Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
💦💋Popular Demand✨StiLL awAKe Fun UpScale seXy choColaTe 🍫💋 WaitIng for YoU💦💦 - 21
(Portland, Portland 82)
NEWPICS👑💋One Of A Kind - NOAMI- Jaw dropping Athletic Figure👑💋 CALLNOW!😍TNAVerfied😘 - 21
(Hillsboro Oregon, Portland)
24/7(JUICY B0X) MAJOR LEAGUE ALWAYS A HOME RUN! World Class Hottie! SPEC! ((125) Flawless BoDy! 105lbsI - 24
(Portland, DWNTWN PearlDist. W.Hill N. Harbor NW SW)
💫💫💖Treat yourself to something SWEET&SEXY;💖💫💫 Your cuban Caramel goddess✨ask about SPECIALS✨ - 25
(Portland, Incall)
_________ ★ V.I.P. Blonde Playmate * 100 Specials All Day Long ★ ________ - 20
(Portland, Beaverton off 26fwy UPSCALE INCALL-100 !)
** Ultimate TEASER & PLEASER, Pure BLISS! ~ Special 120hh/200h** - 39
(Portland, Beaverton/SW Pdx/Sylvan/Hwy 26)
°U° __ °N° __ °B° __ °E° __ °L° __°I° __ °V° __ °E° __ °B°__ °L°__ °E° - - 23
(Downtown Portland ** incall)
:-)💋💘❤❤❤ hot young sexy blonde barbie waiting to have some fun special 80$hhr special❤❤❤💘💋 :-) - 19
(Portland, Portland ,loyd center , gresham)
♥ —————— • Hawaiian / Asian Sinful MIX• ————— ♥ all day ♥ ————— • ( 120 HR SPECIAL ) • ————— ♥ - 22
(Portland, 120 hr incall special)
** A/C** Ultimate TEASER & PLEASER, Pure BLISS! **A/C 100HH/180HR SPECIAL ** - 39
(Portland, Beaverton/SW Pdx/Sylvan/Hwy 26)
| Absolutely STUNNING | HoTtEsT GiRl NeXt DoOr | 100% Real Pics & Well Reviewed! | - 21
(Portland Incall/Outcall)
💦New l😘😘k 👑 No Rush 👑Dripping W💦💧T 💋bombshell💎RedBone💕 - 22
(Portland, portland and surrounding areas)
_______* TaKe A PeEk* @ ThE ★___MAiN ATTRACTiON___ ★ CURVES AHEAD ===== >>>>> - 23
💖Playful tan blonde college girl is ready for some fUn💕100qv 280hr🔥 2NITE ONLY - 24
(Portland, iNCALL ONLY)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* Portland's Sexiest Brunette Bunny *-:¦:-* PERFECT 10! *-:¦:-* Young & Fresh *¨¨* - 21
(PDX Upscale Incall, Outcalls Too!)
Men like watching football, I just like playing with balls! ---- Vancouver/205! - 43
(Portland, Vancouver/MillPlain/205!)
MIXED EBONY CUTE ATHLETIC upscale incall in BEAVERTON cute educated 420 FRIENDLY - 22
iM New & Rare.. Beautiful & MiXeD !! 80$ INcall Special.. AllNight !! - 20
(Portland, LLoyD CeNter INcall.. Upscale Outcalls)
————— ——————————— ♥ E X O T I C . P E T I T.E . A S I A N. .P L A Y M A T E♥ ————— ———————— - 23
(Portland, 24/7 ♥ incall)
¶¶¶💋💕 Ebony EyeツCandy👅💋💕⇨[Well Reviewed] 👀Upscale 💋Sweet & Curvy💋34DDs⇨CALL NOW¶¶¶ - 25
:☠: [ DROP ] :☠: [ DEAD ] :☠: [ GORGEOUS ] :☠: [BOMBSHELL] - 23
(My Secret Oasis Off i205 s.e)
/////.../ end -- your day PURRRRRRRFECT w/ this WILD...CAT.. - 21
~*~*~ Brunette ~ Beauty ~ With ~ Amazing ~ Booty ~*~*~ - 19
(Portland, Beaverton, Portland, Nearby Locations)
. Baby.... Come An Get it You Can Have It... Special 50 hh in call only - 20
(Portland, portland/gresham/troudale)
( ♛ )—•—( B L o N D e )—•—( B o M B S H e L L )—•—( C a L L )—•—( ♛ ) - 31
(Portland, Dreams Do Come True....)
**A/C 💕♥ Ultimate 💋 TEASER & PLEASER 💋 Pure BLISS! 💕♥ A/C** - 41
(Portland, Beaverton/SW Pdx/Sylvan/Hwy 26)
♡When ONLY the "BEST" will do ♡ Stellar Reviews ♡ SUPER Hot Pics & ACCURATE ♡ BUSTY♡Short Hair - 39
(Portland, SE Portland)
•••► ♥ I'm all you need and more♥ ◄••• ( HoT = LaTiNa __PLaYmATe! ) - 26
(Portland, Upscale downtown INCALL/ outcalls 2 you)
.e♥Let Me show you Quality..AtItsBest 💸Pleasure ♥H€ad On D€Mand ♥GOOD Morning STR€ss Reliever♡♥ - 24 - 25
(Portland, Se pdx)
💥 PaRaDiSe PlEaSuReS💋💥 ThE bEsT 💦 💯 jUiCeBoX 💥 I sAY yEs💥 i CaNt SaY nO 💥 ➡️ FUN ⬅️💥 - 25
(Medford, incall/outcall) Ashland grants pass)
extremly fun warning looking for men who love excitement - 22
(Portland, portland 82nd incall outcall)
*¨¨*-:¦:* ELITE -:¦:-* InToXxXiCaTiNg *-:¦:-* UPSCALE HOTTIE*¨¨* Perfect 10! - 21
(PDX Incall/Outcall)
AngelEyes BabyFace GoddessBody! Sweet, Sexy, Petite & Busty BEST CHOICE 100%REAL PICS! - 20
. Baby.... Come An Get it You Can Have It... Special 75 h in call only - 20
(Portland, portland/gresham/troudale)
Angelika Starr !!! ..Upscale Portland InCall - A hot Blonde MILF... Ready to Please . ***** - 32
(portland and Beaverton off 217)
XxX*¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨* (D) * (E) * (L) * (I) * (C) * (O) * (U) * (S) *¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨*XxX - 21
(your place or mine ;))
xXx Portland's Premier Playmate! xXx Leaving Soon! xXx - 21
(Upscale Downtown Incall & Outcalls Too!)
xXx Sexy College Girl ~ Sophisticated Beauty! xXx The Lil Brunette Hottie of Your Dreams!! xXx - 21
(Portland Incalls/Outcalls)
♡When ONLY the "BEST" will do ♡ Stellar Reviews ♡ SUPER Hot Pics & ACCURATE ♡ BUSTY♡Short Hair - 39
(Portland, SE Portland)
💋💋💋💎💎 🌹VISITING NEW PROVIDER🌹💎💎💋💋💋...100% Real Pics..Upscale Incall - 25
(Portland, UPSCALE Downtown Portland Incall)
100 SpEcIal...ExOt!c CuT!e B()()Ty ♥SuPeR FrEaky UlTiMaTe PlEaSeR ♥ - 23
★ World Class __ ★Seductive Discrete__★ Elite Companion★ - 29
(Portland, Vancouver Longview Castle Rock Kelso)
♥●( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)L•O•O•K ●♥100 Special●👅🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹↯ⓚⓘⓣⓣⓨ ●Well Reviewed ●Big Booty Ebony CutieUPLATE - 24
♡¤♥•=== TOTAL ===•♥ KNOCK OUT❣ ♥•===•♥♡¤♥¤♡¤♥ HUGE BOTTOM •===•♥♡¤♥¤♡¤♥ Party Girl - 23
(Portland, Surrounded Areas)
U p s c a l e --- c a r a m e l B A R B I E --- ready 2 please !!! - 21
(Downtown Portland, Downtown pdx -- sw pdx)
Times With PLAYMATE NIKKI .. Nasty but Nice .. Everything Goes With Pretty Pink .. - 30
(portland metro area)
💦💋💕🍭 Juicy Mouth WaTeRiNg BIG BOOTY GODdESsS💎💎💎 IC & OC- Up All Night - 21
(Portland, van mall IC & OC available)
if your needing more LOOK NO FARTHER BLONDE - 22
Thu 09 Jan
On the WEST side.. Tigard, Hillsboro, Portland & Surrounding cities! $$$ CALL NOW
(Portland, Tigard, Or (Surrounding Cities))
💕♥ Ultimate in Luxury 💋 TEASER & PLEASER 💋 Pure BLISS! 💕♥ - 42
(Beaverton/SW Pdx/Sylvan/Hwy 26, Portland)
°o*o° The Beauty You Desire With The Skills You Require °o*o° PERFECT 10! 100% Real Pics °o*o° - 21
🌺🌺🌺🌺 Hypnotizing Exotic Bikini Model.. 38 DDD 🎀 Petite 💕 Body Bliss 💖Sensual Touch Expert 🌺🌺🌺 - 31
(Portland, Upscale se Incall & Hotel Outcall)
♡When ONLY the "BEST" will do ♡ Stellar Reviews ♡ SUPER Hot Pics & ACCURATE ♡ BUSTY♡Short Hair - 39
(Portland, SE Portland)
*** Exotic Ebony Ready 2 Play*** Call INFINITI 4 The Ultimate Upscale EXPERINCE!! - 22
(Portland, pdx airport)
///______//__ TASTY --- NEW --- TREAT--- IN --- TOWN -- - 22
I'm the "PERFECT" temp girlfriend * Short Haired * Body * {Real and Accurate pics} - 37
(Portland, SE Portland/Downtown)
☆I'm Alw@ys On My N@ughtiest Beh@vior ☆ teach me a lesson ☆New PICS - 29
(Portland, NE 122nd and Halsey area)