Fri 03 Jan
🌹🍒UpSc@le & ClAss¥ Sp°nn€r🍒 @ll N@tural & Skilled 💋🌹 💋ready to make your dreams a reality!! 🌹 - 24
(Portland, Wilsonville)
██ ► VERY Exotic Playmate - ► 1OO% REAL ██ ► - 25
(Portland, ptld, beav,gresh, Washington state areas)
Take a Look at These Natural 38EEE! ___ Guaranteed To Please!! ____ 75 Independence Day $PECIAL! - 26
(Portland, Outcall/Incall)
❤ ☎ Super SeXy Tayl0R Di0R ❤ ☎ Available N0W ---> Well Reviewed❤ - 25
(Portland, se ptdl. off 205 incall/outcall)
★ ( S—w—€—€—T————— L—!—k—€ ————— H—o—N—€—y ——————°ó §—U—P—€—R————°ó §—€—X—Y! ★ - 21
(Portland, *Incall & Outcall*)
Sunday Special AllDay Xotic Sexxy Mixed beauty!!!! - 23
Sweet as cupcake🎂 well reviewed💖 vip treatment from head to toe💋 - 25
(Portland, Vancouver incall- outcall available)
◥◣ SUPER _BUSTY ♥♥♥ Sensual TOUCH ♥♥♥ 38 DDD's RELAXATION ♥_ Soothing _BODY RUBS - - 31
(Portland, se Incall & Hotel Outcall)
*StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *sO SExY :*: ChEcK mE OuT :*: *No DiSaPPOinTmEnTs - 21
(Portland, pdx area incall/outcall)
Specials -:¦:- Well Reviewed Blue Eyed Allie Kat Leaving Soon So Don't Miss out! -:¦:- - 30
(Portland, Off 205 by Airport Incall and Outcall)
SuPeR SexXxy HONEY} Visiting PORTLAND, OR *Available NOW* Incall / Outcall - 23
(Portland & Surrounding In / Out)
Sunday's Naughtie Playmate seeking New Naughtie Friends!! SPECIAL 100 SPECIAL - 28
New Sexy Pics.... Feelin Frisky tonight... INCALL SPECIAL TONIGHT - 35
(Janzen Beach Incall/ Outcall Anywhere)
❤ ✘ℴ ▃▃▃THE BEST AROUND▃▃▃ Making Fantasies C.u.M True▃▃▃ Booty Lovers #1Pick Avαiℓαbℓe➜ ⓝⓞⓦ▃▃▃ ✘ℴ - 25
(INCALL & OUTCALL AVAIL 24/7, Portland)
Open minded, Fetish Friendly with a Gorgeous Body - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, In town, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
NEW(¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) ☆ SEXY(¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) CURVY(¯`'·. ¸☆¸. `'´¯) BLONDE ☆ (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) - 24
(Portland, Portland/Vancouver incall& outcall)
•★•NEWGIRL, New To Town•★☆★•Put Me To The Test, IMTHEBEST•☆★☆•Sexy Young&Unique; Asian Bombshell•★• - 20
(Portland, Hillsboro Incall/Outcall All Areas)
•☆**New. SexY..SWeeT. .Volumptous . Blue EyEd - 36DD's BLONDE CuTiE •☆•80 specials - 24
(Portland, Your place - i c*u*m 2 u : ))
NEW ★ LOCATiON ☆ Come See Me! ♥ ♥ ♥ SunDaY NiGHt ☆ LoW RaTeS ★ Call Me ★ Avail NoW - 22
(Southeast Portland, Portland)
❇ NeeD aN oaSiS iN uR WeeK? ❇iNDuLGe iN THe PeRFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT! ❇ 75 $PeCiaL ❇ CaLL DaY oR NiTe - 29
(Incall/Outcall, Portland)
▓██████████▓▒【★ NEW GIRL AREA★ 】▒▓███████████▓▒【★BLONDE 5 STAR★ HOTTIE ★ 】░▒▓███████████ - 19
(Portland, Incall/outcall all of portland area, PDX)
•☆• Its my passion •☆• to give you PLEASURE •☆• 100 SPECIALS •☆• - 23
(Portland, se Incall / outcall)
____LAST Night in [HILLSBORO] ____ [Duos] Don't MISS ME..... - 23
(Portland, Hillsboro incall Beaverton Pdx outcall)
Incal* ((== SeXy ==)) °o&° ((=Latina=)) &©°((= GoDdEsS =)) ((=AdDiCtIvE =)) ° 100 incall special - 25
(incall/outcall/portland & surrounding)
InCall SpEcIaL «+» NeW «+» 24/7 «+» FuN BooTy BrUnEttE «+» New PiCs - 24
(Portland, Vancouver iNCALL/OUTCALL)
Get your dose of 🌞sunshine! All natural💞 WELL reviewed & 💯REAL!! - 24
(Portland, Vancouver incall and outcall)
F@NT@C¥& F€TI§H €xP€RT :: ((( 80/100/200)) :: Ur FoRbIdd€N FrUiT VaN I/C & O/C §p€cIaLs - 25
(Portland, VANCOUVER incall 80/100/200&OUT; 140/240)
F€TI§H €xP€RTS🎄Specials 🎅1 girl 8o 2 for 160 Big Booty Blondes ☆highly reviewed🎄🎁🎀 - 25
(Portland, Vancouver☎🔜☏HoHoHo🎅)
( =F_L_I_R_T_Y= _ ; _ =E_X_O_T_I_C = _ BE_A_U_T_Y = ) °•* - 20
💎 FREE SESSIONS-details below💎BEST DUOS in town-ask me why???? 💎 NEW Pics💎 NAUGHTY SUGARBABYneeds a new daddy💎100DEALS - 28
(Portland, incall- Se PDX)
~*~EXOTIC ~*~MEXICAN~*~ Princess~*~ LAST NIGHT N TOWN~*~24/7~*~ estoy aquí en Beaverton $$$SPECIALS$ - 23
**** ExXtReMe SpEcIaLs OnLy ToNiTe BiG BoOty SuPeR FrEaKy HoT LaTina **** - 20
(Portland, *incall/ outcall* portland)
✿ExOt!C Am@Z!nG P!Cs ✿ CALL NOW ✿ 100 SpEc!@L ✿ - 23
(Portland, SE/Gresham Incall & Outcall Everywhere)
Exotic EuRoPeAn Busty Brunette Babe «»GiRlFrIeNd MaTeRiAl«» Late NiGhT SPECIALS - 20
___California's FINEST! ---> New Girl} ||* NOW VISITING *|| Sexy Brunette DoLL! - 23
(Portland & Surrounding Incall / Outcall)
. . . . . Call Kim - Curvy Redhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 32
(outcall only to pdx and surrounding area, Portland)
_____ ♥ _______________ BUSTY PETITE BOMBSHELL _______________ ♥ _____ - 25
CALL NOW•♡• NaTuRaL BeAuTy•♡•Well Reviewed •Discreet•♡• Sensual & Sweet ♡•Visa/ Mastercard Too - 24
☎{♥} CaN u HaNdLe Me? ★ WeLL ReV!eWeD ★ ★ SwEeT PLaYmAtE ★ - 23
bubbly blonde buxom beauty special 60$ incall 80$ outcall special - 22
(Portland, north portland incall outcall everywhere)
❤- BuSTy & SWeeT!... THe PeRFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT! ❤ NaTuRaL 38DD ❤ 75 $PeCiaL ❤ aLWayS uP LaTe! - 29
(Portland, Incall SE Foster & Outcall Metro)
*BReaST LoVers* 100 WaYs to make u come & keep u Coming Back!! 100 special - 29
(Portland, gresham beaverton vancouver)
C°_°A°_°N° ___°Y °_°O°_° U° __ °H°_°A°_°N °_°D °_°L °_° E° _°M_E* $100 special - - 23
(Portland, Incall-Outcall)
(( Brunette )) ______________ 100 ______________ _____________ (( Gresham in/out )) - 19
(Portland, Gresham in out)
BRAND NEW To Portland...If You Love Spicy LATINAS You Will Love Me :) - 22
(Portland, Downtown Portland)
ೋ•* (•B•U•S•T•Y•) (B•L•O•N•D•E•) (•P•L•A•Y•M• A•T•E•) U'LL WÅN† M Eೋ• { NÅUGHT¡EST BL0NDE ON BP! ) - - 23
(Portland, Vancouver Incall PO AIRPORT OUTCALL 247)
(( BREAST LOVERS DELIGHT ))---(( BUTTERY N!PPLES ))---(( Mmmm Tasty ))!! - 25
(Portland, Lloyd Center INCALL/OUTCALL)
☆ BuSTy, SWeeT, PeTiTe! THe PeRFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT! ☆ uP LaTe & aLWayS ReaDy 2 PLay!! ☆ 75 $pecial! - 28
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
afternoon deLiGhT & all night** *36 dds * ** SexY**Curvey * Blonde . . Sweetheart . ..°*°80 - 25
(Portland, / outcall - portland & around)
AHOY MATEYS!!!... Buried Pleasure... The Booty You've Been Searching for!!! Maci Jay at your service!!! A REAL WILD CHILD!!! - 28
(Ic/oc ALL AREAS, Portland)
75/125 $peCiaLs ♡ MeLT n My MouTH NOT n My HanDs ~ GuaRanTeed FUN ♡ 505-688-3167 ♡ 40DDDs ♡ Call NOW - 39
(Portland, Incall Van. Outcall Pdx/Bev/Tig/Grshm)
$40 OFF Session ToDay ONLY ;) BrUneTTe w/ B00ty & BeAuTy ;) - 23
(Portland, Vancouver iNCALL/OUTCALL)
♥•======• ♥A KNOCK OUT♥•======•♥ 100.180 C@LL NoW!!! - 23
**$75 incall special, TGIF**Blonde Bella**Exotic,Petite**I'm not greedy, jus a lil needy** - 28
(Portland, incall/outcall)
80 qv Special.BuSinESS WoMan, clASSy proFeSSional .Do NOT TexT/CaLLs OnlY. - 28
(Portland, Oregon city)
《5O3.891.9147 》★Satisfaction Gerenteed ★1OO% Real Girl Real Service★ SandyBlvd I/C《7O.1OO.16O 》 ★ - 25
(Portland, pdx I-205 Sandy Blvd Incall outcall)
▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ 80HH/140fh▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ SATISFYING M❤UTH ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ Private home incall ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ 2 GIRLS SPECIAL - 30
(Portland, vancouver incall & OUTCALL everywhere)
█►80 I/C & O/C SPECIAL ★100% REaL ExOTic LaTiNa★ $80 SPeCiAl ◀█ - 20
(Portland, *incall/ outcall* portland)
______ ☆ YoUnG, Nympho , FrEaKy JaPaNesE CoLLeGe CuTiE ☆ ______ - 20
(portland /incall & outcall)