Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan
💫💫💖Treat yourself to something SWEET&SEXY;💖💫💫 Your cuban Caramel goddess✨ask about SPECIALS✨ - 25
(Portland, Incall)
YoU KnOw YoU hAd A lOnG dAy At WoRk.. LeT tHe DeAl BrEaKeR CoMe To YoU !! - 23
(Portland, portland incall)
.:*♛*:. You deserve the ROYAL treatment .:*♛*:. Beaverton -Tanasbourne - 37
(Beaverton - Hwy 26/185th)
When ONLY the "BEST" will do!!!!😻 Erotic💋👠💄 Stellar Reviews 🐰 ACCURATE pics💜 BUSTY💜 - 40
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
WELL REVIEWED_____* SeXXXy * ------ * JUICY BOOTY* ----- * NymphO * ----- *{{I'M BACK }}* - 23
VISITING... Ultimate PLAYMATE 4"11 Puertorican Blend Here For You - 23
(Portland, Airport/ OUTCALLS all areas)
Would you cuddle with just anyone? How about me? ♡ BIG GIRLZ ROCK♡ Pretty in Pink New PICS! - 47
(Portland, Vancouver Incall)
(¯`'.¸ -:-X♥X__ (($100)) ___ SPECIALS___ ALL___ NIGHT-:-LONG__ X♥X-:- ¸.'´¯) - 21
WETTT, TIGHT _&_ YUMmmMmY __ KiTTy __* SouThEasT InCaLL *____ $7O, $1OO, $18O
(SouthEast InCall SpeciaLs)
~~ Visiting Princess Only For Short Time *~~ Specials All Day ~~ - 29
(Incall Portland/ Outcall within 45miles)
xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxo - 20
(Portland, pdx in & out)
🎀NEW🎀✨ Chocolate🍫💎 Sexy💁🏽💎 Classey Bombshell💣💎[AVAILABLE NOW!] 📲 - 21
(Gresham/P.D.X./VANCOUVER/Beaverton, Portland)
~ ~ ~ NEW PRO VYDE RRR ~ ~ ~ Great Refrences ~ ~ ~ Qualified To Leave You Satisfied ~ ~ ~ - 21
(Portland, incall outcall portland)
💋Highly Reviewed & Recommended. Private Incall/Outcall. CC accepted. Short notice okay. Lets Play💋 - 40
(Clackamas Town Center, Portland)
❶[ GORGEOUS ] ❤ [T_I_G_H_T ] ❤ [ BRUNETTE ] ❤[ BOMBSHELL ]❶ - 69
(My Secret Oasis I205 { se })
____HEAT WAVE SPECIALS _____~~~~~ CUTE BRUNETTE HOTTIE ~~~~~_____ _____ _______
❶[ GORGEOUS ] ❤ [T_I_G_H_T ] ❤ [ BRUNETTE ]❤[ BOMBSHELL ] SPeCiaLs - 23
(My Secret Oasis I205 {8o~12o~2oo})
{ _______ { Gorgeous - - - - Hot - - - - Girl - - - - Ready - - - - To - - - - - Please } ________ } - 20
HiGHLY aDDiCTiVe & H0RNY BBW! ❤ NaTuRaL 38EE GuaRaNTeeD 2 PLeaSe!❤ 100 $PeCiaL 2nite ❤ aLWays uP L8! - 29
(Portland, Incall SE Foster & Outcall Metro)
** (( ⚠BEST Rates in Town⚠ ))** — ☆— ** (( PETITE & DISCREET ))** — ☆— **(( Private Incall ))** —☆ - 26
(Portland Upscale Incall, Outcall 2!)
BEST M👅UTH SK!LLS ⏩⭐⏪ 🆕video ⏪⭐⏩ W💦T P💦§§Y⏩⭐⏪ HIGHLY REVIEWED⏪⭐⏩ DR0P UR L0âD H3R3 - 30
(IN & OUTCALL, Portland)
💎 Back In Town💎 #1 in customer satisfaction💎Incall Specials💎 - 21
(Portland, Beaverton Incalls, PDX, Tigard, Everywhe)
* *[visiting]* * _____ Sister Golden Hair _____ Blue Eyes _____ Busty _!_!_!_____ - 30
(Portland, downtown)
*•-:¦:-•* »--(¯`v´¯)-» C E R T i F i E D *2* S A T i S F Y »--(¯`v´¯)-» *•-:¦:-•*$100 OuTcALLs - 24
(Portland, PDX and Surrounding Areas)
»-(¯`v´¯)-» ((= best deal on BP =)) »-(¯`v´¯)-» ((= ITALIAN BEAUTY =)) »-(¯`v´¯)-» ((=5O SpEcIaLs=)) - 21
(Portland, Se Pdx Incalls /// Se powell blvd)
☆ ☆ V I S I T I N G ! ! •••►►•• S P E C I A L S •• ❶ REAL PHOTOS ❶ ◄••• ( Gorgeous ♥ Curves ) ☆ ☆ - 26
(Portland, ♥ SE Portland Incall Specials ♥)
Brand NEW exxOtic BARBIE DOLL~ 👙 🍭Tastes like...... candy🍭🍬real pictures.... real pleasure;)) - 21
(Medford, New in Medford!)
💋💋 Class, Elegance, Beauty and Pleasure. You Can Have It All! Call Shellee ~ 541-514-1062 💋💋 - 44
(Eugene, Eugene incall only)
2 Sexy Models are waiting Here for YOU to Frolic in a passion filled fantasy - 25
(Portland, Vancouver (close in))
★TrEAT YoUrSeLf To ThiS SmokiN HOT BRuNeTTE!★ EXOTIC GrEeN EyEs!❤★InCall SE Portland ★❤SPECIALS! - 26
(Portland, incall southeast 92nd ((SPECIALS)))
True Sensual Experience *** Trinity *** GFE *** Specials !!! .....Give me a call - 25
--»»» TiREd OF ThE FaKeS??? --»»» — CoMe ExPeRiEnce THE REAL DEAL NOW! «««-- - 20
(Portland, PDX Incall...)
The Best Is Waiting Just For You! ===☛ Puerto Rican ♥ China Doll ☚=== ALL FOR YOU
SWEET, BUSTY 40DD, Mature Brunette - I KNOW how to treat a man** SPECIALS 70/100/160* * NEW PICS* - 44
(clackamas/Happy Valley/ SE portland)
The "Full Package" #1 Pick * INCALL / OUTCALL AVAILABLE * Busty * Real Pics*Highly Reviewed - 39
(Portland, SE Portland/off 205)
The Girl Next Door... has a SEXY SECRET! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, 10 minutes away)
SWEET, BUSTY 40DD, Mature Brunette - I KNOW how to treat a man** SPECIALS* * NEW PICS* - 44
(clackamas/Happy Valley/ SE portland)
[×°-SuPeR sWeEt -°×] SuPeR SeXy [×°x°×yOuNg BrUnEeTtE pRiNcEsS-×°x°×] 99$ special 99$ special
(Your place or mine............)
*Wet Tight Spinner MychelleYoung* Available All Day&Night;!! So Come Play With Me Im Waiting 4 U..! - 21
(Airport/NE portland incall-outcall)
You could give me a pearl necklace for Valentine's and show me some ♡♡♡ BBW baby I am the one ! - 46
(Portland, Vancouver Incall)
xXx BrUnEttE BoMbShEll ~ PeRfEcT 10! xXx FRESH, TIGHT & WET xXx - 21
(Downtown Upscale Incall, Outcalls Too!)
————❤———— YOUR ———— # ❶ ———— PERFECT ———— CHOICE ———— BREATHTAKING ———— BLONDE ————❤ ———— - 21
(Portland, incall all night)
::*:: ((( X-R=A=T=E=D ))) ::*:: ((( P=L=E=A=S=U=R=E - G=I=R=L))) ::*:: - 20
(**Portland Incall/Outcall To You**)
YES that is really my ASS!! I am One Naughty, Thick, Delicious, Woman... VANCOUVER INCALL!! - 47
(Portland, Vancouver)
When ONLY the "BEST" will do*NEVER Settle for LESS *SEDUCTIVE *BUSTY*Highly Reviewed - 39
(Portland, SE Portland)
XxX RaTeD Nympho! (( Skills that Drive U Wild.....)) ☆ WELL REVIEWED ☆ - 19
(Beaverton , Tigard incall)
🔥🔥well reviewed . passionate , TALENTED .. 🔥hot and ready TO PLAY !24/7 short notice ok. - 35
(Portland, 181st and burnside area)
____ ♛ ( SuP€r ♥ K¡Nk¥! ;) ♛___ (S€Xii♥Blonde)_ ♥ _70Q•• 100HH-Spls Now - 24
(Portland, ✔Airport/Van ♥in•Out)
*~*~* SUPER NAUGHTY GIRL NEXT DOOR ~ Blonde Tall Slender Long Legs Perfect Ass *~*~* - 21
(Convention Center Upscale Incall)
•°• ☆•°•Submissive ♥ Kinky JAPANESE mix BOMBSHELL ♥ 130 Hr Special ! •°• ☆•°• - 22
(Portland, incall)
NEW PICS 👀 ONLY the "BEST" will due💜 INCALL/OUT*Stellar Reviews 🐰 ACCURATE pics💜 BUSTY💜 - 40
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
•☆**New. SexY..SWeeT. .Volumptous . Blue EyEd - 36DD's BLONDE CuTiE •☆•80 specials - 24
(Portland, Your place - i c*u*m 2 u : ))