Sun 05 Jan
New 36DDD🌹🍒 💞🌴 Puerto Rican EXOTIC playmate!👸💞💋💋👍👍💘💘👋👋💎💎💎🔍🔍🔍 🌴 🌴🍦🍭 bombshell - 22
(Portland, Vancouver, Portland Outcalls only)
GET WILD with Me! Available for Fun Now! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
ExOtiC BeAuTy!! KINKY HoT AnD ReAdY ! *•* ONE OF A KIND *•* ExOtiC *•* KnOcKOuT - 28
(Portland, Between you legs or mine gresham)
Exotic - { Ebony & Brazilian } - Bombshell *-*{100% ME or it's Free!!}*-* - 23
(Able to Travel (PDX, Eugene,Bend, SEA)
Exotic Latina Mix ready to play 100% satisfaction, 24hr Outcall ♥♡ - 23
(Portland, N.E 82nd and Fremont)
_______________ ** Elite Upscale Playmate ** ________ 100% BOMBSHELL - 24
(Portland, ★•◄ Outcall/Incall *•★•◄)
Exotic, Gorgeous, & Available ;-) OUTCall SPECIALS!! - 22
(Portland, Portland Outcall & Surrounding areas :-))
EXOTIC LaTiNA: * . O F : * . Y O U R : * . D R E A M S : * . : - 26
(Portland, Portland, Oregon)
() BROOKE () VERY SEXY () Have Me Your Way () And The Pleasure Is All MInes () - 20
(Portland and all other areas)
Cambodian Mixed Beauty , Busty👙, Curvy ⏳ BOMBSHELL!!! Are You Ready To Have A Great Time? -ELEASE - 21
Call for the BEST Experience in Portland, 2 Girl Special!!! - 22
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas :-))
(((BOYS PLAY WITH TOYS))) ((MEN PLAY WITH ME))100 iN/OuTcAll SpECIaLs*** tigard,l.o - 21
***Call Now * (¯`'.¸ ♔¸.'´¯) EXPERIENCE THE BEST (¯`'.¸ ♔¸.'´¯) Marie *** - 23
(Salem, Salem Outcall)
★•BUSTY • ★☆— •☆•—((✰ SMOKIN' HOT BOMBSHELL✰))—★☆ •5-STAR• ★☆ CATCH ME WHILE YOU CAN!! ← ← ← - 21
(Portland, PDX Incall/Outcall Specials Everywhere!)
❤ BuSTy, SWeeT, PeTiTe! THe PeRFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT! ❤ uP LaTe & aLWayS ReaDy 2 PLay!! ❤ 75 $pecial! - 29
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
. Busty . . Blonde .Sweetie ... . Amazing Skills . . .. Waiting to Please ..... ... You!!!! - 24
(your place)
BrOoKeLyNnE ..xoxo.. BRAND NEW LOOK!!! Same Brooklynne, New Look ..xoxo.. - 21
☆★BRooKLyNNe★☆PerFEct ENERGIZER for YouR BeaUtIfuLL SunDay MoRNing..XoXo.. - 22
(Portland, WHeReVeR you WaNT Me ;))
✨ BuSTy & BeauTiFuL BRuNeTTe BBW! ♥ NaTuRaL 38EE GuaRaNTeeD 2 PLeaSe! ✨ 75 $PeCiaL ♥ CaLL Day R NiTe - 29
(Incall SE Foster & Outcall Metro, Portland)
BiG BoOty LoVers ==>Click HERE< == ( ( InCaLL & OutCaLL ) ) * Super SpeciaLs *
(South East InCalls OutCalls 2)
(.) (.) ~ (.) (.) 80 Incall Specials!! Busty and Luscious Brunette!! (.) (.) ~ (.) (.) - 22
(Beaverton Incall & Outcalls)
*80 IN/OUTCALL 24/7* Discreet, Sensual Fun With A Hot & Bothered Delicious BBW will cater2U! - 23
(Portland, IN/OUTCALL 24/7)
5Star ★ UpScale Quality Companion Forget the Rest ★ Spend time With the Best - 22
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♫ ▃▅▆▆▅▃❤A ▓ B ▓ S ▓ O ▓ L ▓ U ▓ T▓ E ▓ L▓ Y ❤ A▓ M▓ A▓ Z ▓ I ▓ N ▓ G ▅▆▆▅ ♫ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - - 28
(Portland, incall--OUTCALL For 6 hrs ONLY)
$70 special NEW***Sexy Blonde ready to make your rocket explode - Pdx airport in call - 21
(Portland, Pdx airport incall)
5038945522❤ E R ∅ T i C ❤ Specials ❤ Y U M M Y ❤ TreAT ❤ (( ♥AVAiLABLE ♥)) ( ♥NOW )5038945522 - 24
(Portland, Portland/Vancouver/gresham)
_____(( **1OO% Real Girl**__That Knock On The Door Is Me!!!!__**1OO% Real Service** ))___________ - 25
(Your Place baby)
▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡▄♡ —BRUNETTE ———▐ ►* GIRL NEXT DOOR—————▐ ►* ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ - 28
Young Exotic Open Minded Red Bone Here To Please You! Come hav fun with the birthday GIRL!! - 23
💦💦💥Your Place 💥___$1OO Special [TODAYS SPEC.] Avail Now 💥💥 OuTCaLL 💦💦💥 - 22
(Portland, Your Place 🌸)
Your Dream Girl * SEXY * MEXICAN * PRINCESS * 100% Real * Specials * Available Now * Ahoritia - 23
xXx PERFECT 10 Brunette Bombshell xXx Breathtaking Beauty xXx Let Me Blow Your Mind! xXx - 21
(Your Place or Mine Anytime ;))
💋🆕Young·Talented·🔝GFE💋 🍬🍰🍬Yummy·CANDYGIRL!¡!🍬🍰🍬 Available*24/7 - 23
(Portland, portland💋Incall/Outcall)
x--New--100 h h---StArt OR End YOUR Nite -((* R*I*G*H*T**)) x--x With THIS —x ((BLONDE)) x—DELIGHT * - 25
(Portland, your place- - i come 2 u : - ))
♦ ♦ YouR DaYTiMe DaRLiNG ♦ ♦ a DiaMoND iN THe RouGH! ♦ ♦ BeaTiFuL & BuSTy BBW! ♦ ♦ $PeCiaLs aLWaYs! - 29
(Incall SE Foster & Outcall Metro, Portland)
(( T.G.I.F. SpecialS )) Come Explore This BUSTY BLONDE (( * AVAILABLE NOW * )) - 24
(Portland & Surrounding)
Sweet ~ SEXY, Exotic BoMBSHELL ,oNly iN town a few dAyS dont miSs me °¤¤° SPECIALS NOW °°°* - 30
(Portland, Portland/ Beaverton/ Gresham)
Sweet^N^ Sexy Kinky Playmate.. Thick*N* Rite Spots... Da* Im waiting. 50 O/C 4 1 Hr - 23
(Portland, ne portland)
Sat 04 Jan
Xo __ ☆REVIEWED( *FLAWLESS hott BLONDE* ) ♥Amazing Body ( *1OO% REAL* ) ☆ __ Xo - 23
(Portland, outcall Portland surrounding areas)
***What a Nasty day....Come spend it inside w/ LISA...IM FEELING ***(in call special) - 26
(Portland, pdx/surounding areas)
♛ █ ♛ Your EXOTIC PRINCESS Has Arrived ♛ █ ♛ - 25
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas)
Weekend HR SPECIAL!!~~ Classy ~~ REVIEWED ~~ Attentive~~ TRUE Blue Eyed BLONDE ~~ - 25
(Portland, Portland & Surrounding Outcall)
: ★ :: yOuR OwN : ★ :: cUrvY ExOtiC : ★ :: LaTiNa : ★ ::!100$$$$ - 20
(Southeast Portland, SE portland INCALL/OUTCALL)
~~ Visiting G>R==K> Princess Only For Short Time *~~ Specials All Day ~~ - 29
(Incall Portland/ Outcall within 45miles)
~VISITING~ The Ultimate Companionship ~SEXY One OF a Kind ~ Specials! - 24
(Eugene, Portland, Salem)
%New pics ☆in and outcall avalible now ☆business clASS Petite SpiNNer BombShell - 31
(Mall 205 incall-outcall portland outcall, Portland)
New number 💎💎💎SPECIALS!! BAD GIRLS DO IT BETTER!!💎 porn princess in town...509-318-5480💎💎 - 28
(Portland, Outcall all areas, tigard incall)
⭐NeW GirL in TowN⭐$$100hr💜💋ExoTiC, EroTiC, SweeT & SeDuctivE GirL NexT DooR!!💋💜 - 29
(PDX, Gresham, Beaverton and surrounding, Portland)
★ HOT❤ BIG TITTIE ★ ✔ for you to unwind & unload ✔ - 28
(Portland, vancouver incall portland outcall)
( HiGHLY R e v i e w e d ) im EVERYTHiNG you've been SERCHiNG for + SOoOoO much MORE! - 21
(Tigard incall/outcall too)
~ Happy 4th! ~ I'm Back! ~ 100 Outcall Special! ~ Sexy Beauty With All The Right Moves~ - 46
💋😘💦Have your Sexiest💑 Dreams 💋❤️Come True With Portlands Most >Exotic Bombshell!! - 21
Black & Asian Persuasion Ready To Cater To Your Every Needs... (Outcalls) - 23
(Portland, Portland/Beaverton/Vacouver/Salem)
•☆*BooB LuVERS wELC*um~incall~ SWeeT~ Blue EyEd- 36DdDs BLONDE CuTiE •☆•80 specials - 25
(Portland, your place or mine~~ portland and around)
♥ BeauTiFuL BuSTy BBW! ♥ My NaTuRaL 38EEE NeVeR FaiL To PLeaSe! ♥ 75 special 2nite! - 28
(Portland, Outcall/Incall)
🔥Betcha I can bring you to your knees while i am on mine 🔥INCALL NEAR AIRPORT . OUTCALL EVERYWHERE - 36
(outcall portland incall near the airport, Portland)
💋❤️ BLONDE • BUBBLY • HORNY! ❤️💋 HAPPY HUMP DAY! Discreet&professional;💋💋 Vancouver in/out! 80QV - 26
(Portland, 💋VANCOUVER IN/OUT💋)