Mon 27 Jan
24/7 Real Deal ! o/c SPEC!((140)) My Cell Is SittinG 0N My LaP MaKe It ViBrAte ! At Your Door N 25 Mins!105lb - 24
(Portland, DWNTWN pearl dist AIPORT SW NW SE PDX)
Tall Sexy EROTIC Curvy **SENSUAL SATURDAY* I can help YOU relax Between MY LOng Soft LEGS** - 33
(Portland, SW Pearl Dist. 206-327-7056)
Luxurious Bust (SnowBunny) ~Plump LusH 24/7- B E S T -U'eV Ever ((H A D)) Flawless Body - 27
(Portland, Pearl dist dwntwn W.hills lake0 Airport)
*24/7*Executive Compaion! *Burnette Will Make You Stand Like A Champ! * Hands Down BesT N The WesT!* - 23
(Portland, Pearl Dist SPEC! PDX EVERYWHERE)
*24/7* July 4th ! Ill Make U C FiReWoRkS! SaT Spec! - 27
(Portland, Pearl Dist SPEC! PDX EVERYWHERE)
*24/7* im Your Escape Frm Reality Outcall Spec.* forbidden juicy fruit!* Perfect Barbie Doll Figure! - 23
(Portland, Pearl Dist SPEC! PDX EVERYWHERE)
24/7 Pdx's Best Elite Hotti! B00BaLisouS Dwntwn (H0T) El DeaL KissAble Plush Juicy LiPs - 27
(Portland, dwntwn pdx arprt lake0 WHills pearl dist)
24/7 - Cherry Bomb-- DanGer-U Will Xplode! (petite) Never Rushed Cuddly CuTie Yet Im N & Out - 22
(Portland, pearl dist dwn twn lake0 w.hills airport)
24/7*TopShelF * My Cell Is Sitting 0N My LaP MaKe It ViBrate! DwN TwN Spec.!-2hr Spec!-ReaL PiC! - 22
(Portland, Dwn Twn Pdx, West hills, pearl dist. N.W)
24/7 * Lil SunShine 2 Brighten U up* Dynamite N Your P@nts! Flawless Figure! A Step Ubove The ResT! - 27
(Portland, Pearl Dist dwntwn airport w.hills lake o)
24/7 * Lil SunShine 2 Brighten U up*! Ill make you say Wow! Bust Big ! (ViP Only!) A Step Ubove - 27
(Portland, Pearl Dist dwntwn airport w.hills lake o)
24/7Articulate &Offerring; 4 * Companion! LoVe* Laugh* PlaY Begin YouR NiTe &Start; Your Morning W/ Me - 22
(Portland, DwnTwn Pdx Pearl Dist. NW & W.hills)
24/7 B00Blious BaBe! ((Twenty *C E NT U R Y* F0X)) 125roses Incall Spec! O/c Best Spec Ever ! - 27
(Portland, dwntwn airprt west hill lakeO pearl dist)
24/7 - Cherry Bomb- DanGer You Will ((E X P L 0 D E ))! Never Rushed Cuddly CuTie! Yet Im N & Out! - 27
(Portland, pearl dist dwn twn lake0 w.hills airport)
24/7 Articulate & Offerring Warmth Concupiscent & Able Flawless &Tastey; Bombshell Fit 4 A King ! - 22
(Portland, DwnTwn Pdx Pearl Dist. NW & W.hills)
*24/7* Lemme Be Your Escape Frm Reality Outcall Spec! 1 N A MillioN! Perfect Barbie Doll Figure! - 27
(Portland, Pearl Dist SPEC! PDX EVERYWHERE)
24/7 - Super model body! My Cell Is SittinG 0N My LaP MaKe It ViBrAte ! At Your Door N 25 Mins!105lb - 24
(Portland, DWNTWN pearl dist W.Hills SW NW SE PDX)
*24/7* (( N 0 L I M I T S )) Hotel Spec. [[Real DeaL]] Can U Handle This/ Will U ! I DARE - 27
(Portland, Pearl Dist dwntwn airport w.hills lake o)
24/7*TopShelF * My Cell Is Sitting 0N My LaP MaKe It ViBrate! DwN TwN Spec.!2hr o/c Spec!-ReaL PiC! - 22
(Portland, Dwn Twn Pdx, West hills, pearl dist. N.W)
24/7 B00Blious BaBe! ((Twenty *C E NT U R Y* F0X)) Beautiful Brunette! O/c Best Spec Ever ! - 27
(Portland, dwntwn airprt west hill lakeO pearl dist)