Sat 11 Jan
😘Divaluv💋 from TNA 💋😍in/ outcall. Near airport! $80special 💋💋👅New pics💕.503-309-0526 !!!!!! - 32
(Airport area in/outcalls, Portland)
Fri 10 Jan
🎀💕💋uLTiMaTe PLeaSuRe PRoViDeR! ELiTe CoMpaNioNsHiP💲💯SPeCiaL💕🎀💋 - 24
(Portland, 206👑578👑6283 IN&OUT; CALLS)
▍ ▃▍ ▂▍◆★◆★◆★ GirL NeXt DooR █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ◆★◆ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ 100% REAL BLONDE █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ - 19
(Portland, available anywhere in portland area)
[[ I'M LEAVING TODAY! Don't miss your chance! ]] $80 special !!! [[ FILIPINA freak!! ]] - 22
(Portland, BEAVERTON Incall & outcall TO YOU)
▓ ✯ ✯ ✯✯ ✯ ▓E✖ΘTiC🌴 EBoNy BrAziLiAn GoDDEss💞 █ 🔥 HO T 🔥 ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ 🎀 ☰█ ABSΘLUTELY 💖 AMAZi₦ - 23
(Portland, Se INCALL & Outcall)
EXOTIC porcelain skinned BEA UTY (newer) (outcall) (LAST DAY!!!!) (specials!) - 21
* Visiting * Sexy Thick Brunette Ready To Play * Incall And Outcalls * $100 incall * - 24
(Gresham/ Portland)
¡!POW WOW!¡♥♥SEXUAL ERIPTION¤♡♡ *** Italian ~~ REDBONE ♥♥ EXxotic ~~~ seductive ♡♡ Freaky★★ - 25
(Portland, camas,pdx,beaverton,Vancouver,tigardetc.)
❤️❤️ NEW!! ❤️❤️ Leaving tomorrow!! ❤️❤️ $80 ALL NIGHT Special ❤️❤️ A S I A N ! FILIPINA!! - 24
(Portland, $80 OUTCALLS EVERYWHERE !!)
Thu 09 Jan
♥ P R i N C E S S ♥ P L E A S U R E ♥ - 25
PREBOOK 6/06-6/08 w/Curvy Hedonist *100hh/160hr-VET& Returning Gent SPECIALS* - 38
(Portland, SYLVAN I/C & O/Cs Always)
* L✪✪K *• $70 special ⇧NEW PICS! ↯ BLONDE! ✔(( ☏N0W!!! )) 503.724.4819 - 20
(Portland, ★★★ $70 SPECIALS!★★★)
~~~Club 69 Girls... 1 Exotic Asian Delight **** 1 Erotic Italian Playtoy... Club 69 Girls~~~ - 22
(ins/outs everywhere)
🍉🍧DaDDys NauGhTy LiTTLe CuTi€🍬🍭 BiG B👀Ty IsLanD BeaUTy ✔️NeW StriPTeaSe ViDeO ✔️90Hh Til 1Pm - 21
(Portland, GreSham 90HH inCalls /120HH OutCaLLs)
(( $8O -1OO-18O$ )) ----> ___(( BiG BooTY D!RTY BLONDE ))__
(Portland, Outcall PDX InCall 205 sandy)
💦💦💦Don't Miss Out!! Leaving This WEEK!!! Sexy Ashley Is Back... - 26
(Portland, Pdx👉Vancouver👉Outcalls only)
~ 100 Special! ~ Sexy Beauty With All The Right Moves~ Portland's Ultimate Pleasure Provider ~ - 46
(Portland, PORTLAND/VANCOUVER, Tigard)
[[ I'M LEAVING TODAY! Don't miss out! ] ❤️ [ $80 special ! ] ❤️ [ ASIAN FILIPINA ] - 22
(Portland, HILLSBORO incall & outcalls to you)
Wed 08 Jan
~~~ WAKE UP~💦💥🌟🌞🌝☀☀☀FELLA'S~ Enjoy some CoFFee☕☕☕ With Your 🍩🍩🍩DoughNuts. I'm the CoffeE💜 - 24
(Portland, northeast portland.visiting in-out 24-7)
💋 Upscale EbonY BeAuTy👅The BeSt SerViceS👅🍑 TasTy LiTTle PeaCh🍑UpAll NiGHt ☎Give Me A Call☎ - 22
(Gresham, Vancouver, Beaverton(NE INCALL), Portland)
▒ * .•* L K ♥• DON'T MISS OUT ★♥•♥ •♥ ▓ DOMINICAN FREAK ☆ ▄♡LET ME PLEASE YOU~•~OutCall Specailz - 22
(Portland, portland/oregoncity/vancouver)
A.M * Specials! * with a BruNeTTe BOMBshell * * * * * * * Available NoW - 26
(Portland, YOUR bed OR MINE * Airport way)
100hr specials "Sexy,beautiful,tight and naughty have all your fantasy's come true with me" - 34
(Pdx area, Portland)
#1 PiCk! Incall & Outcalls Anywhere Available♚100% real♚ Dont hesitate to CALL ME! - 23
(Southeast Portland, anywhere)
* L✪✪K *• $90 HH⇧NEW PICS! ↯ BLONDE! ✔(( ☏N0W!!! )) 503.724.4819 - 20
(Portland, ★★★ $90HH SPECIALS! READY NOW!!!★★★)
** (( BruNeTTe BOMBshell )) ** SPECIALS! ** Available NoW && 24/7 **** 100% AddicTing (( IC & OC )) - 27
(Portland, Portland/Clackamas ** YOUR bed OR MiNe)
*~*~ Blonde Blue Eyed Knockout With in Booty Back In Portland Only for the weekend !! *~* - 28
(Incall and out within 45miles)
🔥NEW✨WiLD😋🍌FrEaky🔥⚡slide INSIDE now⚡🔥✨ NO 1 -:¦:-DOES IT 🍰 LIKE ME 🍰 ⚡🔥 ⚡🔥Mystery Call NOW ☎️☎️ - 25
(Gresham surrounding areas, Portland)
80 SpECiALs ☆ ☆ ExOTiC iSLaNDeR ☆ ☆ 80 SpECiALs - 21
(portland/ in & some outcalls)
Tue 07 Jan
*~*~Visiting Blonde Blue Eyed Knockout With in Booty In Portland Only Till Wed!! *~* - 28
(Incall PDX/Outcall)
ANYTHING ANYWAY! ANYTIME! Erotic! Kinky! Seductive! Beautiful! YOURS! - 21
80 Special VistinG Portland 2 more Days Blonde bombshell Call for specials Incall and Outcall - 29
(Lloyd and Airport Incall/ Outcall 2)
100 and 150fh Special.... Beautiful Blonde!!! The Best Curves in Town!!!! - 22
(Ne Portland- Incall/OUTCALLS)
¤▪¡¡▪¤ Pleasure & Companionship is what u need ¤▪¡¡▪¤ - 22
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, ❤️❤️)
100% NeW SEXY pix **** 100% Ready 2 PartY & PlaY - 23
(Portland, PDX * DT * NE Portland ((incall/outcall))
===== ☛ PUERTO RICAN MIX ☚ ===== ★ ===== ☛ SEXXXY PLAYMATE ☚ ===
*•*• PeTiTe, Sexy & Curvy Woman & I'm Hot & Ready Waiting For You *•*• - 22
(Portland, Vancouver,PDX)
❄ Everything you need to warm up on a cold day like today❄ 100.00 special ❄ - 27
(Portland, Outcalls Everywhere/ Vancouver Incall)
:★: (( EXOTiC )) ★ (( SOPhiSTiCATED )) ★ (( EBoNY )) ★ LET ME SHOW OFF MY SkiLLS ★ SPECiALS 120 - 21
(Portland, In/out calls every where)
Mon 06 Jan
UnFoRgEttAbLe AmAzInG ExPeRiEnCe WiTh tHe BeAuTiFuL GiRl NeXt-DoOr oF YoUr DrEaMs! Hi I'm Stacy!!! - 24
(Portland, All of Portland (InCalls & OutCalls))
♪♪♪♫👋👗💦👅😘Upsc🅰le Mixed C🅰lif🅾rni🅰 Girl 🆕 T🅾 The AREA..(Ask About SPECIALS)😘👅💦👗👋♫♪♪♪ - 23
247 Bombshell ! Great Reviews ((109 Lbs)) come see me dance tonite - 27
(pdx metro & surrounding areas hillsboro oregon city lake o vanc)
xXx YoUr #1 HoTTeST CoLLeGe ScHoOLGiRL! xXx TaLL, ToNeD, & TaN! xXx GoRgEoUs BLonDE *10* xXx - 21
(Convention Center Upscale Incall)
Sun 05 Jan
~ * ~ THiCk THiGhS & GrEEn EyEs * SoFT CuRVeS & DD's * In & OuT AvAiLaBLe 24/7 ~ * ~ - 21
(In - PDX / Out - Everywhere)
TIGARD♡♥♡✗✗♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ 💋🔥💋 🍭SWEET as Honey🍯 🔥 HOT like Lightning ⚡ 💋🔥💋 ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡✘♥♡♥INCALL♡ - 22
(Portland, tigard,incall & outcall to all areas)
Last Night In Town! Exotic Professional Care Taker. - 24
(Portland, Tigard/Beaverton/Hillsboro. IN/OUT)
Sat 04 Jan