Mon 27 Jan
ERotic MassAGES Olivia At Your Service! $120 special *new pics* back in pdx! - 27
(Portland, se pdx)
24/7 Real Deal ! o/c SPEC!((140)) My Cell Is SittinG 0N My LaP MaKe It ViBrAte ! At Your Door N 25 Mins!105lb - 24
(Portland, DWNTWN pearl dist AIPORT SW NW SE PDX)
THEE REAL DEAL 1000% A1 Perfectionst ⭐️AVAILABLE NOW 💖 outcall - 21
(Portland, dwntwn, beav, convention, ect)
__________ Special TreatMent Appealing AttraCtion ____________ - 25
(Portland, clackamas/dwntwn pdx/vancouver/airport)
Spec. Simply the Best! ! Petite ! Everything U want (Ready Now ) A Step Ubove the Rest! Real Pics - 27
(Portland, Pdx dwntwn/airport spec. & anywhere else)
Spec. Simply the Best! ! Petite ! Dynamite N your PanTs! (Ready Now)A Step Ubove the Rest! Real Pics - 27
(Portland, Pdx dwntwn/airport spec. & anywhere else)
Se x X x y GoDess ~~~ Eurphoric Eurtopia ( petite 109lbs) Perfection ~~ Great Reviews 24/7 - 27
(vanc, dwntwn pdx, beavrtn, pdx airport)
-- DWNTWN Special -- Check me Out ~ Isis ~Finest Pristine ~ Great Reveiws ~ (petite 109lbs) - 27
(pdx metro and surrounding areas)
Se x X x y GoDess ~~~ Eurphoric Eurtopia ( petite 109lbs) Perfection ~~ Great Reviews 24/7 - 27
(vanc, dwntwn pdx, beavrtn, pdx airport)
Petitte & Busty (109LBS) W e T N Willing Heavenly Body of Godess yet as BaDD Hell - 27
(pdx dwntwn airport w.hills vanc)
___ Outcalls Outcalls _____ BEAUTIFUL BUSTY BLONDE ____ Sexy | 36DD | 5'6" _________ - 23
(Portland, OUTCALLS outcalls OUTCALLS)
___ Outcalls____ =====> 💎 BEAUTIFUL BUSTY BLONDE 💎____ ====> Sexy | 36DD | 5'6" _________ - 23
(Portland, Outcalls Portland/Gresham/clack)
Outcall Spec Get What You Want ToniTe When Only The Best Will Do Petite Pretty Ready 2Please( Eta 30 - 27
(Portland, pdx dwntwn lakeo westhill airport)
{{ O/C spec. }} -- B£st on the list- {HoT }el o/c special ° F l a w l e s s body ° Top Notch - 27
(Dwntwn pdx vanc airport west hills lakeO)
New Pic! Cutie pretty and up late! xoxox Hotel special xoxox Get Dwn - Dwn Twn Special xox spinner - 27
(dwntwn pdx airprt vanc sherwood)
Luscious Lips *Face of Angel Small waist Body of a GoDess ViP o/c Spec.Naughtiest 5*Freak Petite - 27
(Portland, Dwntwn pdx vanc airport west hills lakeO)
« « ° * £ L I T £ * ° *. H 0 I C £ * ° (( Dwn Twn spec.)) Perfect -10 - 27
(Dwntwn pdx vanc airport west hills lakeO)
Juicy B0X! PuRe PerfectioN Petite Bombshell! DraMa Free! Always 0N TiMe! - 22
(Portland, DwnTwn! NW! West Hills! Pearl District)
H (( 0 )) T SuMMer NiTes KooL Off With a slice of Watermelon! The JuiciesT Petite Slim Picd - 27
(vanc dwn twn metro area airport lakeo)
~~~@@~~~%%%***E Ast African Princess**+***H Ere To PLAY***+ ++*****&&**^%%+ - - 22
(Visiting PortLand-- DwntWn// incall- out)
> Bombshell ~~~~~ Great Reveiws! ~~~~ (Petitte 109lbs) To HoT 2 Handle DWNTWN Outcall special - 27
(metro pdx & surrounding areas vanc, hil)
** ________ A breaK from The NorM ... ________ ** - 23
(Portland, beaverton/dwntwn pdx/clackamas/vancouver)
24/7 {Petite 109lbs} #1 Best Choice Bombshell XxxPlode! Waste No more Time Im the 1 4 U! - 27
(pdx beaverton vanc)
24/7 Bombshell DwnTwn HoTel Special (petite 110lbs) Flawless "10" 4 Men who require the Best - 27
(pdx metro &surrouning; Beav. sherwood)
24/7 Let me make u Xplode... DwnTwn HoTel Special Flawless "10" 4 Men who require the Best - 27
(pdx metro &surrouning; Beav. sherwood)
24/7 Topnotch Playmate - W E T & Ready To Play! (petite 110lbs) Flawless Body Great Reveiws - 27
(pdx metro &surrouning; Beav. sherwood)
24/7 Pdx's Best Elite Hotti! B00BaLisouS Dwntwn (H0T) El DeaL KissAble Plush Juicy LiPs - 27
(Portland, dwntwn pdx arprt lake0 WHills pearl dist)
24/7 Real Deal ! o/c SPEC!((140)) My Cell Is SittinG 0N My LaP MaKe It ViBrAte ! At Your Door N 25 Mins!105lb - 24
(Portland, DWNTWN pearl dist AIPORT SW NW SE PDX)
XXX Purely perfect 10 - Centerfold Hottie 36c 20 22~ Exce. 2hr special Rose City's Elite Choice - 27
(portl vanc, milwakie DwnTwn or city happ)
"Wow" (1) Time Your Place Special 125 Roses City of Roses - 125Roses Special Flawless Body! - 27
(washogel vanc dwntwn pdx claskamas arpr)
THEE REAL DEAL 1000% A1 Perfectionst ⭐️AVAILABLE NOW 💖incall/ outcall - 21
(Portland, dwntwn, beav, convention, ect)
__________ Special TreatMent Appealing AttraCtion ____________ - 25
(Portland, clackamas/dwntwn pdx/vancouver/airport)
Spec. Simply the Best! ! Petite ! Everything U want (Ready Now ) A Step Ubove the Rest! Real Pics - 27
(Portland, Pdx dwntwn/airport spec. & anywhere else)
Sat 11 Jan
H (( 0 )) T SuMMer NiTes KooL Off With a slice of Watermelon! The JuiciesT Petite Slim real pic - 27
(Portland, outcall anywhere u want me)
THEE REAL DEAL 1000% A1 Perfectionst ⭐️AVAILABLE NOW 💖incall/ outcall - 21
(Portland, dwntwn, beav, convention, ect)
24/7 B00Blious BaBe! ((Twenty *C E NT U R Y* F0X)) 125roses Incall Spec! O/c Best Spec Ever ! - 27
(Portland, dwntwn airprt west hill lakeO pearl dist)
Fri 10 Jan
24/7(JUICY B0X) MAJOR LEAGUE ALWAYS A HOME RUN! World Class Hottie! SPEC! ((125) Flawless BoDy! 105lbsI - 24
(Portland, DWNTWN PearlDist. W.Hill N. Harbor NW SW)
! Pdx's Finest Isis ! Flawless hard candy (petite 110lbs) estastblishing Reguler Cliente l - 27
(all metro pdx surrounding , sherwood van)
"Outcall Special 24/7! DwnTwn deal Mo uth watering 109lbs perfect10 - 26
(Vancouver Dwn Twn Pdx metro &)
Bombshell xXx ploded n to Europhic Eurtopia " TnT " Dyniamite XxX Plosive!! (petite 109lbs) - 27
(vanc pdx sherwood beav hillsb arprt)
ERotic MassAGES Olivia At Your Service! $120 special *new pics* back in pdx! - 27
(Portland, se pdx)
24/7 ~~ HoT Peice of ... -- Great Reveiws Flawless (petite 110lbs ) PreStine Perfect 10 ! - 27
(vanc pdx mero sherwood beav Dwntwn pdx)
24/7 InCall BaBe! OuTcall Also N 25mins@ Your Door! (A F T E R= P A R T Y )- N your Pants!ReaL Pic - 22
(Portland, AnyWheRe BaBe !0/C DwNTwN Spec! HilToN !)
24/7 Articulate & Offerring Warmth Concupiscent & Able Flawless &Tastey; Bombshell Fit 4 A King ! - 22
(Portland, DwnTwn Pdx Pearl Dist. NW & W.hills)
24/7 Beware of Imposter Fat Tweeker Pretending 2 b Watermelon! 360721-5692 Real # Here! - 28
Thu 09 Jan
:* ☆¨*:TOTAL Package** Real Sexy * CALIFORNIA BRUNETTE* LeAviNg at NOON TODAY:* ☆¨*: - 26
(Portland, INCALL DwnTwn PORTLAND)
Luscious Lips *Face of Angel Small waist Body of a GoDess Smooth @$s & Legs! Lush Bust5*Freak Petite - 27
(Portland, Dwntwn pdx vanc airport west hills lakeO)
Luxurious Bust (SnowBunny) ~Plump LusH 24/7- B E S T -U'eV Ever ((H A D)) Flawless Body - 27
(Portland, Pearl dist dwntwn W.hills lake0 Airport)
*Captivating * Classy * Upscale * Petite * PLAYMATE* (((( Always Fresh And Ready To PLAY! )))) - 19
(incall/outcall (dwntwn,gresham,bvrtn))
»»» Available AnyTime *** A Perfect Choice ON This wonderful Day »»»»» - 23
(Portland, dwntwn/lake o/clackamas/beaverton /se/nw)
24/7 20Th CenTury F0X! The QueeN 0F K00L! W\ Lips Like These Who Can Complain! Perfectly Petite! - 22
(Portland, dwntwn pdx special! everywhere else OC!)
24/7 Lil SuNsHiNe 2 Brighten U Up! (HoT)eL Spec Flawless *5star* Nw Has Never been HotteR! - 27
(Portland, DwnTwn pdx lakeo airport w.hills happy V)
24/7 - Super model body! My Cell Is SittinG 0N My LaP MaKe It ViBrAte ! At Your Door N 25 Mins!105lb - 24
(Portland, DWNTWN pearl dist W.Hills SW NW SE PDX)
24/7(Cherry Bomb) D'vine 5*Perfect Petite Package! RoYaL TreaTmenT 2hrs For 1Hour Best Spec Ever ! - 27
(Portland, dwntwn airport west hills lakO Wes linn)
*24/7* (( N 0 L I M I T S )) Hotel Spec. [[Real DeaL]] Can U Handle This/ Will U ! I DARE - 27
(Portland, Pearl Dist dwntwn airport w.hills lake o)
24/7 Lil SuNsHiNe 2 Brighten U Up! (HoT)eL Spec Flawless Freakiest 5star When only The best will - 27
(Portland, DwnTwn pdx lakeo airport w.hills happy V)
Wed 08 Jan
Outcall Spec Get What You Want ToniTe! Lemme Help U Petite Pretty Ready 2 Please( Eta 30 - 27
(Portland, pdx dwntwn lakeo westhill airport)
Petite & Busty [109lb] ((C L I C K* 0N Me N0W )) "B4 U MaKe The Wrong Choice!!! 100% Real New Pix - 27
(pdx dwntwn airport w.hills vanc)
Look > GreaT ReVeiws Pdx X x #1 Top Notch Se x X x y Numpho (109lbs petite perfect 11) 24/7 - 27
(dwntwn pdx airprt vanc sherwood)
** ________ !!!!! Take A Ride Down w.e.t. Lane !!!!! ... ________ ** - 23
(Portland, beaverton/dwntwn pdx/clackamas/lake o)
{Petite 109lb} Perfect 11 /10 ! "NeW PiX" preveiw @ Casa Dabalo ! Rose City's #1Elite Encounters - 27
(portl vanc, milwakie DwnTwn)
Petite & Busty 109lb ((Bust all over )) "Look N 4 A FeW GooD [Li C Ks]" !!! 100% Real New Pix - 27
(Portland, pdx dwntwn airport w.hills vanc)
Luscious Lips *Face of Angel Small waist Body of a GoDess Vip Ceo o/c Spec.Naughtiest 5*Freak Petite - 27
(Portland, Dwntwn pdx vanc airport west hills lakeO)
-- DWNTWN Special -- Check me Out ~ Isis ~Finest New Pix~ Great Reveiws ~ (petite 109lbs) - 27
(pdx metro and surrounding areas)
24/7 * Lil SunShine 2 Brighten U up*! Ill make you say Wow! Bust Big ! (ViP Only!) A Step Ubove - 27
(Portland, Pearl Dist dwntwn airport w.hills lake o)
24/7 Sn0W Bunny! B00BaLisouS! 2hr spec (H0T) El DeaL NeW PiX O/C @ Your D00R n 25mins Kissable LiPs - 27
(Portland, vanc dwntwn pdx airprt lake0 WHill clkms)
Twice as nice 2 petite pretty s Treat yourself u deserve it Your place - 28
(Vanc clackamas dwntwn pdx)
Tue 07 Jan
THEE REAL DEAL 1000% A1 Perfectionst ⭐️AVAILABLE NOW 💖incall/ outcall - 21
(Portland, dwntwn, beav, convention, ect)
Dreamy ! Best N The West Bacholuer Parties Perfect Petite Bombshell!Ready To P A R T Y ! - 22
(Portland, DwnTwn Airport west hills lake o PearlD)
24/7 * Lil SunShine 2 Brighten U up* Dynamite N Your P@nts! Flawless Figure! A Step Ubove The ResT! - 27
(Portland, Pearl Dist dwntwn airport w.hills lake o)
24/7Articulate &Offerring; 4 * Companion! LoVe* Laugh* PlaY Begin YouR NiTe &Start; Your Morning W/ Me - 22
(Portland, DwnTwn Pdx Pearl Dist. NW & W.hills)
150 Rose City's Sat Slip N SliDe --- SExXxy ~ NauGhTy PlAyTiMe W/ Blonde !! Hour Glass fig - 27
(dwntwn pdx airprt vanc beav hillsb milwk)
24/7 Rose City's # 1Choice >> DwnTwn Real Deal H0Tel Deal (110lbs Petite) x X x cemptional - 27
(vanc pdx metro and surrounding areas)
24/7 B00Blious BaBe! ((Twenty *C E NT U R Y* F0X)) Beautiful Brunette! O/c Best Spec Ever ! - 27
(Portland, dwntwn airprt west hill lakeO pearl dist)
THEE REAL DEAL 1000% A1 Perfectionst ⭐️AVAILABLE NOW 💖incall/ outcall - 21
(Portland, dwntwn, beav, convention, ect)
ERotic MassAGES Olivia At Your Service! $120 special *new pics* back in pdx! - 27
(Portland, se pdx)
THEE REAL DEAL 1000% A1 Perfectionst ⭐️AVAILABLE NOW 💖 outcall - 21
(Portland, dwntwn, beav, convention, ect)
Juicy Luscious Lips * Watermelon Kisses *×°×° [[O/c spec] outcomes! Flawless & petite - 27
(Dwntwn pdx vanc airport west hills lakeO)
~~ Lucious ~~ Bubblious ~~ Pdx's Finest Isis ! Flawless hard candy body (petite 109lbs) - 27
(all metro pdx surrounding , sherwood van)
Mon 06 Jan
High Class ~ Rose citys #1 ~ Delious~ - new pic Mmm ( 109 Lbs) petite Real Deal - 27
(pdx beaverton hillsboro)
______Blonde⚡️....seXxi do|| 🌹B A B E 💦☺️ LateNight 🍹 OC specials - 25
(Portland, Portland, dwntwn, vanc, OC only)
face of an Angel * Body of a GoDeSS * smooth legs ~HoT ~voluptus bust* Perfect10 small waist! - 27
(Portland, pdx metro &surrouning; Beav. sherwood)
Sun 05 Jan
"Wow" 125roses p o r n star body Start your New Years off rite ! Perfect body 4 men who require - 28
(dwntwn pdx happy valley lake o clackama)