Mon 27 Jan
💕Well Reviewed💕SEXY 💋 SENSUAL 💋 BUSTY 💋 Blue Eyed 💋 BLONDE 💕 Jessica Rabbit 💕 - 27
*▓ ▒ *☆.•*L✪ ✪K*•.❤* ▒ ▓ * ♥√ ξ✖ΘΤϊ© CuTiξ √ BiG BooT¥ ♥★*‧‐ *▓ ▒ *☆ HaBLo EsPaNoL *✪*•.❤* ▒ ▓ * ☎ - 21
(Portland, @ur SerViCe💋 BeaVerToN/PdX/In & OuT)
❤️❤️ The BEST you've NEVER had w/ a BANGING BODY DD's , Specials tonight ! ❤️❤️ - 20
(Portland, S.E Portland | OUTCALLS)
START ° ☆° YOUR ° ☆° WEEK ° ☆° OFF ° ☆° RIGHT! $60 SPECIAL - 23
(Portland, SE PDX incall only)
***Summer's here, and this Sexy BBW is ready to play! *** SPECIALS NOW!!! - 30
(Portland, East Vancouver)
★sTArt YoUr DaY OfF R I G H T $60 ★ 5 STAR BEaUty •★ AvaiL 24 HRS ★• - 24
(Portland, Private Incall in S.E.)
*~* SiMpLY *~* ADDiCTiVE * BLuE EyE'S *~*~* CoMe GeT LiFtED WiT MaRY JaYnE - 30
(Portland, New Delux Jacuzzi Suite Conv Center I-5)
SOMETHING DIFFERENT~♥~a REAL pleaser w/ Exotic Beauty•Up all night•Open 2 all your desires•call me - 25
(Portland, My Place•Portland/close•to•airport)
((——— SPECIAL EDITION ———))❤((— ——EXOTIC MIX BOMBSHELL ———))❤((——140 HR DON'T MiSS OUT!! —— ) - 24
(Portland, Incall Special TODAY ONLY!!!)
Specials!🔥Come warm up in my fire🔥 well reviewed💋Dont miss out! - 26
(Portland, Vancouver incall- outcall specials)
SOMETHING DIFFERENT~♥~ Exotic Beauty & REAL pleaser• Open 2 all UR desires• call me NOW up all Nite - 25
(Portland, My Place•Portland/close•to•airport)
SEXY~~~ EXOTIC~~~~~ GORGEOUS~~~ !!!! Available now specials!!!!! REAL PICS - 24
(Portland, Myplace or yours incall outcall)
SEXY college cutie!! Best deal in town and best quality!! 100 SPECIAL all nite!! 651-621-9905 - 21
SEXY~~~ EXOTIC~~~~~ GORGEOUS~~~ !!!! Available now specials!!!!! - 24
(Portland, Myplace or yours incall outcall)
♫♫ Sexy Brunette Big Round Booty EXTREMELY Addictive So don't miss out!! 160♫♫Specials - 32
(Portland, Incall and Outcall)
---- [ _S_ P_E _C_ I _A_ L_S _ ] ---- [ _A_ L_L_ ] ---- [ _N_I _G_ H_T_ ] ---- [ _L_O _N _G_ ] ---- - 19
(Incall & Outcall "Everywhere")
S . P . E . C . I . A . L . S (( Spinner)) S . P . E . C . I . A . L . S (( Burnette)) - 19
(PDX Incalls Vancouver Outcalls)
❥♥❥ [[ S • E • X • Y •• B • L • O • N • D ]] ❥♥❥ {{ GiRl NeXt DoOr}} ❥♥❥ 75 HH SPECIAL ❥♥❥ - 25
*** Ready when ever you are ... XoXo 90 specials ***503 **753** 1367 - 24
(Portland, incal/outcall 100 special)
$peCiaLs ♡ LeT UR DaY B SpEnT WiTh My TrEa$uRes ♡ GuaRanTeed FUN ♡ 505-688-3167 ♡ 40DDDs ♡ Call NOW - 39
(Portland, Vancouver Incall ♡ OUTCALL SPECIALS)
NeW tO tOwN & rEaDy To HaVe SoMe FuN!!! Exotic vixen :) - 24
(Portland, Pdx&vancouver; outcall & incall)
Love making new ADULT Friends!! Let me Warm you up! Pierced Tongue. Incall Vancouver - 44
Last 2 Days in BEAVERTON!! Stormi *Blonde, 36DD, * I/C * Canyon rd / 217 ** 5033094178 - 40
(Portland, Beaverton Area Hotel)
LeaViNg SooN :¦:-• JuICy •-:¦:-• N •-:¦:-• WiLD•-:¦:-• DonT •-:¦:-•MiSs · Me. Incall Specials - 31
(Portland, Incall / outcall up to 30miles Specials)
!!CLICK TO OPEN UP THIS HOT PACKAGE!! ..Beautiful Hot Wild Energizer Bunny.. !! - 21
(Portland, All over Portland & Vancouver, WA)
☆ BuSTy, SWeeT, PeTiTe! THe PeRFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT! ☆ uP LaTe & aLWayS ReaDy 2 PLay!! ☆ 75 $pecial! - 29
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
__________- Barbie's last Day__________ Super Specials * Hot Blonde * Big Booty - 19
(Portland, BEAVERTON-217 ! ! ! !)
100 half hour special ▬▬ ● ► ╠╣OT ►▬▬▐▐▐ Best M👅UTH Skills▐▐▐ ▬▬▬ ► ● ●► PRIVATE INCALL▬ ▐▐▐▐▐▐ - 30
(Portland, Private incall)
🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹 && 🇯🇺🇮🇨🇾➡ PRETTY KITTY ☆ INCALL SPECIAL TIL ➡ NOTHING 2 TABOO 👉 Vancouver - 30
★ Y♥u ★ WILL ★ L♥VE ★ My ★ SKiLLs ★EARLY BiRd ★ InCaLl SPEcIaL ★ $60 ★ $80 ★ $100 ★ - 30
(Downtown Portland, AVAILABLE 24/7 INCALL)
Sweet, Genuine, and Truely Enjoys Adult Adventures!!! 120special - 37
(Portland, Private Incall Vanc/Out to all Pdx metro)
♥S£X¥ ✅★♥ ✅EaRlY ✅BIrD SpEcIALs ★♥ ★° $70 HH $120HR INCALL - 23
(Portland, Downtown PDX/Llyod Center Area)
((Stunning Busty Blonde Knockout )) **Ready @ Willing **%Cum @ Get It %**$100 SPECIAL** - 25
(portland (airport area))
***Summer's here, and this Sexy BBW is ready to play! *** SPECIALS NOW!!! - 30
(Portland, East Vancouver)
Specials!!! Beautiful Thick & Sexy Hawaiian Beauty... - 21
(Portland, Downtown Portland Gresham Pdx)
Specials!🔥Come warm up in my fire🔥 well reviewed💋Dont miss out! - 26
(Portland, Vancouver incall- outcall specials)
Sun 12 Jan
W E L L - E Q U I P P E D __ W E L L - R E V I E W E D __ E A R L Y _ B I R D _ S P E C I A L S!! - 26
💕Well Reviewed💕SEXY 💋 SENSUAL 💋 BUSTY 💋 Blue Eyed 💋 BLONDE 💕 Jessica Rabbit 💕 - 27
Sat 11 Jan
VaNcoUveR iNcaLl sPeCaiLs aLl dAy ....nEw tO tHe iNdUstrY fReAky n FuN - 19
(Portland, 205 & MILLPLAIN INCALL)
☆ FoRGeT TNT!! My NaTuRaL 38EE R GuaRaNTeeD 2 LiTe uR FuSe!! ☆ aLWayS ReaDy To PLay!!☆ 75 $pecial!! - 28
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
*H0° rN . E ** HoMeToWn * * H0otTiE * * Sexy **Curvey *** Blonde . . Sweetheart . ..°*° - 24
(your place)
HiGHLY aDDiCTiVe & H0RNY BBW! ❤ NaTuRaL 38EE GuaRaNTeeD 2 PLeaSe!❤ 100 $PeCiaL 2nite ❤ aLWays uP L8! - 29
(Portland, Incall SE Portland & Outcall Metro)
** NeW ** 70 SpecialS ** TINY ** 5'1" ReDHeaD ** huge TITS ** ReaL SPL - 22
(Portland, LLoyd CTR INCALL)
~* 60 *~ 60 ~* 60 *~ 60 ~* 60 *~ SPECIALS YOU CANT RESIST ~* 60 *~ 60 ~* 60 *~ 60 ~* 60 *~ - 21
(se incall/outcall anywhere)
💕Well Reviewed💕SEXY 💋 SENSUAL 💋 BUSTY 💋 Blue Eyed 💋 BLONDE 💕 Jessica Rabbit 💕 - 28
♥ ___ WOW :::::::::: =||= BeST Exotic Beauty in TOWN =||= ::::::::: || F-r-E-a-K-y ToO !||
(140 anything goes special oh my)
Mature , BUSTY, NEW PiCS 40DD Last 3 days! - KELSO, Longview SPECIALS! - 47
(Portland, Kelso, Longview, Castle Rock, Vancouver)
»» ❤ LooK!! »» ToTaL PaCKaGe »» SkiLLeD & 1OO% REAL & ReViEwEd!!! ❤ »» - 23
(incall & outcall)
💎✨__AHHHMAZING__✨💎 💋 UPSCALE SE INCALL100/qv! Available now!❤️ - 29
👠 Tasteful∧&T;@st¥ 💜Sp○rt¥💜SpuNk¥💜Sp°nNeR #SPECIALS # SPECIALS # SPECIALS# 100% real pics!! 👠 - 21
×❤ Double D's= Sexy Petite Heart natural HUGE RACK =Double D's ❤× - 22
(Portland, pdx airport portland SPECIAL!)
V_o_L_u_P_T_o_u_S _ V_i_X_e_N! -♥- a_D_D_i_C_T_i_V_e _ 5_s_T_a_R _ S_e_R_V_i_C_e! -♥- 75 SPeCiaL! - 29
(Portland, Incall SE Portland & Outcall Metro)
►► ╠╣✪TT & S€XX¥ BL✪ND ◄◄ [[ 100 HH Special ]] ►► T • H • I • C • K ❤R'S ◄◄ [[ 38DDD ]] ►► ☏ ME ◄◄ - 25
Fri 10 Jan
PETITE❤ Pefect Perky T.I.T.S ❤PLUMP Round A.S.S ❤ Cutie - 21
(Portland, All PDX/OutCall/InCall SE Portland)
~* UNBELIEVABLE specials *~ Irresistable THICKNESS ~* BEAUTIFULLY talented ~* - 22
(se incall/outcall anywhere)
☆ ☆ V I S I T I N G ! ! •••►►•• S P E C I A L S •• ❶ REAL PHOTOS ❶ ◄••• ( Gorgeous ♥ Curves ) ☆ ☆ - 26
(Portland, ♥ SE Portland Incall Specials ♥)
★Green eyed * ExOTiC BeAuTY★ ALYSSA DiOR ❤TOuCh oF A GoDDess!! ❤★ InCaLL specials close TO DoWntOwN★ - 27
(inCaLL close To DT 971-331-0549, Portland)
Are You Ready 4 A Jaw Dropping EXPERIENCE 2 Sexy Stunning Ladies ~ The SKY Is The LIMIT~ UP LATE - 24
(Portland, & Surrounding cities OUTCALLS ONLY)
►►╠╣✪T BLOND◄◄ [[ 80 HH Special ]] ►►AVAILABLE NOW◄◄ [[ 38DDD ]] ►►☏ ME◄◄ 360-487-0135 - 26
NEW*¨¨*·-:¦:- COME CRuISE THeSE CURvES! *·-:¦:-·*¨¨* NEW - 25
(Portland, Se portland Incall / Outcall)