Wed 08 Jan
>!! THiCK && YUMMy ! -6O- ! BUSTy H0TT PLAYMATE ! -9O- ! A V A i A B L E - N 0 W ! -16O- ! ~ < - 23
xoxo ***GENUINE BEAUTY*** ~TruE GF ExperiencE~ SeXy CoMpAnIoNsHiP. U need ME! xoxo - 19
(airport area)
~~ Visiting Princess Only For Short Time *~~ Specials All Day ~~ - 29
(Incall Portland/ Outcall within 45miles)
_W E T_6'_T A L L _S P I N N E R_B L O N D E_T W O_ G I R L_S P E C I A L_T W O_D A N C E R S_ - 22
Wanna Makeout With A HOTT BLONDE * this is your chance 503 4751998 ♥ INCALL or OUTCALL - 34
(Portland, Portland all areas incall/outcall)
(¯`'.¸o° ♥ *WoW*:: CUTE BUSTY BRUNETTE : *"WoW * ♥ ° o¸.'´¯) - 22
(Portland area incall outcall allover)
☆Look at my VIDEO!!! Best ever scalp massage..kinky style. wink wink. Check me out☆ - 31
(Portland, by mall 205)
Mature Gents here I am---Treat Me Well----I am Worth it----38D's Curvy and Super nice--Very Discreet - 34
(Incall for discreet only/Outcall Too!)
▇▇ 👠Alyssa Morgan ▇▇ H🔥O🔥T ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ - 23
(Portland, Airport Area)
~~~ ))) & - NICE & RIGHT ((( * Brooke Lee Starsmen * SUPER FREAK - 20
130$ Outcall Expierienced, NO DISAPOINTMENTS, I'm availiable to make you happy! - 33
(Portland, Portland incall and outcall)
$100 Specials! ExOtIc SpAnIsH&EaSt; InDiAn Mix,Here For A Limited Time! 100% Real Pics or its FREE! - 21
(Portland, Portland Outcall/Incall)
100 WAY$$ to make you CoMe!!!...+ Sexy busty 40F's hott Specials NOW!! - 29
(Portland, portland, beaverton, gresham, vancouver)
►#❶★T✪✪ H✪T ★ Brea ★ BaBY*%*THe SeXieST BLaCK BaRbiE% Ѽ APPLE Ѽ BOTt✪m BOOTy% ★CaLL N✪W! - 25 - 25
(Portland, pdx locations)
***Why have 1 when 2 is the funnest....Come enjoy LAYLA LEE** AN COURTNEY MARIE**** - 23
(I/C near airport)
day-time party NE1? 💃 $120$SPECIAL lol hmm how to get warm...NE ideas??😉 - 26
(NE PORTLAND(incall), Beaverton, GreshamD, Portland)
come catch me while u can last nite Ashley 503.328.4702 - 21
(Portland, Portland gresham Vancouver incall outcal)
( T.E.R R e v i e w e d ) * P O L Y N E S i A N __P L A Y M A T E _*_ ( Gentlmens #1 CHOiCE - 21
(Tigard incall (outcall too))
Last Night in Portland Blonde bombshell Call for specials Incall and Outcall - 29
(Downtown incall/ outcall up to 45miles)
HoT SexY deLiGhT aVaiLaBie fOr U*R* PleaSurE** *36 dds **CuRveY * Blonde . . Sweetheart . ..•°*•°80 - 25
(Portland, Your place -- I c*um 2 u : ))
I love doing it, and IM GOOD AT IT ....100$ INCALL and OUTCALL 1 BLOCK OFF 205FWY NOW - 33
(Portland, Portland incall and outcall)
~ I StiLL Love IT TheRe~ ((CeRTiFieD ChoCoLaTe FreaK )) Be @s Freaky @s U Wanna - - 24
(Portland, pdx incall and outcall)
Tue 07 Jan
I NEED it from a mature older man, SPECIALS* violet is here 4 u ALL night. BUSTY BRUNETTE - 28
(Portland, BY the mall, clackamas, only INCALLS)
~*~ VaNcOuVeR~*~ FaCe Of aN AnGeL, BoDy Of a GoDdEsS ~*~60- InCall Special ~*~ oUtCall aVaiLaBle ~*~ - 28
(Portland, Vancouver/PDX/Longview)
petite light skinned ready to play $100 specials.... - 25
(Portland, convention pdx area.....$100specials)
💋LAST NIGHT N PortLand 💋 PERFECT PLAYMATE 💋 EXOTIC Latina💋 PRinsesS💋 $$ Specials - 23
~ LoNgViEw ~ 1OO SpEcIaL ~ BuStY BlOnDe PlAyMaTe ~ 1OO ~ IN/OUT - 28
(Portland, vanc/pdx/lv/kelso/chehalis)
*▓ ▒ *☆.•* L✪ ✪K *•.❤* ▒ ▓ * ♥ξ✖ΘΤϊ© CuTiξ ♥★*‧‐ *▓ ▒ *☆. •SPeCiaLs! *√✪*•.❤* ▒ ▓ * ☎$100 HH - 20
(Portland, OutCaLLs/ UR PlaCe Or MiNes)
Let Me Be YOUR Bad Girl!!!Specials All Night!!! Call Me!!! - 20
(Portland, Portland/Gresham/Tigard/Downtown/)
HOT BODY and a Fun Personality - Available Now! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, anywhere you want me!)
✨ HEY YOU... Yes, You. ✨ It's A.J. ✨ You've Been Wondering About Me For a While Now... ✨ - 52
(N Portland, Portland)
h --oottie & sweet t t ; %-;-% Curvey Sexy Blonde ... Don't miss this TREAT !!! ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ - 24
(incall pdx airport - - - outcall)
Half price til 10am* BEAVERTON* Blonde, 36DD* I/C ** 5033094178 - 40
(Portland, Beaverton Area Hotel)
* Gorgeous Green Eyed Brunette * Visiting * Incall And Outcall Specials * - 24
(Portland in call/ Outcalls everywhere)
* ( ¯`'.¸*¸.'´¯ ) * __FIRST CLASS QUEEN__ * ( ¯`'.¸*¸.'´¯ ) * - 19
(portland & surrounding areas)
Come & Get Sum 🍭MY Kitty is SWEET & JUICY like a LOLLIPOP🍭TNA verified & Guaranteed 2 Satisfy - 29
(Like Visa...Everywhere u want me 2 be..., Portland)
DANGEROUS CURVES: Smart, sweet, pretty BBW with a very talented mouth--Incall/Outcall - 29
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
College Cutie -:--- AmeriCan Beauty ! ..... cLiCK -- mE - For FuN ! - 32
(Beverton Vancouver. Camas gresham, Portland)
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ CLICK HERE __NEW PERFECTED BARBIE 1000% ME ASHLEY ___ ***** __ - - 22