - 23
(Portland, Near Downtown Vancouver)
Experience the art of relaxation, with an erotic, talented woman - 31
(Vancouver (minutes from Portland))
Available now, outcalls all weekend! Experience the art of full body relaxation! - 32
(Portland, Vancouver/Portland)
Fri 10 Jan
(Portland, **◆**TO YOU WITHIN 30 ~ 45 MINUTES**◆**)
°°•❤ ❤•°°|| SUPER SEXY & BUSTY ||°°•❤ ❤•° SENSUAL BODY WORKS ❤ - 30
(Portland, Portland - in-call/out-call)
******** TRAVELING on BUSINESS ******** ==== I come to your hotel ==== EROTIC BODY RUB *********** - 34
(Portland, ==== HOTEL== ROOM == SERVICE ==ONLY ====)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A TOUCH OF CLASS FROM 2 BEAUTIFUL LADIES ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 27
(Portland, Portland/Van areas)
A Titillating TREAT Awaits... Start Your Week w a Sweet Mocha!!! 347 391 1970 - 32
(Portland, nr:Wville, ORCity, WLinn, LakeO, Salem)
😍😍 Real pics and never an upsell 💋💋 Body Rubs, Body Glides and Prostate Play.🍒🍒 - 35
(Portland, Wilsonville)
●●● Sensual & BUSTY ♡ Heavenly Touch ♡ Super Model 38DDDs' ♡ ● Full Body♡ Exotic Relaxation ● - 31
(Inner Se area, In-call/Hotel Out-calls, Portland, Southeast Portland)
~~ Nothing Compares To MY Warm Sensual Touch!! ~~ SUPER SEXY FULL BODY RUBDOWN ~~ Supreme Relaxation - 38
(( REAL GIRL 💋 REAL RUB )) *Reliable 🎀 Reviewed 😘 Small Petite Hands 👐 Mutual Touch 💋 - 29
(Portland, 💋 * Your Place Baby *💋 Motel Friendly)
~~** Mutual Kink With a Sexy Red Head ** Sensual Relaxation Bodyglide ** **~~ - 27
(Portland, se hawthorne blvd near 40th ave pdx)
** Mutual, Sensual, Erotic Relaxation with Bethany Bliss * Sexy Red Head ** - 27
(Portland, se hawthorne blvd near 40th ave pdx)
((( HOTEL OUTCALL ~ SENSUAL MASSAGE ))) RelaXation at its Finest ~🎇~ For the Traveling Professional - 38
(Portland, === Discreet === F=A=S=T === Arrival ===)
💕💕🆕GrAnd 🌏OpenING🆕💕💕Petite🇨🇳Cute🇯🇵 Asian🇰🇷Girls ☎️ 360-314-6925☎️ - 22 - 20
(Portland, Portland Vacouver)
Experience the art of relaxation! hour specials today, 100! - 31
(Vancouver (minutes from Portland))
Feeling STIFF?? Craving a Touch of SeXy?? Erotic ALL NUDE Massage ~ ALWAYS ~ Discreet & Confidential - 37
(ALL Major Hotels ~ Most Cities, Portland)
DEEP TISSUE ..... ..... 1 HOTT Body ..... 2 Hott Hands ..... ..... Hands-ON !!! - 35
FUN /young asian ./ NICE TOUCH/ table shower ??? 360-693-1156 - 23
(Portland, 6808 ne fourth plain road vancouver WA)
*** Sensual Red Head ~~ Loves Kinky Erotic or Vanilla Tastes *** - 27
(Portland, portland se hawthorne blvd near 40th)
_(( Nude FROM HEAD 🎀 TO TOE )) *Real Girl 🎀 Real Rub 😘*💋 To Your Door Within an hour or less - 29
(Portland, 💋 Your Place Baby 💋 Motel Friendly)
Need to Relax? STAYING IN A HOTEL? I Would LOVE TO COME Visit You!! ALWAYS Discreet & Confidential - 36
** SEXY BLONDE JENNA-LOVE * Body SURF *Body Glide*Discreet* Sexy* Smokin' Hot - 42
(Portland, LO incall Thursday 4/10)
(((SEXY MASSAGE SERVICES))) The intimate touch YOU desire & The soothing relaxation YOU deserve - 34
(Portland, === Discreet === F=A=S=T === Arrival ===)