Mon 27 Jan
** Sweet Hot "HuNNiE" ** GOLDEN TOUCH ** NEW updated pics - 100
(Portland, Portland & Vancouver /In-Call~ Out-Call)
Take a Peak! I'm small, sweet, sexy and ready to give! - 34
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas)
❤ ❤ MAGIC TOUCH ❤ ❤ Double D_ BUSTY _❤ ❤ - Sensual BODY RUB ❤ ❤ - 31
(Southeast Portland, Pdx Incall & Hotel Outcall)
Real Pics💋 Never an upsell🍒 Sensual Body Rubs😘 Erotic Body Glide🍒🍒.In Wilsonvillle - 35
(Portland, Wilsonville)
💖💖 💖💖near by AIRPORT ASIAN MASSAGE 🌹 ENJOY a massage by CUT 🔹FRIENDLY Asian girls 💖💖💖 - 26
(10411 ne fourth plain blvd Vancouver wa, Portland)
* Heidi! * ♥ Beautiful, BuXXXom Blonde! ♥ AIRPORT INCALL ♥ DeLuXXXe BodyRub! - 25
(Aiport Incall TODAY -or- Your Hotel Room)
New Private Incall Near the Clackamas Town Center * Experience Jessica's Touch!! May11th/12th - 28
(Portland, clackamas town center outcall to Hotel)
Janie Will Caress Your Stress Gone...Visiting From Seattle For The Weekend June 19th-20th
(Vancouver Portland Area)
I COULDA HAD A V-8!!! WEEKEND rates 70/130. Frosty A/C. Upscale Neighborhood. Independent Provider - 47
(Portland, SW Portland)
I COULDA HAD A V-8!!! MONDAY rates 70/130. Frosty A/C. Upscale Neighborhood. Independent Provider - 47
(Portland, SW Portland)
***$$$*** $EN$UAL BODY RUB - Let My Fingers Do The Walking - You Relax **$$$*** - 48
(Portland, pdx, tigard, metro area)
Bp special $20 off all rates! My hands and mouth will pamper you in SALEM! Avail Fri 8a-2p - 37
(Corvallis, Eugene, Oregon Coast, Portland, Salem, Salem Incalls No Outcalls)
36DD💋SupeR BuStY 💟 Blonde BoMbSheLL 💋UnCenSoReD" InCaLL "💋UnRuSheD💋 OUTCALL to You - 32
Sun 12 Jan
(( ( ===> BAiLY CREAMM & ===> HoT FRiEND! )) ) =========>>> Incall / Outcall == 4-Hand Rubs TODAY :) - 25
(Portland, (( PDX AIRPORT INCALL -or- YOUR HOTEL )))
Sat 11 Jan
⇛ .S. T. A. C. K. E. D. __N __ S. T. U. N. N. I. N. G. ⇚ Erotic Massage - 25
(se Incall (Hotel Outcall))
Let My Hands Do The Work (I♥Mutual Touch) Nude BodyRubs (Available Now) 8O-1OO-15O
(Portland, SE I-205 PDX InCalls/OutCalls)
💕❤️💕Get Comfortable, Relax, Treat Yourself To My Specialty ❤️💕❤️💕 - 50
(Bvrtn, Portland, Tigard & surrounding, Portland)
Gourmet Sensual Touch Experiences for Connoisseurs of Pleasure! - 33
(Portland, portland metro area)
~ *HOME@LAST!* ~ *making magic* ~ *NEW PICS* ~ *new fun ideas* ~ *EXPANDED OUTCALL* ~ - 29
(Portland, in call vancouver/NEW EXPANDED OUT AREA)
I Coulda Had A V-8!! TGIF Afternoon/ Eve Special!! Frosty A/C. Independent Provider - 45
(Portland, SW Portland)
~ • : * • : * : • . SuNdAy SkOoL ** WoRsHiP oR Be WoRsHiPpEd! . • : * : • * : • ~ - 29
(Portland, Incall/vancouver, out/you tell me...)
Boys play with toys. Men play with ME. Exotic body Rub👌👌Vancouver off SR-500 - 29
(Vancouver, Vancouver INCALL)
Erotic Massage *** Touching Encouraged *** Clothing Optional - Russian - Charlotte is Back - 26
(Near OSHU Hospital (in/out), Portland)
BEAUTIFUL BLONDE JENNA LOVE - Back on Thursday- Sexiest Body Glides Steamy HOT Sensual !! - 43
(Portland, LO incall Thurs/Friday)
Fri 10 Jan
With 6 years of experience, can you IMAGINE what I've learned? $95/40 min 9:00 am-10:00 pm - 46
(close in NE Portland, Portland)
******** TRAVELING on BUSINESS ******** ==== I come to your hotel ==== EROTIC BODY RUB *********** - 34
(Portland, ==== HOTEL== ROOM == SERVICE ==ONLY ====)
B.L.I.S.S.F.U.L __HAND THERAPY ❤ .S. U. P. E. R __ B. U. S. T. Y ❤ BODY RUBS - 31
(Southeast Portland, Pdx Incall & Hotel Outcall)
PREBOOKING 1st Visit Let Me relax you with warm hypoallergenic Lotion WithOUT DIPPING INTO THE TABOO SIDE - 30
(Portland, Upscale In-Call Downtown Portland)
~~** Mutual Kink With a Sexy Red Head ** Sensual Relaxation Bodyglide ** **~~ - 27
(Portland, se hawthorne blvd near 40th ave pdx)
%$%$%$% LET THI$ $OccER MOM$ FINGER Do THE WALkING. %$%$%$% - 48
(Portland, Tigard, PDX, & surrounding area)
New Lay Back, Relax, & Let MY Hands Give UR Body What It NEEDS & WANTS!! BODY TO BODY Massage 150HR - 20
(Portland, In-call/ Out-call Surrounding all area's)
****** Sensual Seduction -- Slow & Sexy******* I Feel You.- You Feel Me********* - 99
(Vancouver, WA)
Thu 09 Jan
((** B U S T Y **))______((** S E N S U A L **))______((** ♛ BODYRUB TREATMENT ♛ **))___ - 30
(Portland, se)
I COULDA HAD A V-8!! WEDNESDAY rates 70/130. Frosty A/C. Upscale Neighborhood. Independent Provider - 47
(Portland, SW Portland)
..-:•:*•*:•:-. . *F*abulous *B*reasts, *S*pectacular *M*isty! . .-:•:*•*:•:-.. - 29
(Portland, NE IN , Out 4 Select)
💖💖 💖💖enjoy a massage by cut 🔹friendly Asian girls 💖💖💖 - 26
(10411 ne fourth plain blvd Vancouver wa, Portland)
****** An Exotic Peruvian Beauty * I touch You, You Touch Me***** - 99
(Portland, Orchards, Vancouver.)
Coulda Had A V-8!!! THURSDAY 70 Half Hour Special! A/C Independent Provider. Upscale Neighborhood - 46
(Portland, SW Portland)
~~Boys play with toys. Men play with ME. Exotic body Rub👌👌Vancouver off SR-500 - 29
(Vancouver, Vancouver INCALL)
Wed 08 Jan
Gorgeous brunette goddess for mouth watering stress relief-ask about my SPECAL!)) - 99
(Portland, Paradise)
I Coulda Had A V-8!!!! WEDNESDAY $80 Half Hour Special!!! Independent Provider - 45
(Portland, SW Portland)
sexy petite blonde babe private upscale incall vancouver!fbsm - 32
(Portland, Vancouver/milplain/upscAle private)
Tue 07 Jan