Mon 27 Jan
EXOTIC MIXED BEAUTY!!! 34DD Round bottom And Long Legs!!! 💋💋💋 - 27
(Portland, pdx/Vancouver outcall only)
♥♥♥EXACTLY What YOU Need!! .★★Sexy Petite Mixed Beauty ★★Exclusive!! ♥♥♥♥ - 22
(Portland, Lloyd Center/Convention Center in/outcal)
Erotic ~ Mature ~ Warm & Friendly ~ Fun ~ Open-Minded ~ Plump~ Goddess - 40
(Eugene, Eugene and Surrounding Areas)
///___// DONT MISS OUT... last chance ... START ur DAY .. w.. SEXY.. CUTIE_//__ _///__ - 22
Come Have All Of Me....YoUNG, HoT, HoRNeY AnD ReADY FoR It Al.l 24Hrs. - 18
(Portland/Vancouver area outcalls/incalls)
💋Come Dip in my Cookie Jar 🍪💦💦 💕 to get to the Creamy filling😋😋😋 Party Girl up all night - 19
(outcalls/downtown/Gresham/Vancouver/Beav, Portland)
———— [[Brand New]] ————— [[VISITING & READY FOR SOME FUN!!]] ————— [[HOT! HOT! HOT! specials]] ————— - 22
(Portland, Incall / Everywhere outcall)
C0ME B📧ND Ⓜ️€ 0ver. $.mac|{ Ⓜ️y 🍰@.$$ .. Tickle my kitty😘 .. B0UNCE my BOOBs .. New pics💋 - 26
(Portland, Vancouver in call off i5 outcalls)
Blue eyed Beauty ready too have fun tonight...... At your front door in s *503-388-2824* - 23
(Portland, Pdx beav hills $99 special)
Busty Ebony goddess w/ private incall up all night availability🍀100% real pics♥specials - 23
(Southeast Portland, Se Burnside)
💋❤️ BLONDE • BUBBLY • HORNY! ❤️💋 Reviewed & Verified!💋 100% real HOT BLONDE!💋 In/out! 80QV! - 26
(Portland, ❤️ PDX AIRPORT IN/OUT ❤️)
Big BOOTY sexy vixen NEW in TOWN ! 36DDs ! Thin waist! Big booty! And hazel eyes!
(Southeast Portland in/outcall)
🎀👑💗 Blazer Girl Gone Wild. Outcall 💗💅🎉 No Regrets 😝💋 😋😋 1 in a Million 💯ME💄🌺 :naomilou - 22
(Portland, Gresham/Portland/Surrounding Areas)
Beautiful Nubian Queen only in town for a few more days. Call me so we can play. 100 percent me - 26
(Portland, SW, NE, SE Portland, Oregon)
💦👅Best on the Page👄 💦SuPeR💦 W.E.T 💙 MiXeD MiDdLe EaStErN 💯🔥 CuRVY❤️ DeLiciOuS 🍭 📞OutCaL - 24
♥Pretty & Petite, sexy and sweet All American Girl who wants to come see u tonight ♥ - 23
(Portland, Rose city (portland))
( (♥ ♥ ✅✅(( ALLOW ME TO SATISFY YOUR CRAVINGS)) ( ( ♥ ♥ ✅✅ N O W ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) ) THICK & JUICY.... - 22
(Portland, PORTLAND AND VANCOUVER outcalls)
80QV/ 100HHR/ 180HR♥( K•¡•N•k•¥ )$!!♡SeXy★ °•-: [ X ] R@T€D ***©UT¡€ °•★ EbOnY♥VANCOUVER - 26
100 special with Visiting Curvy Blonde Bombshell Dont miss out On 100 special Incall & outcall - 29
(Incall and outcall)
🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹 && 🇯🇺🇮🇨🇾➡ PRETTY KITTY ☆ INCALL SPECIAL TIL ➡ NOTHING 2 TABOO 👉 Vancouver - 30
!*** 120 Specials 120 Specials *** Couples *** Fetishes *** 120SPECIALS!!!! - 26
(Portland, Parkrose Gresham Portland beaverton)
🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹 && 🇯🇺🇮🇨🇾➡ PRETTY KITTY ☆ 100QV & 120half & 200 full ☆ NEW VIDEO 👉 Vancouver - 30
☆★☆ 100% Real & Ready ☆★☆ TRUCKERS WANTED ★ EXOTIC MEXICAN☆ PRINCESS ☆★☆ Rodeo RIDING$$ Specials - 23
(Portland, Portland & Vancouver outcalls everywhere)
100% satisfaction guarenteed!! GREAT SPECIALS!! Two girls to pick from 651-621-9905 - 21
(Yours Or Mine)
New Private Incall Near the Clackamas Town Center * Experience Jessica's Touch!! May11th/12th - 28
(Portland, clackamas town center outcall to Hotel)
★ CALL ME ★ All Nude INTIMATE RelaXation ;) TRAVELING?? No Worries I come to U!! **** READY NOW **** - 36
(Portland, ALL Major Hotels ~ Portland METRO Area)
✦▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃✦AmAzinG ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ AdoRabLe✦▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃DOLL✦ - 23
(Portland, Portland (Incalls & Outccals ))
📞CaLL Me uLTiMaTe PLeaSuRe PRoViDeR 💲💯INcaLL sPeCiaL - 24
(Portland, 206👑578👑6283 Vancouver IN&OUT; calls)
💋🎀💕CoMe PLaY w/Me VeRy aDDicTiNg BLoNde PLaYMaTE W💦T hoT &ReADy; 💕🎀 - 24
(Portland, 206👑578👑6283 IN&OUT; CALLS)
°* ° :¦:-° YoUr » -(¯`v´¯)- »PERSONAL » -(¯`v´¯)- »»-» SeRVeR !° :¦: at your command...... - 24
(Portland, Outcall all areas)
(¯`'·. ·'´¯) The SECRET to a good marriage, is a good MISTRESS (¯`'·.·'´¯) 100 SPECIAL (¯`'·.·'´¯) - 21
❤•-:¦:-•✿ S€X¥ B¥ NATUR€✿• •✿•NAughT¥ b¥ CHO!C€ •✿• !*•-:¦:-•*ALL NIGHT SPECIALS - 24
💝The absolute total package 💝Stunning💝 Sweet💝 and 💝Sexy💝 - 28
(outcalls/ Vancouver incall, Portland)
¤· T0P 0f tHE LiNE PROViDER ·¤· VERy TAlENTEd & WEll REViEWEd ·¤· 0UT CAll SPECiAls ·¤ 971-273-9385 - 19
Succulent curves♥ COSTCO SIZE Booty🍑 ▃▃ BLONDE👱 ▃▃ Juicy Cakez 🎂 Highly recommended by Many - 27
(Portland, Vancouver☎🔜☏in and out calls)
##*~Super Sexy!#*100%Real#*Ready To Please You!!*##~ - 21
(Portland, portland/Gresham/Surrounding areas.)
SuPa *JiGGly AZz* O!LED & Re@dy 2~ B SL@Pped *❤* ✰ SoFt✰ Th!Ck & FrE@Ky *💋* AMAZiNG L¡pS 180*SpC - - - 24
(Portland, vancouver PORTLAND OUTCALLS 24/7 AM)
(Portland, Vancouver and Portland)
SPECIALS 30 & 60 MINUTE SPECIALS* Sexy thick white girl ready and waiting to please Y-O-U❤ - 25
(Portland, Vancouver Incall/ Outcalls everywhere)
ஐஐ SLOW & SENSUOUS OR HOT & ADVENTEROUS !ஐஐ {just 1 call away} - 23
(portland/vancouver IN/OUTCALLS)
¥¥¥¥ specials ¥¥¥¥ (Beaverton area) (( incall& outcalls only)) Dont miss out - 23
(Portland, Westside)
----share some PASSIONATE time with a petite busty blonde------100% REAL pics - 23
(OUTCALLS only (I'm in Vancouver), Portland)
Special smaller bbw, vancouver c/d an outcalls portland an vancouver 60$ - 19
(Portland, Vancouver c/d portland van outcall)
Specials *NEW* °❀°❀ BrEaT╠╣TaKiNg °❀ °❀° ╠╣ E•♥•ART °❀ °❀° RACING🌹 Specials - 24
(Pdx Vancouver Down &Surrounding; outcalls, Portland)
Special smaller bbw, vancouver c/d an outcalls portland van - 19
(Portland, Vancouver incall portland van outcall)
Special 60$ incall vancouver an out call pdx vancouver - 19
(Portland, Outcalls... Incall i5 vancouver)
**SPeCiALS**OUTCALLS ONLY•• The SWEeTeST TRE@T••★Kandi ★ Perfect Choice! - 25
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas)