Mon 27 Jan
Full Body Rubdowns & Prostate______Come In & Relax - 22
(Portland, Vancouver, Vancouver (orchards) In&Out;)
IM BaCk HeRe NoW• R U ReADY° Real EXOtiC Asian BEauTY• 100% ME Morning Specials Call Now - 21
(Bend, Bend area→ ♡INCALL/Out♡)
❤❤Just Arrived❤ ❤ California Girl💋💋In town 3 days only!! Outcall - 20
(Portland, Portland Outcalls Only)
ToP NoTcH PeRfEcTiOn FlAwLeSs BeAuTy CLIck HEre..ENter MY exOTIc WOrld Incall Special - 22
(Portland, pdx airport area INCALL)
✿ SleNdeR ♥ GrEEn-EyEd ♥ BruNeTTe ♥ DoLL ✿ HOT LiNgeRe & HeeLs! - 22
((DoWnToWn) (PoRtLaNd) (UpScaLe) (InCaLL))
+-:¦:-+ _ __S_E_X _Y -:¦:-__ H_O_T_T_I_E _____+ A +_____ M_U_S_T_ __ S_E_E ___ +-:¦:-+ - 23
(Portland, Airport)
SeXy & NaUgHtY **!** WeT & HoRnEy **!** DoNt MiSs OuT **!** CLicK ME!! - 24
(LLoyed Center Incall & Outcalls)
Reviewed ♥♥ ☆° ❤ FLiGHT ✈ (¯TAKE A TRIP to ROXIE¯) ✈ BOARDiNG NOW!°o♥ - 22
(Portland, Airport incall and outcall all over)
+-:¦:-+ _ __S_E_X _Y •-:¦:-•__ H_O_T_T_I_E _____A _____ M_U_S_T_ • •__ S_E_E ___ +-:¦:-+ - 24
(Portland, Airport)
➜ {{ S - E - X - Y }} ☆ {{ S - N - O - W }} ☆ {{ B - U - N - N - Y }} - 22
(*Downtown Portland* *Upscale* *Incall*)
~~ Quality ~~ At ~~ Its ~~ Best ~~ Straight ~~ From ~~ England ~~ 100% ~~ G.F.E - 20
New Pics! (( HOT && SKILLED ))_ _ G_ O_ R_ G_ E_ O_ U_ S _ _**B u s t y**_ _ MiXED! _ _ BABE! _ _ - 21
(Portland, Portland && Surrounding (READY NOW))
‼️❤️💋 NEW PICS & VIDEO 💋❤️‼️ 100% Real!!! Sexy & Exotic Most wanted LATINA ‼️ All day/night $pecials ❤️‼️‼️‼️ - 21
(Beaverton INCALL /🔴uTCALL everywhere !!, Portland)
*% NeW (¯`'.¸ ?¸.'´¯) NO ONE -:¦:- DOES IT-:¦:-LIKE ME (¯`'.¸? ¸.'´¯) - 18
(PDX Outcalls/Incall PDX)
╚» ╚» ♥ NAUGHTY BRUNETTE BUNNY! ♥ «╝ «╝ 100% REAL PICS! - 22
((Convention Center) (Upscale) (Incall))
{K.L.i.c.K H.e.R.e} 100 OUTCALL $PeCIaL * BlOnDe CUTIE * READY 2 PLAY NOW!!! - 23
(Outcall Beaverton, Hillsboro, pdx, vanc)
☆★☆ Erotic Encounter you'll Always Remember!.......☆★☆ New Pics - 40
(NE VANCOUVER~ I-205 side, Portland)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, Hot/Sweet & Slippery/ Very Fun $60 SPECIALS - 43
(Clackamas/Happy Valley/ SE Portland)
🍭🌹💋 blonde cutie. Nice 👀 boobs n booty 👄💦💦💥 reliable real lady 🌟 all u need!1oo outcall 🍹 - 26
(i c*um to u - Portland and surrounding, Portland)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, Hot/Sweet & Slippery/ Very Fun $60 SPECIALS - 43
Sun 12 Jan
(Portland, Portland && Surrounding (READY NOW))
Sat 11 Jan
💋🎀HigHLy ReVieWeD & ReCoMMeNDeD!! Ms. LoLa BuGaTTi 🎀💋 - 24
(Portland, 360💕843💕8004 convention. Center)
Q u a l i t y C o m p a n i o n s h i p ___G e n t l m e n s #1 CHOiCE ___--- *HiGHLY reviewed* --- - 21
(* Upscale incall * Outcall too!)
40DD SEXY THICK Mature BRUNETTE You Will Love My Skills and SPECIALS - CALL ME NOW! - 46
(Portland, clackamas/happy valley/se portland)
Fri 10 Jan
>>Only in Town 1 Night so Call Now & Let me show U what AMAZING is Like;) $pecial$4u
(Portland, vanc/portl.. in/out)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, 40DD Sweet/HOT/ Very Fun/ Friendly - 420
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, Hot/Sweet & Slippery/ Very Fun $60 SPECIALS - 43
(Clackamas/Happy Valley/SE Portland)
[ 1OO% REAL ] ______ { B u s t y } _____ [MIXED] _____ [ S p e c i a l s ] ____ {E xo t i c Barbie} - 21
(Portland, Portland && Surrounding (READY NOW))
💋CuRvey 36DDD__Sweet ❤ __Sensual❤_Passionate❤❤ _ SPecialS Today! 1oo hh💋 _Sexii young❤_Blonde❤ - 26
(Portland, Your place -- I c*um 2 u : ))
Thu 09 Jan
Beautiful Curvy Blonde! Lastnight InTown Don't Miss Out!! outcall only 💋 - 21
(Portland, Portland Outcalls Only)
* * * * V I S I T I N G * * * * *( ( Exotic Petite Indonesian Treat ) ) S P E C I A L S - 25
(Portland, In/Out Portland/Gresham And surrounding)
☆uR #1 FaVoRiTe PLaYMaTe IS BacK! ULTiMaTe CoMpaNioNSHiP eXpeRieNCe ! $ 100 special - 24
(Portland, ▪206▪294▪0353▪ Portland incalls)
Sizzlingly Sexy, Slippery When Wet, Bodacious Brunette - - Specials - ( I want You Now!)
((Airport) (Upscale) (Incall))
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick/ BBW Hot/ Very Fun $60 special - 43
(Clackamas/Happy Valley/SE Portland)
IM BaCk HeRe NoW• R U ReADY° Real EXOtiC Asian BEauTY• 100% ME Morning Specials Call Now - 21
(Bend, Bend area→ ♡INCALL/Out♡)
❤❤Just Arrived❤ ❤ California Girl💋💋In town 3 days only!! Outcall - 20
(Portland, Portland Outcalls Only)
V I S I T I N G( ( Exotic Petite Treat Just For You ) ) * * Back By Popular Demand* * - 25
(Portland, Portland/Gresham In/Out)
{ I'M BaCK { * BruNeTTe } * { HoTTie }*{{ PeRFecT N EVeRy WAy }} GiRL NeXT DooR} - 22
((Downtown Portland) (Upscale) (Incall))
Wed 08 Jan
☁🌞 🇭🇪🇦🇻🇪🇳 ⛅🌞 🅾🇳⛅🇪🇦🇷🇹🇭⛅🌞 Outcall only💦💦••☁ 💛 2 GIRLS ☁☆💛aVAiℓaBℓε NoW - 23
(Portland, Outcall Longview/kelso/Vancouver/portlan)
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ALL AMERICAN BUBBLY BLONDE🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Vancouver in/out! Back in town! 80QV!!!! 80QV!!!! 😘😘😘 - 26
(Portland, 🇺🇸 downtown VANCOUVER in/out 🇺🇸)
100 OUTCALL S P E C I A L S ALL NIGHT ~* PLAyFuL H0TT bLonde 100 - 23
(portland, beaverton, vancouver, hillsbor)
#1 Pℓαγmαtε ❤★☆★LET ME °🎵🎶 RocK 🎸UR WORLD 🎵🎶★LATINA HOTTIE INCALL+OUTCALLS Last chance$Specials - 23
(Portland, Portland BEAVERTON INCALL OUTCALLS 24/7)
Tue 07 Jan
Visiting »-(¯`v´¯)-» REAL ¦:-° NEW » -(¯`v´¯)-» HOTT » -(¯`v´¯)-* BLONDE *»-(¯`v´¯)-» - 22
(Portland, Pdx)
Tired of the Fake ads? Aria Here, Last night Visiting Portland!! 1000% Real Playmate!! - 22
((Petite)) ((Sexy)) ((Sweet)) ITALIAN & IRISH **satisfaction Guaranteed** :-) AVAILABLE NOW - 22