Thu 02 Jan
👠 Tasteful∧&T;@st¥ 💜Sp○rt¥💜SpuNk¥💜Sp°nNeR #SPECIALS # SPECIALS # SPECIALS# 100% real pics!! 👠 - 21
*^*^* The Weekend Is Up So Get The Company Of A Beautiful Woman. Im Waiting for You *^*^* - 35
🔥🔥 VISITING!! LEAVING TODAY! 🔥🔥 SEXY ASIAN FILIPINA! 🔥 $80 all day! 🔥 satisfaction guaranteed! - 24
When elegance, refined skill, privacy and friendly professionalism matter to you..... - 42
(Portland, Westside, private incall)
TASTY BRUNETTE T R E A T!!!! (Vancouver Incall & Outcall EVERYWHERE) Princess WANTS To Be PAMPERED! - 24
(Portland, Cozy VANCOUVER Incall (Outcall Offered))
🎀💎SweeT BiG BooTy Be@Uty!😘 #1 HaWaiiaN CuTie!! 💎$80QV OuTCaLL & Voyuer SpeCiaLs!!
(Portland, 💎OUTCALL SPECIALS💎971-230-8736)
^^^^^^^ Sexy Girl **** Funny Japanese Girl Grace **** Call Me To 503-488-5473 ^^^^^^^ Outcall Only - 23
(Portland, Outcall Only)
Specials all day&night;♥ Beautiful Amaya♥ Hot&Ready; waiting for your call!! outcall Specials♥ - 22
(Portland, portland/outcall surrounding areas)
🌹💋 The REAL & discreet Redhead Coed ⭐️ Here 4 UR Pleasure!!! 💋🌹 out calls ONLY - 22
(Bend, Central Oregon)
~~~~Smokin' Hot, Busty Blonde With Dangerous Curves! 1day only - 23
(Salem, Inside me! Sweet vanilla cream...)
NEW Puerto Rican ♛THe 💋PERFect 💋TReat💋—♥█ ★Specials !!!CALL me ENJ0Y me ♥☆♡○•° - 22
(Portland, S.E. iNCALL)
~ * ~ WeEkEnD SpEciAls ~ * ~ BloNde BeAUty InCall / OutCall - 29
(Portland, Portland Vancouver Gresham Sandy)
YOUR BLUE EYED BLONDE ______ #1 TeMp GiRLfRiEnD ______ * $99 S_EARLY BIRD * S_P_E_C_I_A_L * - 24
(Portland, Pdx & all surrounding citys-- $99sp)
Your favorite ASIAN FILIPINA is back for the weekend! 💋 $80 special ALL NIGHT LONG! 💋 UNRUSHED !!! - 22
(Portland, Incall:BEAVERTON & Outcall:TO YOUR HOUSE)
~♥~^~ XÕIC ~^~ HE♥ART ~^~ RACING ~^~BLOND BEAUTY ~^~♥ I'M BACK!! - 24
(discrete vancouver incall)
**XOXO* WETT* XOXOXO °*° KNoCK °* ° OuT °*° SuPeR °DoMe *°XOXOX**XOXO* - 21
Whos up??wanna roll around&get; wild? 😁 2 is always better than one4wild roll around sessions lol... - 26
(NE Portland INCALL location, Portland)
WELL REVIEWED YouR* (..1st..) °* CLaSS *° °* *° (.to.) SaTiSfAcTiOn!! °* ° - 19
(Portland, SE Portland IN/ OUTCALL)
✨((🎉Well Reviewed & Never Rush🎉))✨((🎉 8O..12O..18O 🎉)) ✨ (( 🎉Don't Miss Out 🎉 )) - 27
your ROCK hard and my PEARL is TIGHT and DRIPPING.. perfect match give this gfe a call. - 18
(airport way)
(¯`★´¯) -*YOUR GERMAN ITALIAN GODESS $99$ SPECIAL *- (¯`★´¯) - 22
(portland and surounding)
¤YOUNG, FREAKY & PETITE Brunette BOMBSHELL¤ T.G.I.F. INCALL SPECIALS¤ 503.209.8637 ¤24/7 Mall 205 - 22
(Portland, Mall 205)
Yes My Tits Stand Out From The Rest! Its Because I'm The SEXIEST & The BEST! Hot Blonde $150 Special - 26
(Portland, Portland, Downtown & Airport quickly.)
Xo __ ☆REVIEWED( *FLAWLESS hott BLONDE* ) ♥Flawless Body ( *1OO% REAL* ) ☆ __ Xo - 23
(Portland, outcall Portland surrounding areas)
WoW === »»:»»» If iT LOoKs tHiS GoOD iMaGiNe wHat iT FeELs LiKe «««« 80sp - 21
(Portland, My house... Portland)
WαKξUP!! iN mξ •• ξXPεRiεNCε TRuε PLεαSURε ღ ξαRLY MoRNiNG SPεciαLS ღ FRξαK Mξ NOW !!! - 22
(Portland, • MiNE Or yOuRS • UpScale InCaLL)
YOUR personal *PLAYBOY bunnY* [[ TNA T.E.R/ _REViEWED ]] Quality companionship* - 21
(convention center incall /outcall)
(¯`'•.¸ Y.O.U.R •:*Di R T Y :• L.i.T.T.L.E :• S.E.C.R.E.T ¸.•'´¯) - - 36
(Portland, Portland & surrounding area 24/7)
💖Young sweet sexy and petite💖Blonde Bombshell 💖 - 25
(Portland, Hillsboro/Beaverton incall/ outcalls)
*** "You Know What Day It Is?!" Why, It's HUMP DAY!!! Immediate Incall Available *** - 30
*XOXO**XOXOXO * A-V-A-L-A-B-L-E *N-O-W * C-U-M - * G-E-T * M-E *24/7 *XOXOX* *XOXO** - 21
xX NEAT TIGHT CLEAN above all else I LOOOVVVE MY PROFESSION!!!!! ((480))229-7077 - 22
(Portland, INCALL (( Portland )) OUTCALL EvErYwHeRe)
✿•:* Wyld*:•♥•:* Cherry ♥•: *Mizcheif *:• ✿ (*^*~Fun for the first time~Come unravel my ribbons~*^*) - 25
(Portland, ne PDX)
🎀 Why settle for less when you can have the best🎀 CALL NOW - 26
(Portland, Outcall Only/Portland incall)
Well Reviewed Brunette BombShell Visiting Lloyd Center 11/30-12/1 All Ports Are Open - 38
(Portland, Lloyd Center)
XXX STAR Offering G*F*E*/P*S*E * CHYANNE JACOBS {Little Red Riding Wood!} The Ultimate PSE* Visiting
•°`°•*•° With 2 GiRL FRiENDS_____ ExPERIENCE real_____ GeNuINE* 2 GFspEciaLs**** - 30
(Portland, *Rose Garden * Convention*Lloyd Center*)
When ONLY the "BEST" will do * Stellar Reviews * SUPER Hot Pics * BUSTY - 39
(Portland, SE Portland)
** ^White/Caucasian In Shower Towel Ready for Wild Fun^ **Open up 2 ways** - 21
(Portland, All over Portland & Vancouver, WA)
Well Reviewed Brunette Bombshel Seductress Visiting Lloyd Center 9/7-- 9/9 - 38
(Portland, Downtown PDX)
🔷🔷🔷💠 🆕WELL REVIEWED JASMIN503 🔷🔷 60🔷💠💠 6⃣0⃣ 🔷🔷💠special🔷🔷💠 60🔷💠🔷NATIVE HOTTY - 27
(Airport way 82nd Prescott, Portland)
Your Dream Girl SEXY*FLY SPANISH*MAMI Last Chance Dont Wait Till Its Too Late EARLY SPECIALS - 23