Fri 03 Jan
♥ __Y-O-U-R __ S-E-C-R-E-T __ O - B - S - E - S - S - I - O - N __ ♥ West Side
🍒💖💋Your Personal Sexy Blonde PLAYMATE💋💖🍒 Ask About Your The 2 Girl Special 💞 - 25
(Portland, portland Vancouver surrounding areas)
Wanting that sweet euphoric relief like cold lemonade in heat. Than call or text!!! (Vancouver)(PDX) - 32
(Portland, Vancouver/PdX-Portland)
VETERANS DAY special nice Thick And Firm Sweet Busty 36 double f Playmate%%%80 special l%%%%%%% - 23 - 23
(Portland, portland all areas)
SWEET, sensual and very SEDUCTIVE! 150/hr holliday special! VERY SEXY! 971-226-2260 - 24
NEW PICS..LOW RATES.Th!cK Th!GhS °o♥ N!Ce H!Ps °o♥ RoUnD BoOtTy ♥REVIEWED - 22
(Portland, CALL NOW 80 SPECIALS)
•☆**New. SexY..SWeeT. .Volumptous . Blue EyEd - 36DD's BLONDE CuTiE •☆•80 specials - 24
(Portland, Your place - i c*u*m 2 u : ))
Exotic Mami****Fr€@k 0f +H€ W€@k:) Specials. (New in town) - 21
(Portland, *Gresham*Portland*Airport*Beaverton)
Ever wonder what your hairstylist is wearing under her clothes? Come find out..... - 32
(Portland, Portland, Northeast)
. . . . . Call Kim - Curvy Redhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 32
(outcall only to pdx and surrounding area, Portland)
ೋ•* (•B•U•S•T•Y•) (B•L•O•N•D•E•) (•P•L•A•Y•M• A•T•E•) U'LL WÅN† M Eೋ• { NÅUGHT¡EST BL0NDE ON BP! ) - - 23
(Portland, Vancouver Incall PO AIRPORT OUTCALL 247)
👉BOOTY...💋💋BRAINS...♥♥& BEAUTY...OH MY!! 💋💋💋 always nice, always naughty Britney Baby - 28
(Eugene, Springfield)
💋❤️ BLONDE • BUBBLY • HORNY! ❤️💋 REVIEWED&VERIFIED;! discreet&professiona;💋💋 PDX in/out! 80QV - 26
(Portland, ❤️ PDX AIRPORT IN/OUT ❤️)
☆ BuSTy, SWeeT, PeTiTe! THe PeRFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT! ☆ uP LaTe & aLWayS ReaDy 2 PLay!! ☆ 75 $pecial! - 28
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
afternoon deLiGhT & all night** *36 dds * ** SexY**Curvey * Blonde . . Sweetheart . ..°*°80 - 25
(Portland, / outcall - portland & around)
80 qv Special.BuSinESS WoMan, clASSy proFeSSional .Do NOT TexT/CaLLs OnlY. - 28
(Portland, Oregon city)
5'4 11Olbs 34D [*ALL NATURAL*] ★Beautiful Busty Japanese Hottie★ [V i S i T i N G] - 20
(Portland, Lloyd Center Upscale In/Out!)
4 GOOD TIME click here👇KUMM Say: Hello 2 My KiTTY My Kitty RAins ☔,has Grip & I have AWESOME MOUTH - 29
(Like Visa...Everywhere u want me 2 be..., Portland)
♥$60 Early BirD SpEciaL!!!!!♥***Call NOW! Today Only! KINKY♥ All natural DD's!!! - 27
(Portland, PDX and Surrounding Areas)
--------------> Young * TIGHT * Wet * BUSTY * Blonde* AVAILABLE 24/7
(Portland, Beaverton, Salem, VW)
>_______ Y___O___U___R_ *ღ*_D___ R___E___A___M _*ღ* _B___A___B___E_ - 21
(portland & surrounding areas)
*¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* DELICIOUS *¨¨* ×X× *¨¨*BUSTY *¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* BRUNETTE *¨¨* ×X× - 23
Thu 02 Jan
¤YOUNG, FREAKY & PETITE Brunette BOMBSHELL¤ T.G.I.F. INCALL SPECIALS¤ 503.209.8637 ¤24/7 Mall 205 - 22
(Portland, Mall 205)
*XOXO**XOXOXO * A-V-A-L-A-B-L-E *N-O-W * C-U-M - * G-E-T * M-E *24/7 *XOXOX* *XOXO** - 21
**** NEW GIRL. *** available ALL night *** HOT petite brunette. *** SPECIALS*** - 22
NEW PICS 👑 THick & Bu$T¥ * EArl¥ BiRD GeT$ The Worm 👑 $70hh $P£CiAL$ CaLL NoW - 22
(Portland, Clackamas $70hh)
*NeW NuMbEr * 100 * ~ TaLL & CuRvI ~ BlOnDe PlAyMaTe * 100 * - 28
(Portland, portland-vancouver in/out)
Here until Friday 99 special Don't Miss out KINKyKNOCKOUT!! Real Pics Available Now! - 30
(outcall corvallis and surrounding)
hey!!Evening my lovelies...JADE here w/ lightly pinked skin from the sun! & lotion i need help w/... - 26
(NEPortlandGreshamDowntown, Portland)
♥ HeartBreaker ♥ 100% Real.. Precious Blonde.. Look @ my Real Pic's!!!NEW 80 DOLLAR SPECIAL - 25
💎Gorgeous ▃▃♥ COSTCO SIZE Booty💋 ▃▃ BLONDE ▃▃PEACHZ 🍑 &Cream; 💦Highly recommended - 27
(Portland, VANCOUVER in and out call☎🔜 outcall Vanc)
•☆*BooB LuVERS wELC*um~SeXi~ Blue EyEd-36DdD BLONDE CuTiE •☆•100 hH TUESDAY SPECAILs - 25
(Portland, Your place, I c*um to you : ))
🍭🌹💋 blonde cutie. 🍒 Nice 👀 boobs n booty 👄💦💦💥 reliable real lady 🌟 all u need!1oo outcall 🍹 - 26
(i c*um to u - Portland and surrounding, Portland, Salem)
Beautiful Brunette From San Francisco --Its Really Me--Call Me While I'm Still In Town - 29
💖Stunning 💖36DD💖 Sexy & Sweet💖 " Its all about you"💖UNRUSHED💖 Outcall or Incall - 31
(Portland, pdx)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ SEXY ........... BUSTY_36 DD ......... SOOTHING BLISSFUL BODY TOUCH Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - 31
(Southeast Portland, Inner se, In-call & Hotel Outcall)
$$$SPECIAL $$$ ☆NIKKI ☆HOT☆READY to rub you to EXCTASY☆971-344-9784☆ - 30
(Portland, Portland Airport, Salem)
🌹UpScaLe EbOnY BeauTy👅LeT Me ShoW YoU ThE TimE Of YouR LiFe👅💋ComE See Me💎BroOke💎 OUTCALL ONLY - 23
VICTORIA*** New Pics**New Reviews** Sexiest Blonde In Portland! - 27
(Portland OR My Place Or Yours)