Mon 27 Jan
Need to Relax? STAYING IN A HOTEL? I would LOVE TO COME Visit You!! ALWAYS Discreet & Confidential - 37
Stunning Beauty4 your"UNRUSHED " Pleasure w/ SEXxY seductress "Discrete INCALL(se) - 31
(Portland, SE Incall ☎. PDX ,DT, Hotel Outcall☎)
Uplifting and blissful 💋BodYWorK by Luscious Alexxa💋 Hotel Outcall & Incall - 32
❤ ❤ MAGIC TOUCH ❤ ❤ Double D_ BUSTY _❤ ❤ - Sensual BODY RUB ❤ ❤ - 31
(Southeast Portland, Pdx Incall & Hotel Outcall)
*~*~* HOTEL OUTCALL *~*~* FULL body ~ always nude ~ FULL relief *~*~* pure PLEASURE in every touch - 41
(Portland, ~ NO incall ~ Hotels ONLY ~ most areas)
I Will Come To Your Hotel/Place today (Wednesday) and Work Out 100% of Your Stess!!! - 27
((( PRIVATE SEXY MASSAGE ))) The intimate touch YOU desire & The soothing relaxation YOU so deserve - 37
(Portland, Hotels Only ~ FAST Arrival)
* Heidi! * ♥ Beautiful, BuXXXom Blonde! ♥ AIRPORT INCALL ♥ DeLuXXXe BodyRub! - 25
(Aiport Incall TODAY -or- Your Hotel Room)
New Private Incall Near the Clackamas Town Center * Experience Jessica's Touch!! May11th/12th - 28
(Portland, clackamas town center outcall to Hotel)
Ophelias 30 minutes $40 OUTCALL ONLY for Hillsboro area
(Portland, Hillsboro Aloha Tigard Beaverton Portlan)
HighLY____◆____ SensUouS____◆____ RELaXaTION ____◆____ BLissFullY SooTHinG____◆____ ErOtiC MaSSage - 35
(Portland, ****TO YOU WITHIN 30 - 45 MINUTES****)
★ CALL ME ★ All Nude INTIMATE RelaXation ;) TRAVELING?? No Worries I come to U!! **** READY NOW **** - 36
(Portland, ALL Major Hotels ~ Portland METRO Area)
36DD💋SupeR BuStY 💟 Blonde BoMbSheLL 💋UnCenSoReD" InCaLL "💋UnRuSheD💋 OUTCALL to You - 32
♥ ♥ MiSS PReTTY TiTTiES »»»»»»»»» ( · ) ( · ) BAiLY CREAMM ( · ) ( · ) - 26
(Portland, Your Hotel Room or Our Vancouver Apt)
36DD💕"tantalizing" 💕.private comfortable "INCall"& "Outcall"💕Your Upscale Hotel - 32
(Portland, se Portland INCALL/ Out call most places)
Sun 12 Jan
(( ( ===> BAiLY CREAMM & ===> HoT FRiEND! )) ) =========>>> Incall / Outcall == 4-Hand Rubs TODAY :) - 25
(Portland, (( PDX AIRPORT INCALL -or- YOUR HOTEL )))
• BAiLY CREAMM ===> => Hot Blonde // BiG TiTS // x~X~x Spa-Style +PLUS+ ;) no "agency" b.s.! - 26
(Portland, Hotel Outcall or Private DT Vancouver)
=======>> REAL GIRL NO AGENCY ===> BAiLY CREAMM ===> Busty Blonde ♥ - 27
(Portland, (Your Hotel) (My Downtown Vancouver Apt))
Sat 11 Jan
36DD * Bombshell #1❤TOP SHELF PlaYmAtE ❤ ☎ *Available NOW * ☎(My place or Yours) - 32
(Portland, SE INCALL/Hotel OUTCALL)
Private Vancouver Incall w/ MASSAGE TABLE... (( Hot Curvy Blonde ~~~ Sexy Big Tits ~~~ REAL Girl )) - 26
(Portland, Downtown Vancouver -or- YOUR HOTEL :))
⇛ .S. T. A. C. K. E. D. __N __ S. T. U. N. N. I. N. G. ⇚ Erotic Massage - 25
(se Incall (Hotel Outcall))
**** EROTIC *** TOUCH ~ *** SOOTHING *** MASSAGE **** ~~~ Supreme Relaxation ~~~~ TO YOUR HOTEL ~~~ - 38
( ( ( ( ( ( Complete, Expert Service! 27-year-old Busty & Hot Blonde with GREAT Reviews! ) ) ) ) ) ) - 27
(Portland, Your Hotel or My Vancouver Apt)
_ __ [ DROP ] __ •❤• __ [ DEAD ] __ •❤• __ [ GORGEOUS ] __ •❤•_ _ AMAZING TOUCH _ _ - 28
(Portland, Beaverton, Hillsboro, Portland)
Full Body Rubdowns & Prostate____Vancouver Mall IC_____Lets Release Some Stress Together - 32
(Portland, Vancouver Mall Upscale Hotel)
🔥 B U S T Y ~ B E A U T Y ♥ soft curves ______ ♥ P U R E ~ RELAXATION ♥ SENSUAL ~ BODY RUB - 32
(Southeast Portland, Se In-call &l; Out-call)
♥ ___________ ________ --BAiLY ♥ CREAMM-- ________ ___________ ♥ incall/outcall - 27
(Portland, My Private Vancouver Apt or Your Hotel)
• • • • Really Curvy & Very Pretty Blonde! > > > 36DD's < < < BAiLY CReAMM - 26
(Portland, Your Hotel Room or My Vancouver Apt)
Fri 10 Jan
******** TRAVELING on BUSINESS ******** ==== I come to your hotel ==== EROTIC BODY RUB *********** - 34
(Portland, ==== HOTEL== ROOM == SERVICE ==ONLY ====)
B.L.I.S.S.F.U.L __HAND THERAPY ❤ .S. U. P. E. R __ B. U. S. T. Y ❤ BODY RUBS - 31
(Southeast Portland, Pdx Incall & Hotel Outcall)
36DD💓 💓 Bombshell 💓"Upscale Beauty " 💓 Private Incall 💓Upscale Hotel Outcall💓 - 31
(Portland, se portland Incall ☎ Hotel Outcall☎)
~☆~___ HAPPY ___~☆~___ MASSAGE ___~☆~___ THE BEST RATES ___~☆~___ HOTEL OUTCALL ___ ~☆~ - 34
(Portland, === Discreet === F=A=S=T === Arrival ===)
Need to Relax? STAYING IN A HOTEL? I Would LOVE TO COME Visit You!! ALWAYS Discreet & Confidential - 36
Thu 09 Jan
*The Most Discreet Hotel Visits! No "Agency" BS* -->> *Curvy 36DD Blonde ♥ BAiLY CREAMM* - 27
(Portland, (Your Hotel) (My Downtown Vancouver Apt))
36DD 💓💓💋I give it just the way u want it ! 💋 LuScious LANA 💋SeXxY~SwEET& Discreet INCALL(se) - 32
(Portland, 205INCALL /Hotel Outcall:PDX)
((** B U S T Y **))______((** S E N S U A L **))______((** ♛ BODYRUB TREATMENT ♛ **))___ - 30
(Portland, se)
♥ _____________ ____________ ---BAiLY ♥ CREAMM--- ____________ _____________ ♥ - 27
(Portland, My Private Vancouver Apt or Your Hotel)
• • • • Baily ♥ Creamm • • • • • ...Enough Said. - 26
(Portland, My Private Vancouver Apt or Your Hotel)
NO AGENCY *** (( Hot Blonde )) *** (( BiG Bouncy TiTs )) Airport Incall AND Discreet Hotel Service - 26
(Portland, Real & Independent Girl - In / Out)
*** INTIMATE *** TOUCH ~ *** SOOTHING *** MASSAGE *** ~~~ Supreme Relaxation ~~~~ TO YOUR HOTEL ~~~ - 38
•• ► AMAZING NATURAL ☆ B R E A S T' S •:*:• *SOOTHING BODY TOUCH •:*:• *•:*:• * ☆ ◄ ••• - 32
(Southeast Portland, Se In-call & Hotel Out-calls)
Wed 08 Jan
(( Real Girl- NO "AGENCY"! )) == Hot & Very CURVY Blonde == (( BiG BouncyTiTS )) In & Out TODAY - 26
(Portland, Hotel Room Visits -AND- Vancouver Incall)
** EROTIC & SENSUOUS **----------** FULL BODY RUBDOWN **-----------** HOTEL ROOM SERVICE **--------- - 36
(Portland, ~~~ TO YOUR HOTEL IN A HOUR OR LESS ~~~)
• Baily Creamm • HOT Blonde with BiG BOUNCY TiTS • A Rub You'll COME to CRAVE • - 26
(Portland, Hotel Outcall or Private DT Vancouver)
Tue 07 Jan
▃▅▆Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ▆▅▃ ▬▬▬▬36 DDD Super Busty 💘EXOTIC TOUCH 🌺 RELAXATION BODY RUB ▬▬▬▬ ▃▅▆Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ▆▅▃ - 32
(Southeast Portland, Se In-call &l; Out-call)
Hot SKiLLS /// Friendly Blonde, Sexy Curvy Body /// BiG Bouncy TiTS /// Incall & Outcall Today! - 26
(Portland, Your Hotel Room or My Vancouver Apt)
** CLASSY ** PETITE ** MATURE ** BEAUTY ** All Nude FULL - HOUR Specialty Massage "INVITE Me OVER" - 39
(Portland, === Discreet == F=A=S=T == Arrival ===)
*~* Hotel Room Service *~* Curvy blonde viXen *~* Mature seXy & sweet *~* LuXurious Relaxation *~* - 36
Need to Relax? STAYING IN A HOTEL? I would LOVE TO COME Visit You!! ALWAYS Discreet & Confidential - 37
Mon 06 Jan
❤▓❤ Silky Soothing Touch ❤▓❤ Body Bliss ❤▓❤ SUPER MODEL ❤▓❤ - 31
(Southeast Portland, Se In-call & Hotel Out-calls)
»---»-- » (¯`Soothing¯) -»-- » (¯`Sensual´¯) -»-- » (¯`Busty´¯) -»-- »--» Body Rub ♥ - 30
(Portland, se)
(FULL NUDE RUBDOWN) Lets Cuddle (I♥Mutual Touch) INCALL OUTCALL FRIENDLY (971.703.0819) - 27
(Corvallis, INCALL/OUTCALL, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Salem)
Question: How Do You Keep A (( SeXy, HoT, SuPeR *BUSTY* )) Blonde in the SHOWER All Day?!
(Airport Incall -OR- Your Hotel Room)
_ _ •❤• _ _ SWEET AS HEAVEN _ _ •❤• _ _ GORGEOUS AS HELL _ _ •❤• _ _ - 28
(Portland, Hillsboro, Beaverton, Portland)
💕💞💕★❤ ★❤ ★Relax w/EBONY Beauty!❤❤MYSTERY ★❤ ★NuRU❤ ★❤ ★❤ FBSM❤ ❤ ★❤ ★❤ ★❤ ★☎️☎️ - 25
(pdx surrounding areas, Portland)
Sun 05 Jan
❤ .S. T. A. C. K. E. D. __N __ S. T. U. N. N. I. N. G .❤ Eroitc Massage - 26
(se Incall (Hotel Outcall))
❤ .S. T. A. C. K. E. D. __N __ S. T. U. N. N. I. N. G .❤ sensual relaxation - 25
(se Incall (Hotel Outcall))
Ophelias Tuesday 30 minutes $30 OUTCALL ONLY for Hillsboro area - 38
(Portland, Hillsboro Aloha Tigard Beaverton Portlan)
__________ **Miss Heidi Gates** _________ New Availability in November ◇◇◇ Exclusive & Explosive ◇◇◇ - 28
(Portland, HEIDIGATES . C O M - Portland & Touring)
Full Body Rubdowns & Prostate____Vancouver Mall IC_____Lets Release Some Stress Together - 32
(Portland, Vancouver Mall Upscale Hotel)
Sat 04 Jan
*** TRAVELING on BUSINESS no Worries ***I COME to U *** f=a=s=t DISCREET ARRIVAL *** XoXoX *** - 32
(Metro Area & Vancouver Wa ~ Hotels only, Portland)
Full Body Rubdowns & Prostate____Vancouver Mall IC_____Lets Release Some Stress Together - 32
(Portland, Vancouver Mall Upscale Hotel)
==*== LATE ==*== NIGHT ==*== RELAXATION ==*== ** SeXy ** Mature ** Natural ** BLONDE BEAUTY ** - 39
(Portland, === Discreet === F=A=S=T === Arrival ===)
●●●○○○●●● Hiii Boys! ●●●○○○ BAiLY CREAMM here! •••○○○●● Blonde Hair, Big Tits, HOT Rub... NO AGENCY - 28
(Portland, Outcall Only Tonight!)
**~ Irish Outcall ~** Safe & Clean $99 Hour $50 Half I'm Very Mature & On Time - 47
(Hillsboro Aloha Tigard Beaverton, Portland)
~♥~ Let My Soft Feminine Soothing Touch Relax You ~♥~ Fully Nude Rubdown ~♥~ Classy Mature Blonde - 39
(Portland, ~♥~Portland Metro Area OUTCALLS ONLY~♥~)
(FULL NUDE RUBDOWN) Lets Cuddle (I♥Mutual Touch) INCALL OUTCALL FRIENDLY (971.703.0819) - 27
(Corvallis, INCALL/OUTCALL, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Salem)
Fri 03 Jan
Special Today for Return Clients! ♥ PURE PLEASURE ♥ by 27yo BAiLY CREAMM ♥ - 27
(Portland, Your Hotel or My Apartment)
Slippery, Sexy Body Rubs!! - - - - - - - - - Heidi Gates - - - - - - - - - - - Hotels- Tonight 12/3 - 25
*~* Ultimate Relief & Dreamy RelaXation *~* Sensual Touch sure to eXceed YOUR highest eXpectations!! - 37
(Portland, ** upscale hotels ** most cities **)
I'm Real- NO "AGENCY"! Hot CURVY Blonde ===> (( BiG, BouncY TiTS )) ===> In & Out TODAY - 26
(Portland, Hotel Room Visits -AND- Vancouver Incall)
Thu 02 Jan