Sun 05 Jan
Sweet ~ SEXY, Exotic BoMBSHELL ,oNly iN town a few dAyS dont miSs me °¤¤° SPECIALS NOW °°°* - 30
(Portland, Portland/ Beaverton/ Gresham)
Sat 04 Jan
[[Well reviewed! Super friendly]] [[Big booty italian cutie]] [[6O specials]] - 21
(Portland, Portland /// Military discounts & More)
+:"+":+ NeW PiCs+:"+":+ 38DDs +:"+":+ ThIcK & JuCiY +:"+":+ OUTCALL ONLY!!!! - 23
(Portland, 80 outcall only pdx area)
Incall Specials!Exotic,Soft Chocolate Skin & A Big Booty🍑.Available Anytime Come Play!! - 22
(Northwest District Incall/outcall, Portland)
✿•*¨♥¨*•BuStY BLONDE BABYD✪LL ★ GirL neXt DOor ★ G✪RGE✪US •*¨♥¨*•✿ $100 Specials! - - 24
(Eugene, Eugene ,Springfield. incall outcall)
NEW PICS...Sexy, Busty Blonde W/Specials... Quality for Less...80 special
(Outcall/ Incall Convention Center)
JUICY Sweet MIA★ 60qv*80hh 160hr * 24/7 Specials Exotic Mixed Beauty★ Gresham - 22
(Portland, Gresham/PORTLAND *INCALL*)
Blue eyed Barbie!! ________ SEXY FRIDAY MORNING SPECIAL ________ (($99hr OUT.. Special )) - 23
(Portland, $99 Special outcall-)
Your Pefect Choice ~*~ Lil Miss Lexi Love ~*~ Keep me warm Specials ~*~ Openminded - 21
(Portland, Outcalls-24/7 Call for Details)
Fri 03 Jan
New Pics! (( HOT && SKILLED ))_ _ G_ O_ R_ G_ E_ O_ U_ S _ _**B u s t y**_ _ MiXED! _ _ BABE! _ _ - 21
(Portland, Portland && Surrounding (READY NOW))
HiGHLY aDDiCTiVe & H0RNY BBW! ❤ NaTuRaL 38EE GuaRaNTeeD 2 PLeaSe!❤ 75 $PeCiaL 2nite! ❤ aLWays uP L8! - 29
(Portland, Incall SE Portland & Outcall Metro)
💜••• HoT..SwEEt..SeXy AnGeL..ReaDy..& EaGeR To PLEaSe..💜 SuN. 10am-7pm - 24
(Portland, 1232 NE Columbia blvd portland OR 97211)
HiGHLY aDDiCTiVe & H0RNY BBW! ❤ NaTuRaL 38EE GuaRaNTeeD 2 PLeaSe!❤ 100 $PeCiaL 2nite ❤ aLWays uP L8! - 29
(Portland, Incall SE Foster & Outcall Metro)
ULTiMATE **D*R*E*A*M **GiRL** ((bRE Ath**tAki Ng)) **BOMb ShELL!!*!!*!!* - 23
(Portland, Airport serving Convention center)
TaKE A DeLiCioUS DeToUR To SEE °o;o ° Your DReAM GiRL°o;o° MiXeD LATINA DeLiGhT!! - - 22
(Portland, Portland, U COME 2 ME SPECIALS!!!)
❇ NeeD aN oaSiS iN uR WeeK? ❇iNDuLGe iN THe PeRFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT! ❇ 75 $PeCiaL ❇ CaLL DaY oR NiTe - 29
(Incall/Outcall, Portland)
❤- BuSTy & SWeeT!... THe PeRFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT! ❤ NaTuRaL 38DD ❤ 75 $PeCiaL ❤ aLWayS uP LaTe! - 29
(Portland, Incall SE Foster & Outcall Metro)
☆ BuSTy, SWeeT, PeTiTe! THe PeRFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT! ☆ uP LaTe & aLWayS ReaDy 2 PLay!! ☆ 75 $pecial! - 28
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
♦ ♦ YouR DaYTiMe DaRLiNG ♦ ♦ a DiaMoND iN THe RouGH! ♦ ♦ BeaTiFuL & BuSTy BBW! ♦ ♦ $PeCiaLs aLWaYs! - 29
(Incall SE Foster/ Outcall Metro, Portland)
Thu 02 Jan