Fri 10 Jan
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, Hot/Sweet & Slippery/ Very Fun $60 SPECIALS - 43
(Clackamas/Happy Valley/SE Portland)
__________ _________ BEAUTIFUL BBW! GUARANTEED 2 MAKE U MELT! 75 $PECIAL! __________ _________ - 26
Asian Goddess×& ((Italian Stallion) x PeRfecT xxSeXy xx (( Limited Time)) - 22
(Portland, Portland,(Beaverton)hillsboro In/Out)
♥ aLWayS H0RNy & HiGHLy aDDiCTiVe! ♥ BuSTy BRuNeTTe BBW! ♥ 75 $PeCiaL! ♥ CaLL Me Day oR NiGHT! - 29
(Incall SE Foster & Outcall Metro, Portland)
¯`'·.¸✮ ¸.·'´¯ A.M. SPEC!ALS! >>> PeT!Te BRuNeTTe! ¯`'·.¸✮ ¸.·'´¯ - 34
(Portland, By Convention Center)
|| Visiting || Ultimate Petite Playmate You Won't Be Able To Keep Ur Hands Off Me - 26
(Medford, Medford airport incall)
Your New Blue Eyed Girlfriend. Sexy And Ready! NEW BLONDE LOOK 99 outcall special - 24
(Portland, Safe discreet & Outcall ready)
Today and Tonight IM in Town, I'm full of suprises eager to please!! real pics real girl *brunette* - 28
(Portland, Portland/Gresham/Clackamas)
*★EvErY BoY's WiSh ★EvErY HuSbAnD's SeCreT ★EvErY MaN's FaNt@sY★ Specials - - 24
(DownTown Portland out call, Portland)
*¨¨*-:¦:* ELITE -:¦:-* InToXxXiCaTiNg *-:¦:-* UPSCALE HOTTIE*¨¨* Perfect 10! - 21
(PDX Incall/Outcall)
✥ B R E A T H T A K I N G ✥ I S R A E L I ✥B O M B S H E L L ❦❦ - 20
(Portland, INCALL ONLY /NewNumber)
xXx Portland's Premier Playmate! xXx Leaving Soon! xXx - 21
(Upscale Downtown Incall & Outcalls Too!)
(( WARNING!! BEAVERTON! )) Your New ADDICTION ------------- Ready And Waiting For You - 26
xXx Sexy College Girl ~ Sophisticated Beauty! xXx The Lil Brunette Hottie of Your Dreams!! xXx - 21
(Portland Incalls/Outcalls)
🌺 Why Settle For Less When You Can Enjoy Two Of The Best 🌺 Nubian Queen Janessa & White Godess Miley - 23
(Jantzen Beach Incall, Portland)
[×°°× WAY ×°°×] TOO [×°°× GOOD ×°°×] TO [×°× MISS! ×°°×] - 22
(Portland, AIRPORT incalls xoxoxo)
* Visiting * Sexy Thick Brunette Ready To Play * Incall And Outcalls * $100 incall * - 24
(Gresham/ Portland)
WETTT, TIGHT _&_ YUMmmMmY __ KiTTy __* SouThEasT InCaLL *____ $7O, $1OO, $18O
(SouthEast InCall SpeciaLs)
★ ✪UTCALL SP€C¡AL§ ★ 1✪✪/18✪ ✪C §¡NGL€ ★ 18✪/26✪ ✪C DU✪ ★ 38DDD B✪✪B§ ★ T¡T§ & @$$ ★ 57¡N B✪✪T¥ ★ - - 21
(Portland, VANCOUVER IC ~ 10 MINUTES OFF I-5 & 205)
(((((N@@UGHTY GIRL ALERT))))) - SeXXieSt BRuNeTTe in Town- - @lways N@@uGhTy &SeXy; SPECiALS! - - 22
(Portland, portland and other surrounded areas.)
NEW TO AREA* ♥* PERFECT ➓ *•♛ •º•UPSCALE¸ ★(¯`'•.¸ ☆¸.•'´¯) DREAM•GIRL (¯`'•.•'´¯) - 24
(Portland, portland, vancouver)
NeW pics Elite G.F.E Companion:: ::KhLoe Visiting * Sexy Curvy * Bubbly Booty Brunette PlaYmate - 21
(Portland/LLoyd Center)
**LoVE to PLEASE** HoT brunette BABE** availible 24/7 (TEXT FRIENDLY) - 21
(Portland, PDX OUTCALL (vanc too!!) TEXT FRIENDLY)
L✪✪K➜H✪T★))(S3XY CuRv3S)👉((Vancouver incall))👈 🅰VaiLaBLe N🅾W ❤SuPeR FuN🎉SWeeT💋ExOTiC PLaYMaTe - 25
(Portland, Vancouver Incall outcall available)
(( 12O'SPECIAL )) * Prompt 'n' Discreet * - * Highly Reviewed * - * Stunning Brunette * - 25
(Portland My place or Yours)
☆2 girl ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛ ♥ αvαiℓabℓε ➜ ➋➍/➆ ➜ №➊ BiG bѺѺTy & juicy DDD's♥ F¡√ε ★ 80/150 for 1° 160/250 for 2 - 22
(Portland, Vancouver / portland)
: : ✘✘✘ $100 SPECIALS!✘✘ : : BruNeTTe HoTTie With a BaNgIn' Body! ! - 27
(InCaLL SE Powell, Portland)
💕Top Quality🔥💦Brand New🌟💕💯% Ultimate Playmate⭐️👑 BeAuTiFu💕Classy💋 - 19
SEDUCTIVE👅👅🎀 $pecials!!! ◀️◀️iNcAlL / OuTcAll ▶️▶️Exotic Princess👑 👑💋💄(((JUICY)))💦 - 22
(Portland, Portland incall/outcall)
. -*^*-. CiCi Here for You!! -*^*- New Rates and PICS!! -*^*- Come Play with Me! -*^*-. - 21
(PDX-VAN Metro)
_ _ G O R G E O U S _ _ B R U N E T T E _ _ _ - 28
(Beaverton,HIllsboro,Tanasbourne Portland, Portland)
body rubs essential oils for good health calming and stress relief - 25
(Portland, your place everywhere)
Tired of fakes, flakes & disappointments? Time to treat yourself to what you really want & deserve - 24
(Portland, IN-airport/OUT-anywhere!)
♡ THiCK... LuSCiouS...LoVeLy! ♡ BeauTiFuL BBW! ♡ NaTuRaL 38EE SuRe 2 SaTiSFy ! ♡ CaLL Me aNyTiMe ♡ - 29
(Incall SE Foster & Outcall Metro, Portland)
>>>>>> >>>> ~~~~~LET ME SHOW YOU , W H A T A GO O D T I M E I S ~ ~
(- - - - - - in & out - - - - - - - -)
(( LATE NIGHT SPECIALS)) ** 100hh **ONE OF A KIND ** in/out ** (( PORTLAND & SURROUNDING)) - 20
(Portland and Surrounding)
-:¦:- HOT -:¦:- MOUTH -:¦:- BEAUTIFUL FACE -:¦:- PURE -:¦:- PLEASURE -:¦:- - 34
(Portland, SE Powell Blvd.)
Thu 09 Jan
★ $PeCiaLs ★° WHaTeVeR iT °rEQuiReS ° ILL DEliVeR ° yOUr DeSirEs ° ★Se - 20
(S.e Pdx I-2O5)
PORTLAND'S #1 HOTTEST! ♥ {Slender Body} {Green Eyes} {Long Legs} ♥ GLAMOROUS BRUNETTE! - 22
Pleasure's Sweet Taste__I AM The Sizzlin' Hot Erotic Adventure_ SUPER satisfaction _ fun, Fun, FUN - 37
Available NoW * * * Sexy (( Satisfying )) BruNeTTe BOMBshell * * * - 26
(Portland, NE Portland AreA * YOUR bed)
(Last Night In Town) 💋"Specials all night" 💞Beautiful Mixed Latina Ready to pamper and please👠💏 - 22
⚠WARNING⚠ Last Chance for Portland with, Lovely Alaira ❌ A Sexy Upscale COMPANION ⚠Hot SPECIALS⚠ - 27
♛ U_ N _R_U_S_H_E_D =_ ♛ _= U_P_S_C_A_L_E =_* ♛ *_ = B_U_S_T_Y_ - 25
(Portland, ***AIRPORT INCALL***)
-:¦:- Very Professional... Special 100... Serious callers only! -:¦:- - 34
(Portland, SE Powell Blvd.)
Outcall Special 【☆I AiM †o Pl∈ASE 】☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥⚡ DaNgeRouS ⚡ ⚡ SKiLLs ⚡ - 27
(Portland, Your place)
°o*o° The Beauty You Desire With The Skills You Require °o*o° PERFECT 10! 100% Real Pics °o*o° - 21
LOOK ===== ► ((CuTiE w/ JUICY BOOTY )) * (( HoT & TiGhT )) * (WET MoDel) ◄< - 21
(Your place or mine ;))
* L E T __ M E_ _ G R A N T_ _ Y O U R _ _W I S H_ _T O N I G H T * - 28
(Beaverton,HIllsboro,Tanasbourne Portland, Portland)
I Have a dirty mind and you are on it!!! How bad do you want it (Asian n more)7 days a week - 21
GORGEOUS BRUNETTE BOMBSHELL! ♥ {Slender Body} {Green Eyes} {Long Silky Hair} ♥ New Pics! - 22
★Green eyed * ExOTiC BeAuTY★ ALYSSA DiOR ❤TOuCh oF A GoDDess!! ❤★ In & Outcall ★❤ - 26
(Portland, outcall Vancouver /pdx incall se 92nd)
#☝___ H-e-A-r-T ((♥))D-r-O-p-P -i-N-g((♥)) Brunette Hottie ((♥)) V-i-S -i-T-i-n-G - 22
(Portland, Portland*Incall*Specials!+outcall)