Mon 06 Jan
Ts Isabelly 5***** Service Visiting by Convention Center. Available now Welcome to my world !!! - 24
(Portland, by convention center)
Ts Jimena . Im ThE ReAl dEaL iN tOw ☆ rEaL PiCs☆ Visiting convention center - 25
(Portland, convention center)
----- >>>>>>> >>Curvy, Luscious TS NICOLE W/Big workin TooL !!!!
(Portland, Convention Center/downtown)
----- >>>>>>> >>Curvy, Luscious TS NICOLE W/Big workin TooL !!!!
(Portland, Convention Center/downtown)
Sun 05 Jan
Ts.Evil Angel (Visiting Now Top Girl 4 Bottom Boy) 11in Power Drilll (917)691-2531 - 23
(Portland, Convention Center Area)
Sat 04 Jan
Truly, fully functional TOP Asian T NO HORMONE EXCUSES Rose Quarter til Wed 11AM only, don't miss! - 25
(Downtown Portland-Convention Center area, Portland)
TIA PHOENIXX: visiting Portland (convention center) on JUNE 28 AFTERNOON TO JULY 1 MORNING ONLY! - 25
(convention center)
Fri 03 Jan
Truly, fully functional TOP Asian T NO HORMONE EXCUSES Rose Quarter til Wed 11AM only, don't miss! - 25
(Downtown Portland-Convention Center area, Portland)
Somaya * Sexy * Exotic Beauty * 503-358-8635 * Visiting - 28
(Portland, Inn at the Convention Center)
VERSE Tranny Princess, Mistress of the Night!! EXOTIC, FREAKY , TaBOo!! - 25
(Portland, Salem, Convention Center)
Somaya * Last Day & Night Here * Puerto Rican Beauty * 503-358-8635 - 28
(Portland, INN at the Convention Center ( Lloyd Cen)