Mon 27 Jan
Sweet and Talented with a Wicked Hourglass Figure, TNA-approved, In/outcall...NEW PICS - 31
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
Sweet and Talented with a Wicked Hourglass Figure, TNA-approved, In/outcall...NEW PICS - 31
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
❶ [ GORGEOUS ] :☠: [T_I_G_H_T_] :☠: [ BRUNETTE ] :☠: [BOMBSHELL] - 23
(My Secret Oasis I205{ Ex 19})
Sweet and Talented Babe with an Hourglass Figure, TNA-approved, In/outcall...NEW PICS - 31
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
Sweet and Talented with a Wicked Hourglass Figure, TNA-approved, In/outcall...NEW PICS - 31
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
:☠: [ DROP ] :☠: [ DEAD ] :☠: [ GORGEOUS ] :☠: [BOMBSHELL] - 23
(My Secret Oasis Off i205 s.e)
Sweet and Talented with a Wicked Hourglass Figure, TNA-approved, In/outcall...NEW PICS - 31
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
Wed 08 Jan
❶ [ GORGEOUS ] :☠: [ PETITE ] :☠: [ BRUNETTE ] :☠: [BOMBSHELL] - 23
(My Secret Oasis I205{ Ex 19})
Mon 06 Jan
NeW PiCs Elite G.F.E Companion:: ::KhLoe Visiting * sPeciaLs! * Bubbly Booty Italian PlaYmate...xXx - 22
(Portland INCALL)
Sun 05 Jan
LoOk Y-o-U-® U-L--i-M-a--E ☆ U-p-§-C-a-L-e ☆ L-a--i-N-a ☆ F-a-N--a-§-y - 22
(Portland LLoyd Center INCALL SPECIALS)
Sweet and Talented Babe with an Hourglass Figure, TNA-approved, In/outcall...NEW PICS - 31
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
Sat 04 Jan
*** JUiC¥ *** _ § W & *** _§ X ¥ *** 100$_EARLYBIRD_ SPECIAL_BE4_ 2:00pm - 21
(Portland/LLoyd Center)
Fri 03 Jan