Mon 27 Jan
(( 7O$ ! )) -------»CURVY EBONY -----» ((( SE Powell )))FRIENDLY { 7O SPECIALZ } - 22
(Portland, SE 40TH POWELL/)
~ ~ ~ ~ 100 IN-CALL SPECIAL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DrOp DeAd GoRgEoUs BLOND .... classy, fun and sweet as a PEACH - 26
(in-call/convention center)
I Entered the Body Rub Business at age 52. I Can Introduce You to This High-Income Business. - 56
(Portland, Downtown and suburbs)
***** Scheduling PAID PHOTO$HOOT on Fri. May 3rd! *Lingerie/ Erotic/Toys/ Nude/Solo* EZ Gig!! ***** - 39
(Portland, PDX/NE Portland)
~*YouNG, , New ~^~LiTesKInned Goddess ~^~ ~^~FREEKY BLonD BarBiE _~~~ What Can U Teach Me???? - 20
(Portland, PDX * I-84 * NE 82nd * In/Out *205)
Tasha is bacck and ready to show you a real women - 35
(Portland, gresham se and ne pdx sandy clackmas)
~-*-~ TaLL BloNdE__ BluE EyEd__BaRbIE $99 SPECIALS * With * Caramel* BaBy * $99 SpECIAL~-*-~ - 28
(Portland, PDX I-84 NE 82nd I-205 INCALL)
[..☆..]_ T ☆ R ☆ U ☆ E _[..☆..]_ B ☆ E ☆ A ☆ U ☆ T ☆ Y _[..☆..]....32DDDs ( . )( . )🙌🙌🙌🙌 - 23
**Stop** Have A Dirty Secret Fantasy? Couple Available To Turn Your Naughtiest Fantasy Into Reality - 37
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe ( UP aLL NiTe ) BriGht BLUE EyEd BurNeTtE CAUTION HiGhLy ADDICTING! - 27
💋Sweet 💋 Sexy 💋 10000% Real 💋 Discreet Ne Pdx Incall 💋 Hot Blonde With Curves To Die For 💋 - 27
(Portland, Private Ne Portland Incalls)
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe blue eyed BurNeTtE CAUTION HiGhLy ADDICTING! TRAVELING men OnLy!!!! - 27
(Portland, outcalls everywhere)
**Sweet and Sexy** yours truly!!! --INN0CENT and --Beautiful and Exotic-- Yasmin (-; - 20
(Portland, Vancouver/Portland Metro)
Start your day off the right , SPECIALS ALL DAYY!! don't miss out babes - 22
(Portland, beaverton incall)
❤️SpeciaLs! Drop dead Gorgeous 🎀👅 BRUNETTE GoDeSS💋💋 Your little secret👄🍭MALL 205 - 27
(INCALL mall205, Portland)
▐ ▐ ►❤ ▐ ▐ ►Special NEW to BP and Beaverton▐ ▐ ►❤▐ ▐ ►❤ Wild▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ Young Playmate▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ - 18
(Portland, Incall Hillsboro/outcall everywhere)
* * *SPECIALS ALL NIGHT! *** BEAUTIFUL Blonde**PRETTY face, big BOOBS, GREAT legs* ** - 26
(~~~my place or yours :)~~~)
💋Specials!💋 Boricua BombShell - CHELSEY💋 CALL 2 SCHEDULE📲💋 AIRPORT 💋Serious Callers ONLY - 22
(Portland, Portland NE PDX Vancouver I-205 Airport)
Spankable booty and skilled lips. Early bird specials. (OC) 100specials. 5034063472 - 24
(Portland, pdx/Vancouver/bev)
Sun 26 Jan
come cozy up with me in my nice warm bed and help me get out of this hole of debt i am in
( Ne pdx off of mlk)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
Well Reviewed Brunette Bombshel Seductress Visiting Lloyd Center 9/7-- 9/9 - 38
(Portland, Downtown PDX)
WANNA MAKE OUT?CallJEWELZ 971804@97:-* 82♡SP.45 MINS/100 Sexy MATURE WOMAN Loves KISSING! Español - 42
(Portland, NE PDX sandy blvd)
(((*_________* Those Who Hesitate MA$TERBATE ... 1OO SPECIAL This Weekend ONLY *_________*))) - 26
(Portland, Southeast Portland off the I2O5)
E _ X _ Q _ U _ I _ S _ I _ T _ E ______ * ______ B _ E _ A _ U _ T _ Y - 19
(Outcalls *Everywhere*)
Sat 11 Jan
100.....It's soooo Cold out there, Let's HEAT it up!.. 100....$pecial all day! - 35
(Portland, Near the portland airport)
Tall, leggy, sensual & sweet! Available to pamper in Jantzen Beach area now. - 45
(Portland, North PDX, Just off I-5)
*)*)*)*)*) Sexy Japanese Kitty ####### Outcall Only 503-488-5473 (*(*(*$#$%%% - 21
(Outcall Only, Portland)
___ BEAUTIFUL BUSTY BLONDE BABE _______________H 0 T __-2- __T R 0 T_ __ 36DD | Bubble Butt | ______ - 23
(Portland, Gresham/PDX/Clack/SE/NE)
►❤ VISITING ►FRIDAY ❤ Playful :) ❤ ❤ *Busty Blonde Escort That Loves EROTIC PLAY ❤◀ ▓ - 23
(Portland, Downtown PDX * Pearl District * Incall)
Well Reviewed Brunette Bombshel Seductress Visiting Downtown PDX 6/21-- 6/24 - 38
(Portland, Downtown PDX)
80 qv special today only SWEET, sassy, classy and compassionate woman avaliable in and out call . - 28
(Portland, milwaukie)
UnFoRgEttAbLe AmAzInG ExPeRiEnCe WiTh tHe BeAuTiFuL GiRl NeXt-DoOr oF YoUr DrEaMs! Hi I'm Stacy!!! - 23
(Portland, All of Portland (OutCalls only))
Fri 10 Jan
Visiting ♢75/100/175 ♢Pretty Tiffani♢ Curvy Blonde ♢YUMMY ♢ smaller Bbw Vancouver in call onl - 22
(Portland, Vancouver incall)
::Try SOMETHING NEW For The New Years!!:: ((Cutie With a BOOTY Ready For YOU!)) - 23
(Portland, Vancouver Incall)
💦 Pick Me... The Real Deal 🔥1000% Real and Satisfaction Guarantee 💙 Private Ne Pdx Incall 💙 - 27
(Portland, Private Ne Portland Incalls and Out)
Mid-day specials with a brunette 36G girl next door - 28
(ne portland pdx incall/ outcall portland, Portland)