Mon 27 Jan
👄Portlands best kept secret!! 100hh 👍 Great reviews👌 - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
Passionate, playful, & pretty! 90 roses hh i/c special - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
👄Portlands best kept secret!! 100hh i/c special 👍 Great reviews👌 - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
♥ ♥Nasty ☆☆ Juicy ☆☆ Hot ☆☆ Sexy ☆☆ Exotic ☆☆ ♥ ♥ ♥ - 19
(Portland, IC Airport/OC PDX/Beav/Vanc/Tualatin)
*great reviews* BEAUTY - BRAINS - BOOBIES -N- BOOTY * O/C special! 100hh/ 180hr - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
👄Beauty, brains, boobies & booty😏 100hh 👍971-276-6582 *Great reviews👌 private - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
Sat 11 Jan
~WeeKNite $pEcIaL$^^Let MY Trea$ure$ beCome URs!!^^IN &OUT; caLLS^^Let's PLAY~ - 39
(Portland, Centrally Located PDX / Vanc/Gresh/Beav)
*great reviews* BEAUTY - BRAINS - BOOBIES -N- BOOTY * I/C O/C specials all night just ask! - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
Fri 10 Jan
👄Portlands best kept secret!! O/C SPECIAL 100hh 175 hr - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
👄100 hh 👄Beauty, brains, boobies & booty! 😏Great reviews 👌 - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
BEAUTY - BRAINS - BOOBIES -N- BOOTY 90hh i/c special *great reviews* - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
100♥ ♥Nasty ☆☆ Juicy ☆☆ Hot ☆☆ Sexy ☆☆ Exotic ☆☆ ♥ ♥ 100 - 19
(Portland, IC Airport/OC PDX/Beav/Vanc/Tualatin)
TRea$Ure LO$t Her JEwel$ Do YoU HAve ThEm~ $PeciALS ~ IN &OUT; caLL$ ~~ - 39
(Portland, Centrally Located PDX / Vanc/Gresh/Beav)
~HoT $peCial$~Let MY Trea$ure$ beCome URs!!~IN &OUT; caLLS~Let's PLAY~ - 39
(Portland, Centrally Located PDX / Vanc/Gresh/Beav)
Thu 09 Jan
90hh i/c special with this DD beauty with that beautiful booty! - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
~VanCouVer $pEcIaL$^^Let MY Trea$ure$ beCome URs!!^^IN &OUT; caLLS^^Let's PLAY~ - 39
(Portland, Centrally Located PDX / Vanc/Gresh/Beav)
Wed 08 Jan
*80hh I/c* BEAUTY - BRAINS - BOOBIES -N- BOOTY * I/C O/C specials all night just ask! - 39
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
👄Whos that stacked cutie with b00bies-n-booty? DOWNTOWN i/c special 100hh 175 hr - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
Tue 07 Jan
~WeeKDaY $pEcIaL$^^Let MY Trea$ure$ beCome URs!!^^IN &OUT; caLLS^^Let's PLAY~ - 39
(Portland, Centrally Located PDX / Vanc/Gresh/Beav)
Mon 06 Jan
~WeeKDaY $pEcIaL$^^Let MY Trea$ure$ beCome URs!!^^IN &OUT; caLLS^^Let's PLAY~ - 39
(Portland, Centrally Located PDX / Vanc/Gresh/Beav)
* Beauty, Brains, B00bies& booty o/c special 100 hh 180 hr - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
TRea$Ure LO$t Her JEwel$ Do YoU HAve ThEm~ $PeciALS ~ IN &OUT; caLL$ ~~ - 39
(Portland, Centrally Located PDX / Vanc/Gresh/Beav)
Sun 05 Jan
~WeeKNite $pEcIaL$^^Let MY Trea$ure$ beCome URs!!^^IN &OUT; caLLS^^Let's PLAY~ - 39
(Portland, Centrally Located PDX / Vanc/Gresh/Beav)
Sat 04 Jan
👄Whos that stacked cutie with b00bies-n-booty? DOWNTOWN i/c special 100hh 175 hr - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
Cant sleep? Let me tell you a DD story about a beauty with a booty!! - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
Fri 03 Jan
~VanCouVer $pEcIaL$^^Let MY Trea$ure$ beCome URs!!^^IN &OUT; caLLS^^Let's PLAY~ - 39
(Portland, Centrally Located PDX / Vanc/Gresh/Beav)
* Beauty, Brains, B00bies & Booty* Judy can host today! 100hh i/c - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
Thu 02 Jan