Mon 27 Jan
🏈💋 PRE GAME SCRIMMAGE #teamKandi...Can you HIT IT straight up the middle like a RUNNING BACK?💋🏈 - 24
(Portland, INSIDE ME... Sooo JUICY!)
PARIS! ♡;) NEW NUMBER!! YOUNG, HOT, BLONDE~AVALIABLE 24/7!!♡♡ Come play with me! ;) - 22
(Eugene, Eugene/ Springfield)
just arrived (v¯) ღ 60 Fun Size Exotic ღ (¯`v) ღ BRAND NEW ♡ LooKing 4 ur CANDY ??♥ visit ava - 21
(Portland, DownTown VanCouver INCALLS ONLY)
✿•*¨♥¨*•BuStY BLONDE BABYD✪LL ★ GirL neXt DOor ★ G✪RGE✪US •*¨♥¨*•✿ $100 Specials! - - 24
(Eugene, Eugene ,Springfield. incall outcall)
"Summer is here, the weather is Fine, You Be The Six I'll Be The Nine*Weekend Warriors call now!!! - 28
(Portland, PDX Airport Incall/Outcall Everywhere)
***Summer's here, and this Sexy BBW is ready to play! *** SPECIALS NOW!!! - 30
(Portland, East Vancouver)
~ Sunday Night Special! ~ Sexy Perfection ~ Sinfully Naughty ~ Pleasure Provider ~ Available Now ~ - 45
➡ STOP ✋ Here 👑 $80 Specials 💋 Deadly Addiction 👘 👑 Japanese Spinner ☞NEW PICS💎 - 25
(Portland, New 80 Special 👘 I/C💋)
SPECIALS Vancouver IC!! ✩ ✫ ✮ New Pictures!! Come On Over & Lets Play ✩ ✫ ✮ SPECIALS - 21
(Portland, Private Vancouver Incall (100spcl))
~ Sinfully Sexy Specials!! ~ Busty Blond Bombshell ~ New Pics! ~ - 45
(Portland, portland/vancouver, Tigard)
**~~ Sexy and curvy Italian~~** Please Me while I Please YOU~~~** $100 special$ - 22
(Portland, Airport InCall/Outcall)
SeXy & NaUgHtY **!** WeT & HoRnEy **!** DoNt MiSs OuT **!** CLicK ME!! - 24
(LLoyed Center Incall & Outcalls)
_______ __________ ___ S _M _Ö _K _I _N _G ______ H _Ö _T ____ GIRL _ _____ - 22
(Portland, Downtown Upscale Location)
☆ S E N S A T I O N A L ☆ - 20
___ ((( •♥• REDHEAD B0MBSHELL •♥• )))__[[iNCALL SPECiALS]]] - 19
(Portland, Convention Center / Portland)
☆☆ Sexii Lexii; Amazing, Cute, REDHEAD [[SPECiALS]]!☆☆ - 19
(Portland, Convention Center / Portland)
№➊ ReQUESTED (MiXXed Barbie)_NEW P I C S.((OUTCALL)) Ready Now! - 21
(Portland, Portland && Surrounding (READY NOW))
№➊ ReQUESTED (MiXXed Barbie)_Pdx F i n e s t.((OUTCALL)) Ready Now! - 21
(Portland, Portland && Surrounding (READY NOW))
№➊ ReQUESTED (MiXXed Barbie)_Pdx F i n e s t.((OUTCALL)) Ready Now! - 21
(Portland, Portland && Surrounding (READY NOW))
Petite, discrete and ready for you! Sexy spinner w great reviews (tna)!! Incall specials tonight ONL - 27
(PDX, Portland)
New Pics! (( HOT && SKILLED ))_ _ G_ O_ R_ G_ E_ O_ U_ S _ _**B u s t y**_ _ MiXED! _ _ BABE! _ _ - 21
(Portland, Portland && Surrounding (READY NOW))
(Portland, Portland && Surrounding)
❤ NeeD aN oaSiS iN uR WeeK? ❤ iNDuLGe iN THe PerFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT!! ❤ 99 $PeCiaL 2NiTe! - 29
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
❤ NeeD aN oaSiS iN uR WeeK? ❤ iNDuLGe iN THe PerFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT!! ❤ 75 $PeCiaL 2NiTe! - 29
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
Like Fine Wine I Get Better With Time. No Need to Rush I'm here to Make you Blush! - 25
(Portland, gresham)
LAST CALL last morning SPECIALS💦💦Gentlemans choice💎💎💎 TNA verified 💎💎 irresistible BODY - 18
(one call away, Portland)
~ Incall Special! ~ Sexy Perfection ~ Sinfully Naughty ~ Pleasure Provider ~ Available Now ~ - 45
→→Great New Pics ◆ Wild ☆ Kinky ◆ Freakiest ★ Islander Mix Playmate ←← 80 Specials ?◆ - 24
(Portland, incall specials)
***CAUTION HoT SpINnEr DrIpPiNg WeT.. Im ReAdY R YoU???*** {Available All Week Long} - 21
(portland area OUTCALL/INCALL)
❤ BuSTy, SWeeT, PeTiTe! THe PeRFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT! ❤ aLWayS uP LaTe & ReaDy 2 PLay! ❤ 75 $pecial! - 29
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
☆ BuSTy, SWeeT, PeTiTe! THe PeRFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT! ☆ uP LaTe & aLWayS ReaDy 2 PLay!! ☆ 75 $pecial! - 29
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
✿•*¨♥¨*•BuStY BLONDE BABYD✪LL ★ GirL neXt DOor ★ G✪RGE✪US •*¨♥¨*•✿ $100 Specials! - - 24
(Eugene, Eugene ,Springfield. incall outcall)
❤ BuSTy, SWeeT, PeTiTe! THe PeRFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT! ❤ aLWayS uP LaTe & ReaDy 2 PLay! ❤ 100 $pecial! - 29
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
°*. A__W ☂ T__D R E A M .*°__WAITING TO COME TRUE.._ "Satisfy Your Desires" __((Visiting)) - 26
[ 1OO% REAL ] ______ { B u s t y } _____ [MIXED] _____ [ S p e c i a l s ] ____ {E xo t i c Barbie} - 21
(Portland, Portland && Surrounding (READY NOW))
🏈💋 PRE GAME SCRIMMAGE #teamKandi...Can you HIT IT straight up the middle like a RUNNING BACK?💋🏈 - 24
(Portland, INSIDE ME... Sooo JUICY!)
Sweet, Genuine, and Truely Enjoys Adult Adventures!!! 140special - 37
(Portland, Private Incall Vanc/Out to all Pdx metro)
TaKE A DeLiCioUS DeToUR To SEE °o;o ° Your DReAM GiRL°o;o° MiXeD LATINA DeLiGhT!! - - 22
(Portland, Portland, U COME 2 ME SPECIALS!!!)
TaKe a PeaK @ My NaTuRaL 38EE!! -❤- GuaRaNTeeD 2 PLeaSe -❤- 75 $PeCiaL 2nite! -❤- aLWays uP L8! - 29
(Portland, Incall SE Portland & Outcall Metro)
Sweet, Genuine, and Truely Enjoys Adult Adventures!!! 120special - 37
(Portland, Private Incall Vanc/Out to all Pdx metro)
"Summer is here, the weather is Fine, You Be The Six I'll Be The Nine*Weekend Warriors call now!!! - 28
(Portland, PDX Airport Incall/Outcall Everywhere)
***Summer's here, and this Sexy BBW is ready to play! *** SPECIALS NOW!!! - 30
(Portland, East Vancouver)
~ Sunday Night Special! ~ Sexy Perfection ~ Sinfully Naughty ~ Pleasure Provider ~ Available Now ~ - 45
➡ STOP ✋ Here 👑 $80 Specials 💋 Deadly Addiction 👘 👑 Japanese Spinner ☞NEW PICS💎 - 25
(Portland, New 80 Special 👘 I/C💋)
SPECIALS Vancouver IC!! ✩ ✫ ✮ New Pictures!! Come On Over & Lets Play ✩ ✫ ✮ SPECIALS - 21
(Portland, Private Vancouver Incall (100spcl))
~ Sinfully Sexy Specials!! ~ Busty Blond Bombshell ~ New Pics! ~ - 45
(Portland, portland/vancouver, Tigard)
Sun 12 Jan
(Portland, Portland && Surrounding (READY NOW))
♥ :*: M O S T ♥ :*: P R E T T I E ST:*: ♥ F A C E :*: ♥ IN TOWN!
(24/7 Availability Dont Pass Up Specials)
*( Double the Exotic Pleasure!! )*( Double the Fun!!)*( 2 Girl Specials!! )* MUST SEE - 19
(come please us)
ULTiMATE **D*R*E*A*M **GiRL** ((bRE Ath**tAki Ng)) **BOMb ShELL!!*!!*!!* - 23
(Portland, Airport serving Convention center)
Sat 11 Jan