Mon 27 Jan
2 @@@ 2 ASIAN MALYSIAN JENIFFER and EVA ,busty 38F+ natural body skinny 95LBS short - 27
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
2 @@@ 2 N*E*W* ==== NEW ASIAN girls AMY and KIKI just arrived - 22
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
Sun 12 Jan
TWO 2 PRETTY asian girls COCO and MIMI 5'0"tall 98LBS 36C natural skinny short and sexy body - 25
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
Sat 11 Jan
TWO ASIAN girls JAPANESE YUMI and COCO 5'0"tall 98LBS 36C natural skinny short and sexy body - 27
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
=== ASIAN pretty girl HELLEN ,nice sweet and warm heart 5'2"tall 102LBS 36B natural - 26
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
Fri 10 Jan
2 @@@ 2 N*E*W* ==== NEW ASIAN girls OCEAN and KIKI just arrived - 22
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
=== LOVELY ASIAN GIRL EVA ,real DANCER skinny short smaller girl waiting waitng ...... - 27
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
Thu 09 Jan
=== NEW TAIWAN girl SUSAN college student arrived to you . - 25
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
Wed 08 Jan
=== LALA and NINA .2 skinny sexy ASIAN girls ,sweet and very kind ...... - 24
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
=== 2 NEW ,NEW asian young pretty girls LALA and JENNY ...... - 24
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
TWO ASIAN girls JAPANESE YUMI and LISA 5'0"tall 98LBS 36C natural skinny short and sexy body - 27
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
Tue 07 Jan
TWO 2 PRETTY asian girls EVA and MIMI 5'0"tall 98LBS 36C natural skinny short and sexy body - 25
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
2 GIRLS NOW== BUSTY38F+ MALYSIAN JENIFFER and taiwan girl OCEAN young and sexy - 24
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
2 == 2 ASIAN girls LISA 5'0"tall 98LBS and YUYU 5'0"tall 90LBS 34B so cute and petite - 24
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
TWO ASIAN girls JAPANESE YUMI and LISA 5'0"tall 98LBS 36C natural skinny short and sexy body - 27
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
Mon 06 Jan
2 ASIAN pretty girls HEllen & NICOLE waiting for you coming 5'0"tall 105LBS 36B - 23
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
Sat 04 Jan
TWO 2 PRETTY asian girls EVA and MIMI 5'0"tall 98LBS 36C natural skinny short and sexy body - 25
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
TWO 2 PRETTY asian girls COCO and MIMI 5'0"tall 98LBS 36C natural skinny short and sexy body - 25
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
Thu 02 Jan