Fri 03 Jan
° ❀° NeW PeTiTe EbOnY° ❀Brand New ADDICTIVE ❀° INCALL - 23
(Portland, PoRtLaNd & SuRrOuNdInG ArEaS INCALL)
Just Looking For A little Fun...Exotic Beauty...Click here...Thanks!!! - 25
(Portland, Portland/Outcalls)
♡ ▄♡ —× 【KiLLєR 💋 CuRvEs】★【niCє 💋 bѺѺb's】★【cUτє 💋 FαCє】★ 💋 ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ - 25
JuSt WhaT You'Re LooKinG FoR OnE GoRgEoUs FrEaKy Ebony love it in the butt fella's Specials - 20
(Portland, In-call/ Out-call Surrounding all area's)
EXOTIC && Sey... CurVEy bRUneTtE Playmate... ready to PLAY with && PLEASE YOU!! - 25
(east mill plain area/ close to pdx)
Exotic LATINA !!! REAL DEAL - visiting back by popular demand! - 27
(Portland, portland VISITING OUTCALL)
**ExOtIc SpAnIsH MiX ** 100% Real Pics or its Free! ReAdY fOr FuN! - Specials - - 25
(Portland, incall Portland Lloyd Center)
•:*• ☆ "*:• {FaNTaSy FreaK} •:*• ★ "*:• { LeTs PlaY} •:*"• ☆ *:• { $80 InCaLL¡!} * - 20
(Portland, Se Portland/ In & OuT BaBy!!!)
Exotic EuRoPeAn Busty Brunette Babe «»GiRlFrIeNd MaTeRiAl«» Late NiGhT SPECIALS - 20
___California's FINEST! ---> New Girl} ||* NOW VISITING *|| Sexy Brunette DoLL! - 23
(Portland & Surrounding Incall / Outcall)
california blonde* new provider* goin back to cali so lets get down shall we! today only special ! - 28
(airport pdx)
BRAND NEW ((GFE)) ViXxXeN - HoTT, PiNK, & oooHHH Sooo WeTT!!! (( AVAILABLE NOW )) - 21
(Portland Incall)
ೋ•* (•B•U•S•T•Y•) (B•L•O•N•D•E•) (•P•L•A•Y•M• A•T•E•) U'LL WÅN† M Eೋ• { NÅUGHT¡EST BL0NDE ON BP! ) - - 23
(Portland, Vancouver Incall PO AIRPORT OUTCALL 247)
45 min SPEC100! Ask About OutCall Spec. 🌸🔥Mature SexyJEWELZ!503214o68oLOVE KISSING! 💋💋Español - 43
(Portland, ne portland airport area)
♥$60 Early BirD SpEciaL!!!!!♥***Call NOW! Today Only! KINKY♥ All natural DD's!!! - 27
(Portland, PDX and Surrounding Areas)
💋🍒 KARISSA🍒!! SWEET & SASSY!🍒Come PLAY With ME! 🍒🍒 HoT!!! HOT HoT!!💋 - 26
(Southeast Portland, SE Portland)
I Coulda Had A V-8!!!! WEEKEND $70 Half Hour Special! Independent Provider - 45
(Portland, SW Portland)
I Coulda Had A V-8!! Tuesday Afternoon Special!! Frosty A/C. Independent Provider - 45
(Portland, SW Portland)
Full Body Sensual Massage Plus more +++ w/prostate massage and more to enjoy at the end!! - 43
(Portland, SW/Waterfront Area)
♥ - ▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥grand opening- ♥ - ▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ best touch 4U - 25
(Portland, 6700 NE162nd AVE #601 VANCOUVER WA 98682)
💟💟💟 PDX'S FAVORITE BLONDE☠SHELL SEXY SPINNER!!! 💟💟💟new contact info.💋360-936-3223 avail.LATE 💋 - 25
(Portland, Vancouver/Portland)
Looking to have some FUN with a cute 24 year old TODAY NOW? - 24
(Portland, SE Portland 122nd 97266)
NEW PIC! Enjoy a Sensual, Passionate, Toe Tingling Body Rub on New Table in PRIVATE salem apartment - 38
(Portland, Salem)
*~*~*~*~* Beautiful Asian Girl Jamie With 971-322-0228 *~*~*~*~* Outcall Only - 24
(Portland, Outcall Only)
2 girls, hands all over you! ~OR~ 1on1 W/ GORGEOUS woman! DDD BUST! Sensual body caress w/ TABLE! - 23
(Portland, 82nd ave.)
💕 Sweet And Sexy Blonde💦 Don't Cheat Yourself, Treat Yourself! 5🌟 Service! - 20
(Eugene, Eugene In-Call Only)
Perfect Pleasure Playmate waiting for your call. .. 100% Guaranteed A GorgeouS GoddeSs - 24
(Medford, Oregon ... Grants Pass, MedforD)
Yes I Have AC! Like 2 Kiss &Soft; Touch of Mature Woman TNA Reviewed 503*seven65📞4oh57ESPAÑOL - 47
(Ne Portland, Portland)
xXx ThE RoSe CiTy's #1 HoTTeST BuNNy xXx BLonDe TaNNeD & ToNeD xXx ExPeRiEnCe ThE BeST!! xXx - 21
(Portland Upscale Incall/Outcall 2)
(**_______ ** __________ ~ YoU ~ kNoW~ yOu ~NeEd~ ThIs ~ __________ ** __________**) - 26
XoXoX CALL 503-719-0366 For the time of Your life. ...Very Exotic w green eyes XoXoX - 19
*~*ThE dEaL bReAkEr iS bAcK bY pOpUlAr DeMaNd aNd BrOuGhT sOmEtHiNg SwEeT wItH mE*~* - 23
(Portland, Vancouver incall/surr. area outcalls)
☆☆● The Real Hot Blonde, Blue Eyed Barbie Bombshell!!!! ☆☆QV SPECIAL 2nite!!!! :) :)☆☆ - 28
(Portland, IN Beaverton/Hillsboro,Tigard,SWPortland)
*TaKe a LooK aT THeSe NaTuRaL 38EEE!* _______ *GuaRaNTeeD 2 PLeaSe!* _____ *100 $PeCiaL!* - 26
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡sweet, sexy & petite OutCaLL and InCaLL Avalible now♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ - 28
(Portland, Oregon city)
ஐ*•°ೋೋ * ••×—THiCk & JuiCY THigHs —ஐ— BiG RoUnd BooTy—ஐ— TinY WaiSt—ஐ— PRettY FaCe—ו•°ೋೋஐ - 25
(Portland, PDX & surrounding areas)
Thu 02 Jan
"Upscale Fancy Barbie '"new arrival new in town - 20
(Portland, PDX & Vancouvr&&& surrounding locations)
:*¨¨*:•★ WARNING °o★©•° ❀EXTREMELY °•★©•° ADDICTIVE★ •:*¨¨*:•.Within the hr SPeCIals*¨¨*:•★ - 28
(Gresham, Gresham incall..OUTCALL AVAIL....)