Tue 07 Jan
~*~*~ UP ALL NITE ~ AT YOUR REQUEST ~*~*~ JUST FOR YOU ???*~*~ ~*~*~*~ *~ *~* - - 25
(Portland, Portland Outcall all areas / vancouver)
** Top of the line ** BruNetTE BOMBshell // SpecialZ! ** 100% SATISFYing eXperience ************ - 24
(Portland, Portland*Clackamas*Gresham*Vancouver)
Tonight Only * HOT MAKE OUT SESSION PLUS MORE * Big Nipples * Fiery redhead - 26
(Portland, Vancouver/Portland Outcalls)
*:.★.:* THICK IN ALL THE RIGHT PLACES!! *:.★.:* - w4m (Incall/ Outcall) - 25
🍍🌸🍹Undescribable Fun 🍉🌴🍉 Slippery When W🌊t Fun🍹🌸🍍 - 24
(Portland, Portland, Gresham, Milwaukee Incall)
★ 【ThE】 ★ 【STuFF】 ★ 【DiRtY】★ 【DREaMS】 ★ 【ArE】 ★ 【MaDE】 ★ 【OF】★Sinful specials - 28
(Portland, gresham, PICS TAKEN RIGHT NOW)
ULTiMATE **D*R*E*A*M **GiRL** ((bRE Ath**tAki Ng)) -b-L-o-N-dE **BOMb ShELL!!*!!*!!* - 23
(Portland, se incall)
✈✈ ♥Top Choice♥ Super Sexy✈Amazing Ebony✈C@LL ThE BeSt NoW♥ - 24
★TrEAT YoUrSeLf To ThiS SmokiN HOT BRuNeTTE!★Tan&ToNeD; ❤★InCall southeast Portland ★❤SPECIALS! - 26
(Portland, incall southeast 92nd ((SPECIALS)))
###Tasty Est Indian Hottie/Desi ##out-call! - 27
(Portland, pdx and surrounding areas &upscale; hot)
TIFFANYS @ Ur Service Theres No Other Lady Like Click Here To C 360 771 6392 KISSES - 23
(Portland, Portland surrounding areas incall only)
The Best just got Better, come get a taste of something different...! - 20
(Portland, Portland Metro)
•*¨ ✿ ¨*• TRAVELING? •*¨ ✿ ¨*• 100% REAL •*¨ ✿ ¨*• PHOTOS •* Dont BE ALONE - 25
(Portland, outcalls to pdx and surrounding cities)
The Girl Next Door has Secret
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In your arms ;))
~~Tomboy Delight~~Enjoy a lovely session of relaxation and rejuvenation~~ - 31
(Northwest Portland, NW Portland)
✺▃▃▃✺▃▃▃✺▃▃▃✺ ✺▃▃▃✺▃▃▃✺▃▃▃✺ Amazing Asian Hot & SEXY ✺▃▃▃✺▃▃▃✺▃▃▃ ✺971-347-9600 ✺▃▃▃✺▃▃▃✺ ▃▃▃✺ - 21
❗️🔥100% ReaL MiXeD & ExoTic GoddeSS! 👑💕💅🏽NO Games NO Wasted Time❗️❗️ - 22
(PDX Airport Location, Portland)
⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕ 3 GIRLS NOW ⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕ NAUGHTY ASIAN ⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕ Explore your WILD FANTASIES ⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕ 5038868538⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕ - 21
(NORTH PORTLAND near Vancouver ⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖, Portland)
The Most ORGASMIC & SEXiest! UR mouth waters U DRIP I'M stretched out on my bed - 29
(Portland, Discreet Residential SE Incall W/ac)
S*w*e*e*t D*e*l*i*g*h*t -- Your Treat Tonight!! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In your arms ;))
☆ ☆ Sweet Petite Cutie ☆ ☆ One of A Kind ☆ ☆ $pecials - 29
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas Outcalls)
Sweetheart with an Edge that is Sexy and Delightfully Uninhibited!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
Sweet... Seductive... Sensual... ~ Brittney Love ~ ...The Cure For Your Sweet Tooth(; - 19
(Portland, Portland Airport)
❌SPECIALS❌ 👄Blonde Bombshell 💔Lovely Alaira💔 Addicting Upscale COMPANION👄 ❌SPECIALS❌ - 26
(Beaverton, Beaverton/Hillsboro)
*****Beautiful, Sweet, Intelligent, Caramel Skin Cutie is waiting for YOU**Lets have some fun!!***** - 25
::: Seeking an Rare | Exceptional Female for a possible change of Life. Not just a job. ::: - 100
(Portland, Nationwide)
* YUng THICK EBony GODdess * Kum RELEAVE Your PRESssure All OVER MY Body * &==========D (): - 20
****++ Young Sweet Asian College Girl ****++ Filipina BOMBSHELL Upscale Provider ++**** - 21
(Portland, Portland Metro Area / Vancouver)
♡♡♡——— ▄▀▄ YOUR FaNTaSY GiRL iS HeRe CaLL ME !! AVAiLABLE &i;'M FeeLiNG FReaKY ♡♡♡——— ▄▀▄ - 22
(Portland, With You Anytime • OutCaLL SPECiALS)
YoUr LaTiNa FaNtAsY GiRlFrIeNd! $125 SpEcIaL! Safe Downtown Incall/Outcall - 19
Your Perfect TEMP GIRLFRIEND.. ((( Available Right Now everyday $100 Special ))) - 24
(Portland, IN-OUT 24/7 ALL PDX)
__ __ _____ _____ _____ _ ___ Y_O_U_R _ _____D_R_E_A_M_ _ ____ ____G_I_R_L ___ ____ ____ - 20
YouVe SeeN ThE ResT .. NoW TakE A LooK AT BEST .. BoDy2BoDy SPECiALS .. CALL ME - 20
(Portland, PDX iNCaLL • OutCaLLs aLL Over)
🔥 YOUNG & SEXY 🔥 Your Night Will Be Unforgettable 💋💦💕 - 21
(Portland, Vancouver Washington / Portland Oregon)
★*★————_———— ★ Y O U R ★ B E S T ★ K E P T ★ S E C R E T ★ ————_————★★ - 21
============ ========= Your BODY = by BAILY ============ (( Big BuTT HoTTiE! )) == (( BiG TiTs!! )) - 25
(Portland, (((((( YOUR HOTEL ROOM )))))))
VISITING Dynamic Duos * SUPER BUSTY * 2 Days ONLY {{Airport Incall}} * SPECIALS* - 34
(Portland, Airport Area)
SUPER Saturday a Night SPECIAL. SALEM. In call or out call $140 WOW. EUGENE. late night SWEET $100 WOW - 35
(Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, EUGENE,SALEM ,ALBANY,, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
✈✈♥ TAKE A LOOK!!♥ ExOtIc BoDy ♥WeLL ReViEwEd & DiScREEt •••>DUOS TOO••• C@LL ThE BeSt NoW!! - 25
(((((( SuNDay NIGHT SatisfactioN )))))) ((((( You deserve )))))((((( Try Me ))))) - 20
(Lake Oswego Incall/ Outcalls)