Mon 27 Jan
💕Learn TANTRIC Secrets & recieve MASTERFUL body work 💕Visiting! IN TOWN 18-25th JAN.💕 - 54
(Portland, Portland, OR)
Jenna is VISITING !! Sweet __ Small __ Sensual ___ LEAVING TONIGHT- $150 SPECIAL - 24
(Portland, SE Portland)
☆★☆★☆★ $oCCER MoM $PEciIALiZING iN a FUll ERoTiC BoDY EXPLoRATioN 《《,《☆★☆★☆★☆★ - 49
(Portland, Ore City, Portland, Tigard & surrounding)
🍒 KARISSA🍒🍒 COME PLAY With ME! 🍒🍒 HoT!!! HOT!! HoTl!🍒🍒 Air Conditioned ROOM!!💋 - 26
(Southeast Portland, SE Portland)
Leaving Town Today At 1pm- Very Sensual Massage & Prostate Massage For ED- - 33
(Portland, Portland-Downtown)
I'm your all American dream girl & I just want to make you feel good!! - 23
(Portland, Portland & surrounding areas.)
★★★★★✦▃▃▐▐▐▐▐▃▃✦ HOT blonde INCALL ✦▃▃▐▐▐▐▐▃▃✦BRAND NEW FACE in TOWN ✦▃▃▐▐▐▐▐▃▃✦ 5★ SERVICE ✦▃▃★★★ - 23
(Incalls or Outcalls, Portland)
(( HOTEL OUTCALL )) == \\\ RuBDoWNs /// by a HoT CuRVy BLoNDE with \\\ -BiG- TiTS!! ===> "Baily" - 24
(Portland, +++ Hotel Outcalls +++ SEE U IN AN HOUR!)
💋 real selfies 💋 Slip and slide into home plate with a pair of ddd s and long blonde hair - 25
((( PRIVATE SEXY MASSAGE ))) The intimate touch YOU desire & The soothing relaxation YOU so deserve - 35
(Portland, === Discreet === F=A=S=T === Arrival ===)
READY 2 PlEASE & Put You @ EaSE Come RELaXE With my MaGic Hands & Juicy TRIPLE D's - 29
(se portland)
**~**~** ((((PLAYFUL TOUCH)))) **~**~** FULL** BODY ** RUB ** ========= To Your Hotel ========= - 37
*** Pleasure ~~ Satisfaction ~~ Total RelaXation ~~ *** The Possibilities R Endless >>>> Enjoy!!! - 38
(Portland, ~ Direct to your Door > Outcall Only)
$$pecial$$*~ Pics 100% REAL & RECENT OR $$ BK Guaranteed!! Let your bOdy B tOuched by My bOdy...;) - 24
(Portland, Near PDX)
New pics! Sweet, petite country girl, I love what I do & it shows! - 34
(Portland, St.Johns near bridge)
MONIQUE the red-haired VIXEN~NEW sched. avail 4/3 thru 4/6~Tues-Fri - 45
(Portland, Portland/Tigard)
*~*~* HOTEL OUTCALL *~*~* FULL body ~ always nude ~ FULL relief *~*~* pure PLEASURE in every touch - 41
(Portland, ~ NO incall ~ Hotels ONLY ~ most areas)
I Coulda Had A V-8!!! OPEN MONDAY! $70 Half Hour Special!!! Independent Provider - 46
(Portland, SW Portland)
Petite Mature Sexy Brunette. Safe, Sane, Satisfying. Come Meet The All Natural DTwins! - 47
(Portland, SW Portland condo)
**Pleasure & Satisfaction ~~ Blissful Soothing RelaXation ~~ Tantalizing One on One Sensuous Fun! ** - 38
(Portland, ** Direct to your Door ~ Outcall Only**)
Nude && sexy body rub: relaxing sensation : DDD's to caress :: 100 hr special!! - 20
(Portland, downtown Vancouver, incall only)
NEW OPENING @@@ nice touch &&& ASIAN GIRL %%% 360-433-5347 - 23
(Portland, 6018 ne ST JOHNS DR vancouver wa 98661)
~~~ Happy Flirty Friday!! ~~~ Seductive Petite Blonde Bombshell!!! ~~~ - 30
(Portland, Beav/Hillsboro)
Pretty, Normal Girl, And a First Class Massage - 27
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, every where)
*~ Pleasure ~ *~ Satisfaction ~ *~ Total Relaxation ~ * ~~~ The Possibilities R Endless ~~~ - 38
(Portland, ~Discrete to your Door~ Outcall Only~)
★★★NEW🌷GIRLS🌷JUST 🌷ARRIVED☞Enjoy🌴Magic🌴 Touch★★★Young&Beautiful; GIRLS🌷 - 25
(Portland, 9411 NE HWY 99 STE 2 Vancouver WA 98665)
Need a little bliss in your life? Come relax for a sensual session. - 21
(Portland, Portland/Beaverton)
Lonely? Let Me Keep your Attention as you watch Me Perform for You Private Incall New Pics*** - 33
(Downtown Portland, Pearl District PDX Private Incall)
* Heidi! * ♥ Beautiful, BuXXXom Blonde! ♥ AIRPORT INCALL ♥ DeLuXXXe BodyRub! - 25
(Aiport Incall TODAY -or- Your Hotel Room)
****** Private ****** Sensual ****** Body ****** Rubs ****** ~~~~~~~~~ HOTEL SERVICE ONLY ~~~~~~~~~ - 36
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ~GOLDEN TOUCH ~ of `Hunnie ****True Photos** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Pin~up💃 blonde💋💋 bombshell to make your fantasies💞💋 reality!!503~328~4422🏠 incall & outcall🚙 - 30
(Portland, Portland Oregon)
New pics taken yesterday! All american, Sweet & petite country girl, I love what I do & it shows! - 34
(Portland, St.Johns near bridge)
Need to be touched? ~ Sensual Intent ~ It's All About YOU Babe! ~ Sunday - 45
(Portland, Vancouver I-205/Mill Plain)
·.¸ .·°°·.¸.- NEW PH0T0S!! BRAZiLLiAN BOMBSHELL!! WELL REVIEWED -.¸.·°°·.¸ .· - 21
(Portland, Vancouver/Portland)
------------- Miss Heidi Gates . . . New Clients Now Welcome! ------------- - 28
(Portland, HEIDIGATES . C O M - Portland & Touring)
lonley i am to come and entertaine me im yours for what ever time you need(541)8685406 - 23
🍦🍦🍦Looking for some late night fun🍦🍦🍦Sweet Sexy College Co-ed looking to have fun!!!🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦 - 29
(NE 83rd & Fremont, Portland)
Lay Back, Relax, & Let MY Hands Give UR Body What It NEEDS & WANTS!! BODY TO BODY Massage 150HR - 20
(Portland, my sheets or yours)
Let Me Sooth Your Soul & Muscles With the Soft Touch Mutual Touch Body Rub You Deserve - 21
(Outcall Portland Area & Vancouver Area, Portland)
Jenna is VISITING !! Sweet __ Small __ Sensual ___ See me all day Tues- SPECIAL - 24
(Portland, SE Portland)
I Coulda Had A V-8!!!! MONDAY $80 Half Hour Special!!! Independent Provider - 45
(Portland, SW Portland)
Janie Will Caress Your Stress Gone...Visiting From Seattle For The Weekend June 19th-20th
(Vancouver Portland Area)
Hot and Sexy Older Blonde will rub you right where u need it!!! NEW PIC'S - 40
(Portland, Portland, Oregon)
Had a busy Day & want to Relax?? " INVITE ME OVER " I would Love to come Visit You!!! PDX Hotels - 37