Mon 27 Jan
★cherry pie【pRetTy FαCє】★IRISH 】★【 Loves to play * 】★ - 21
(Medford, out all areas grantspass to roseburg)
SwEeT & SeXy CoLoMbIaNa & MeXiCaNa MiX! NeLiA! $125 InCaLL SpEc.! - 20
__[[[ SPECIALS ]]] * ((( Don't Please Yourself...))) * [[[ ALLOW ME! ]]]__*Real Girl* *Real Service* - 25
(Portland Baby...)
SeXy CoLoMbIaNa ChIcA! nElIa! $125 In/OuTcAlL SpEcIaL! InCaLl lOcAtEd NeAr PSU - 20
(Portland, PSU AREA)
✨NeW👍80/140HR Neww!! ❤🎉 YOUR ULTIMATE FANTASY GIRL ❤ TRUELY One Of A Kind 140HRSpecial ✔️ SeXXy ❤ - 28
(Portland, INCALL pdx special/ outcall everywhere)
****if it were only always this EZ NW ENTERTAINMENT brings to you the perfect match and NOTHING LESS - 19
(pdx&surrounding; areas)
Super Sexy ..... Flawless Figure ......Sweet Personality ...... Excellent REVIEWS........ - 25
(Portland, Portland, VANCOUVER, Longview)
SwEeT & SeXy CoLoMbIaNa & MeXiCaNa MiX! NeLiA! $125 InCaLL SpEc.! - 20
Fri 10 Jan
★100% Pure Beauty ★ 100% Pure Satisfaction★ REAL DEAL★GREAT RATES :) - 24
(Portland, Se Pdx.. In My Queen Size:))
Call me WATERFALLS, Hot & BOTHERED Delicious BBW will cater2U! Lets play! 80 OUTCALL SPECIAL 24/7 - 25
(Portland, OUTCALL 24/7)
Thu 09 Jan
10/04 New Girl •★• 503-442-9077 ❤•★•° ❤ Hot Asian Jenny ❤•★•° ❤ - 23
(Portland, Tigard / Beaverton / Portland)
Wed 08 Jan
$16O = 2●GIRLS →Today Only← 💜 The best You Ever Had 💛 (㏂ or ㏘! ) BⓔTTⓔR THAN HⓔR⇧AND HⓔR⇩💎 - 21
(Portland, private vancouver ic/portland)
⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕ DUO SPECIAL ⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕ NAUGHTY ASIAN ⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕ Explore your WILD FANTASIES ⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕ 5038868538⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕ - 21
(NORTH PORTLAND near Vancouver ⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖⭕💖, Portland)
♥♥ HoTTiE WiTh A PeRFeCT AsS! ♥♥ CrEaMy VaNiLLa SweeT TrEaT ♥♥ - 21
Tue 07 Jan
☆☎❤ I wAnT 2 bE yOuR SeCrEt ToDaY ☆☎❤ BlOnDe BeAuTy AVAILABLE NOW!!! ☆☎❤ - 28
(Portland, Vancouver mall area INCALL)
_ _ _ SWEET GODDESS _ _ _ Late Night Relaxation _ _ _ - 28
(Portland, Beaverton, HIllsboro, Portland)
Mon 06 Jan
Stockings &Stillettos; + Real Pics Sweet&PettiteAmazing; InCall Specials..💞💞..💞💞 - 21
(Portland, Lloyd Center incall 160hh200fh)
You can have this dream girl once in a lifetime experience - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, anywhere you want me!)
(¯`'.¸JAW DR0PPiNG .*¨¨* AD0RaBlE -:¦:- & *¨¨* AMAZiNGLY Addictive ¸.'´¯) SUP3R SP3CiAlS - 23
(EAST GRESHAM ((off the max)))
Sun 05 Jan
Up all night!!! *****New sexy little mixed cutie ready and willing ****** - 18
(Portland, Vancouver/Portland/surrounding (OConly))
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan