Mon 27 Jan
❤ iTs PlAy TiMe BoYs ❤ █▓ █ █ ► ♡iNTOXiCATinG eXpERieNCe ♡◄ █ █ ▓█ ❤ EUPHORiC TOUCH ❤ - 28
(Portland, gresham IN &OUTCALL;)
[[STUNNiNG]] ★ [[EXOTIC] ★ [[PETiTE STAR ]] (100) SPECiALS! !% 2 DaYs LeFt - 22
(Portland, U COME 2 ME SPECIALS!!!)
{SNEAK} °❤ {AWAY} ° {`&`} ° {COME} o★o {PLAY} °❤ Back By Popular Demand - 24
(Portland, (Call 4 HOTT Specials) My Oasis`181)
%sO New in Town, iNCREDiBLY SEXY%* HOT MiXED* (100) SPECiALS! !% 2 DaYs LeFt - 22
(Portland, U COME 2 ME SPECIALS!!!)
SeXy ExOtIc SpAnIsH TrEaT FoR YoUr PlEaSuRe I CaN KeEp yOu WaRm iN ThIs CoLd WeAtHeR! OUTCALLS ONLY - 24
(Portland, Portland,or (OutCalls only))
💞 ⇖✘⇗ 💘 №➊ ReQUESTED 💘 ⇖✘⇗ 💞 BOMBSHELL 💞 ⇖✘⇗ 💘 H🔥O🔥T 💔 L🔥I🔥K🔥E 💔 F🔥I🔥R🔥E 💘 - 24
(Portland, U COME 2 ME)
💖💋SEDUCTiVE. PETiTE. iF SHE'S GOOD.? i'M B E T T E R.! 💖💋 COME P L A Y.! 💖💋 - 21
(Portland, Portland & Surrounding In/OutCalls.)
___ Reliable! 🍇 iM ♥️TH€ ♥️B€$t ---->>>> 🍬🍭 TALL 💙 1OO💙 1OO ♥️ 1OO 💙 Ready Now?! CALL NOW! 💋💋 - 23
(Portland, 205Fwy/Vancouver)
New #!!1/2 off ,$pecial$ daily …$aTi$fAcTioN GuAaNtEEd!!!!!!! Bi-Racial BeAuTy!! - 99
(Portland, warm bed)
Im BaCK!! REadY 2 PlAy!?1/2 off ,,$aTi$fAcTioN GuAaNtEEd!!(503)839-1090 M$.Foxx - 99
(Portland, warm bed)
HoTTie DaTs WiLLinG 2 PlEasE (If U LiKe It I Luv It) AsK BouT My SATURDAY SpEcIaLS!!!!!! - 29
(Portland, Mall 205)
♥♡I could be NEW to the AREA, but IM just a NEW TREAT 2 U! ♥♡ Don't just sit there come C me;-) - 24
(Salem, Salem Incall/Outcall Egn, Kzr, wdbrn, Al)
❶ [ GORGEOUS ] :☠: [T_I_G_H_T_] :☠: [ BRUNETTE ] :☠: [BOMBSHELL] - 23
(My Secret Oasis I205{ Ex 19})
Can U hAndle ALL this BoOtY? AmAzinG ToP notch~Jacuuzi Party~ 100 specials 3 girls 1 or all~~ mmm - 23
(205 STARK)
♥After Dark ♥Special♥ SexxiSammi ♥ Hott New Pics ♥DUO'S - 23
(Portland, ♥ PDX/BEAVERTON/Vancouver 100HH Outcall♥)
💎100%ME bEsT In tOwN *•-:☆:-•* TayTay *•-:☆:-•* PETITE •-:☆:-• BrUnEtTe •-:☆:-•SpaNiSH MiXeD MaMi☆★ - 23
(Portland, PORTLAND OR Incall)
💋Take A trip ✈✈2 MY playground Elite Mixed Ebony awaits your company - 33
(Portland, Vancouver incall / out call pdx surround)
TaKE A DeLiCioUS DeToUR To SEE °o;o ° Your DReAM GiRL°o;o° MiXeD LATINA DeLiGhT!! - - 22
(Portland, Portland, U COME 2 ME SPECIALS!!!)
[[STUNNiNG]] ★ [[EXOTIC] ★ [[PETiTE STAR ]] (100) SPECiALS! !% 2 DaYs LeFt - 22
(Portland, U COME 2 ME SPECIALS!!!)
-SuperModel Chick- LeT me Invite U 2 Come Taste SaTisFacTion! (( Bust A Big .! Realpic/ its - 27
(Vanc dwn twn pdx metro area west hills)
specials!!!❤*SEnSUaL❤ *SwEetHeaRt❤*YoUnG❤ *BrUneTTe❤*BoMbsHeLl!! ready4U - 22
(Portland, Portland Vancouver surrounding areas)
**Sunday Special Mom & Daughter Dynamic Duo** In Call Clackamas - 37
(Portland, Portland, Clackamas & Surrounding Areas)
* SpEcialS -- 1oo0 % REAL GIRLS __ HoTTesT DuO!!*** TONIGHT & TOMORROW only! - 24
(Portland, ---OUTCALL/PDX/WA/LIMITED*TIME------)
{SNEAK} °❤ {AWAY} ° {`&`} ° {COME} o★o {PLAY} °❤ Back By Popular Demand - 24
(Portland, (Call 4 HOTT Specials) My Oasis`181)
Sun 12 Jan
I am young fun ready 2 and 4 u to come play with me, be my daddy!!! badgirl - 24
(Southeast Portland, se portland)
Sat 11 Jan
💞💋Do U want 2 spend some quality time w/ a BeAuTiFuL, ClAsSy woman? I know just what YOU NEED💞💋 - 30
(In & out, Portland)
Valencia Ray is available daytime this * FRIDAY* 10am, 4pm .. Addicting!!! - 34
(Portland, Mill Plain / 205)
♥♥After Dark♥ SPECIALS ♥Last Day 4 Special ♥100 Outcall♥Hott New Picks - 23
★°o .... LetS bEt ೋ~* i BeT cAn mAKe YoU ೋ cOoUm In 5 MinS .... ★° - 22
(Portland, U COME 2 ME SPECIALS!!!)
Sexy Ts Mya!!! Total H.O.T.T.I.E!! Atlanta's FINEST!!! PRINT THE PIC AND BRING TO ME!!! - 21
Fri 10 Jan
Let my sweet 🍡🍥🍭 drip all over YOU...Elite Mixed Ebony awaits your company💋💋 - 33
(Portland, Vancouver incall / out call pdx surround)
*¨¨* ★ :*¨¨* DoN't MiSs HoT BuStY ItAliAn NyMpH*¨¨* ★ :*¨¨* SpEcIalS CLICK HERE - 21
💄💢❤💢 (( ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS )) 💄💢❤💢 (( SkiLlz to ThRiLl )) 💎💋💎💋 - 24
(Portland, Airport / outcalls + Incalls)
:☠: [ DROP ] :☠: [ DEAD ] :☠: [ GORGEOUS ] :☠: [BOMBSHELL] - 23
(My Secret Oasis Off i205 s.e)
° ★ ° 《《BBW》》 ° •.¸.•´¯° ★°•.¸《《 In TowN》》 ° ★°•《《LooKinG 2》》 ° ★°•《《GeT DowN》》 ° ★° - 32
(Portland, portland/metro)
▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* 2 DIRTY B✪MBSHELL*•.❤* ░▒▓•♥• ★ TASTY ★ •♥• ▓▒░ * ❤.•*FUN *•.❤* ░▒▓ - 19
(Portland, 3414 ne 82nd ave portland or)
❤ iTs PlAy TiMe BoYs ❤ █▓ █ █ ► ♡iNTOXiCATinG eXpERieNCe ♡◄ █ █ ▓█ ❤ EUPHORiC TOUCH ❤ - 28
(Portland, gresham IN &OUTCALL;)
Im the Naughty NEW GIRL u LOVE! Im a Complete G/f/E All the WAY !!!!! 24/7 - 24
(pportland/vancouver/surrounding areas)
Thu 09 Jan
Heat Makes Me HORNY ! 💥OUTCALLS💥 🌟AVAILABLE all DAY🌟 Brown thick GODDESS 100$pecials.. - 22
(Portland, Portland/Beaverton outcalls anywhere)
***$100 SPECIALS!! Sexy Brunette... Available Now... $100 SPECIALS*** - 24
(Portland, All portland/vancouver area)
♥♥♥I'll B♥L♥O♥W YoUr MIND with my AmaaaazinG SKILLS ♥♥♥ YOUNG & Willing to Please♥♥♥ - 18
(Portland, Portland - Downtown)
I Dont Want 2 B Ur GirlFriend Jus Ur Fun Girl Someone 2 Satisfy U ;-) 360 771 1183 CANDY - 23
(Portland, Portland surrounding areas in & outcall)
♥♥♥ S.e.X.y NaTuRe ♥♥♥ N.a.U.g.H.t.Y ChOiCe ♥♥♥ Specials - 23
(Eugene, I Come 2 U or U 2 Me (Springfield))
💔1/2 off ,$pecial$ daily …💔$aTi$fAcTioN GuAaNtEEd!!!!!!! Bi-Racial BeAuTy!! - 99
(Portland, convention cntr)
{{{{{ {{{{{{ {{{{{{{ {{{{ CAUTION EXTREME HOTTIE }}}}} }}}}}} }}}}} }}}} - w4m (outcalls ONLY )
Wed 08 Jan
Ur Sexy Secert Lover Click Here 2 C The Girl That Can Make Dreams Come True 360 771 1183 CANDY - 23
(Portland, Portland surrounding areas in & outcall)
A + + + N e W P i X + + + LeT me Invite U 2 Come Taste SaTisFacTion! ( Bust A Big .! Realpic/ its - 27
(Vanc dwn twn pdx metro area west hills)
Im BaCK!! REadY 2 PlAy!?1/2 off ,,$aTi$fAcTioN GuAaNtEEd!!(503)380-6858 M$.Foxx - 99
(Portland, warm bed)
★ [[ C®iFiÐ ]] ★ ✈ ✈FIRST ©LASS TO P L E A S U ® E ✈ - 22
(Portland, Portland - all surrounding areas)
(AttEnTiON)!!! ExXPeREiNce ULtiMAtE PLeASure !!! (AtTenTIoN) !!! Bi RaCIaL BOmB ShEll!! - 29
(Portland, SE Portland)