Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
♥♥♥ S.e.X.y NaTuRe ♥♥♥ N.a.U.g.H.t.Y ChOiCe ♥♥♥ Specials - 23
(Eugene, I Come 2 U or U 2 Me (Springfield))
LAST DAY!! (* Looking For A Generous Men... ** DOWNTOWN * *) Latina Ts- EROS VERIFIED** - 25
(Downtown Portland !! Upscale Hotel..., Portland)
I'M NOT AVAILABLE !!! UNTIL Further Notice !!! Thank You !! - 25
Boys play with toys. Men play with ME. Exotic body Rub👌👌Vancouver off SR-500 - 28
(Vancouver, Vancouver INCALL)
I'M NOT AVAILABLE !!! UNTIL Further Notice !!! Thank You !! - 25
LAST DAY!! (* Looking For A Generous Men... ** DOWNTOWN * *) Latina Ts- EROS VERIFIED** - 25
(Downtown Portland !! Upscale Hotel..., Portland)
-SuperModel Chick- LeT me Invite U 2 Come Taste SaTisFacTion! (( Bust A Big .! Realpic/ its - 27
(Vanc dwn twn pdx metro area west hills)
Mon 06 Jan
Sexy Ts Mya!!! Total H.O.T.T.I.E!! Atlanta's FINEST!!! PRINT THE PIC AND BRING TO ME!!! - 21
💋Take A trip ✈✈2 MY playground Elite Mixed Ebony awaits your company - 33
(Portland, Vancouver incall / out call pdx surround)
° _ ° NeW To Town! .☆ ° FREAKY * SEXY * P l @ y M @ t E ☆ REaDy 2play_ - 22
(Portland, U COME 2 ME SPECIALS!!!)
Sun 05 Jan
b>!!$PECIAL$!! *** DeliCiOu$ CaRAmeL DeLiGHt!! NW $weete$T BeaUTy!! *** - 29
(Portland, 82nd Portland)
specials!!!❤*SEnSUaL❤ *SwEetHeaRt❤*YoUnG❤ *BrUneTTe❤*BoMbsHeLl!! ready4U - 22
(Portland, Portland Vancouver surrounding areas)
**Sunday Special Mom & Daughter Dynamic Duo** In Call Clackamas - 37
(Portland, Portland, Clackamas & Surrounding Areas)
Jus Because Valentines Day Is Over Doesnt Mean We Still Cant Have Romance 360 771 6392 TIFFANY ;-) - 23
(Portland, Portland incall)
{{{{{ BrAnD SpAnKiN NeW To PORTLAND }}}} WELL KNOWN & REVIEWED {{{{{ MiXxXeD PlAyMaTe }}}}} - 26
(::: i/c PDX ::: o/c 2 you!!)
5'11" California Brunette BOMBSHELL. A booty & leg mans DREAM!! Available NOW - 25
(Portland, Portland, upscale, PDX)
Sat 04 Jan
Bi-RACIAL BoMB$heLL ,Hrly $sPeCIaL!!,$aTi$fAcTioN GuAaNtEEd!!(503)380-6858 M$.Foxx - 99
(Portland, MALL 205)
Fri 03 Jan
❶[ GORGEOUS ] ❤ [T_I_G_H_T ] ❤ [ BRUNETTE ] ❤[ BOMBSHELL ]❶ - 69
(My Secret Oasis I205 { se })
❶[ GORGEOUS ] ❤ [T_I_G_H_T ] ❤ [ BRUNETTE ]❤[ BOMBSHELL ] SPeCiaLs - 23
(My Secret Oasis I205 {8o~12o~2oo})
TaKE A DeLiCioUS DeToUR To SEE °o;o ° Your DReAM GiRL°o;o° MiXeD LATINA DeLiGhT!! - - 22
(Portland, Portland, U COME 2 ME SPECIALS!!!)
2 HOT PUERTO RICAN EXXOTICS Come Party New Years Eve With US!!! - 24
(I come 2 u and u come 2 me NR ARPRT)
Thu 02 Jan