Sat 04 Jan
New pics 50INCH Big BOOTY 100 special Beautiful CURVES 💦 THICK AND JUICY💦Satisfying Freak - 25
(Portland, Vancouver A/c last day here for awhile..)
**LaSt DAy ViSiTiNg**•• The SWEeTeST TRE@T••★Kandi ★ Perfect Choice! - 25
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas)
The Best Experience Ever! Blonde And Sexy!! 100 Specials ...Downtown Incalls - 24
(Portland, Downtown Incalls and outcalls)
Fri 03 Jan
》》》Young, Sexy,& Sweet Petite Treat can be all yours tonight¤♡☆☆☆thusrday SPECIALS!! (971)212.6031☆☆ - 22
(Portland, pdx/mall 205 area)
¤ YOUNG, FREAKY & PETITE Brunette BOMBSHELL ¤ Incall SPECIALS! ¤ 503.209.8637 ¤ 24/7 - 22
(Portland, Mall 205)
==============> Hawaiian sweet treat * in town for a limited time only * HiGHLY reviewed * - 21
(my place or yours?)
***Blonde Petite Southern Classy Gal***Make Your Dreams Come True ~ Miss Holly - 28
(Classy Incall PDX Airport/Outcalls OR WA)
▒ ▓ ❥V i S i T i N G❥ ▒ ▓ stUnNiNg $pEciALs ▒ ▓ ❥❥ L A T I N A ❥❥ P L A Y M A T E ▒ ▓ ▒ ▓ - 22
(Portland, Out calls anywhere)
Tired Of Fakes?? 100% REAL Pics.. HOT BLONDE.. Ready FOr You! 100 Specials. - 23
(Portland, Se 181st... Incall and Outcall)
Tired Of Rip Off's & Fakes??? 100% Real Pics... Thick And Blonde 100 Specials - 24
(Portland, Se Portland Incalls and outcalls)
Visiting for a short time** come indulge in a unforgettable duo experience** specials all night long - 21
(Portland, Outcalls)
Succulent curves♥ COSTCO SIZE Booty🍑 ▃▃ BLONDE👱 ▃▃ Juicy Cakez 🎂 Highly recommended by Many - 27
(Portland, Vancouver☎🔜☏in and out calls)
New Pics *~* 100Specials *~* Best Experience Ever *~* Sexy Blonde With Killer Curves! - 24
(Portland, Se Portland Incalls and outcalls)
*FIVE StaR TreatMenT * PURE SaTiSfAcTiOn * SeXy StAcY HeRe An ReAdY lEtS PlAy!!!! - 23
(Portland, All of Portland (InCalls & OutCalls))
Thu 02 Jan
"Upscale Fancy Barbie '"new arrival new in town - 20
(Portland, PDX & Vancouvr&&& surrounding locations)
VICTORIA*** New Pics**New Reviews** Sexiest Blonde In Portland! - 27
(Portland OR My Place Or Yours)