Mon 27 Jan
💋💋 Class, Elegance, Beauty and Pleasure. You Can Have It All! Call Shellee ~ 541-514-1062 💋💋 - 44
(Eugene, Eugene incall only)
Tattooed Bombshell Available For All Your Short-Term, Adult Needs - 35
(SE Portland/near Reed College)
Sexy Bella ❤️ Real Pics ❤️ Real Escort ❤️ Shows up on time ❤️ Available NOW for OUTCALL! - 19
(Portland, Portland OUTCALL)
♥♥ ReaDy 4 A GenUiNe CouGar😋 AmaZing TonGue 👅 & MouTh Skills👅 ClaSsy,PlayFul,ReFreShinG - 51
(Portland, Mall 205, SE Portland)
(( New In Town )) (( Sweet Pink Treat )) (( 60_100_160) (971.804.7042)) - 25
°**° Mouth Watering °**° Jaw Dropping °**° Green Eyed Brunette °**° - 21
(Portland: My Place or Yours! 24/7!)
looking for a escape from reality? 360-607-6383 make all your fatacies come true - 19
(Portland, portland oregon)
Come see the NATURAL 44Js.Yes they are REAL.5038838391 Come cool off with me. - 32
(Portland, NE Portland)
503.756.2503 CALLmeNOW***lil Spinner***94lbs im the real deal gentlemen! teenytiny and tite! - 24
(Southeast Portland, SE Portland)
**FEMALE Owned ESCORT Agency**Only Serious MODELS Wanted***MINIMUM$1,000 Per DAY Guaranteed** - 35
L👀K N0W! LAST NiGHT iN T0WN! 🌸2 girl special 💄💋 Sexy, Sweet, & discreet 🎀 - 25
(Portland, P0RTLAND (82nd))
Sweet Sexy Passionate Romantic Loveable Female Seeking Mutually Beneficial Relationship - 42
Sun 26 Jan
🟥⬛971-282-2558🟩⬛sexy beauties ⬛🟪open minded🟥⬛best service🟩⬛amazing skills🟨⬛come see us🟪⬛
(5065 SW Scholls Ferry RD)
Sun 12 Jan
((Your constant Craving...Blonde Stallion ...100/140/180.. - 28
(Portland, I/205 fwy/I-84,82nd st..Portland OR)
Dangerous curves (not fat ones) Just peitie tite hard body - 110lbs - New Pics- - 27
(vanc, beav, pdx metro & Surronding)
• • Buxom Blonde • • Baily Creamm • • I ♥ Men • • - 26
(Portland, Your Hotel! I bring *everything* we need)
Sat 11 Jan
Licenced & reviewed💋SeXi💋PeiTe 💋ExoTic 💋hOTtie | A+ Pleasure♡♡♡💯% Me In PhOtos! - 18
(airport, Portland)
° ★ Come See Why Mandi Is The Tastiest Candi EVER° ★ - 25
(Portland, Where Ever You Want Me To Be)
L👀K N0W! LAST NiGHT iN T0WN! 🌸2 girl special 💄💋 Sexy, Sweet, & discreet 🎀 - 25
(Portland, P0RTLAND (82nd))
ThE $$ BeSt$$ PaRt $$Of $$ ThE $$DaY$$ iS $$HaViNg $$ It $$YoUr $$WaY....... - 26
(Portland, WHERE YOU WANT ME TO BE....)
_ ______ Instant C.R.E.a.M _____ Call Now ____ - 23
(Portland, tualatin/lake oswego/happy valley/pdx)
Im back.... and my sister daisy is with me! I have great reviews and a great rep! - 34
(Portland, portland/vanc and surrunding areas)
**** Without _______ A _________ Dought **** - 23
(Portland, dwntwn/lake o/happy valley/clackamas/pdx)
?`§W § HAVN ? BU NÂUGHY § HLL ? WÂiiNG 4 U ? - 22
(Portland, SE (Where ever you want me))
Italian*//* Petite*//* Hawaiian*//* College Girl *//* AVAILABLE NOW!! Dont Miss Out.. - 19
(incall beaverton outcall portland ect..)
Fri 10 Jan
Do That To Me One More Time!!!!!! Bodacious Brunette with Bountiful Boob - i - liciousness
♥★ATF * Chocolate* SeXy Spinner ♥★1OOO% ReAL PiCs ♥DUOS★cUtE fAcE ♥★sMaLl WaIsT♥★ Petite Hottie - 24
(Portland, where you want me!!!)
Thu 09 Jan
✨💫One of a kind treat, don't miss this duo special, highly recommended Brittany Luv💫✨ - 23
Sizzlingly Sexy, Slippery When Wet, Bodacious Brunette - - Specials - ( I want You Now!)
Run Your Own Highly Profitable Adult Photography and Adult Video Modeling Studio - 42
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
-- WeT & WilD -- Indulge n The Sweetest Hard candy Tite m ou th Watering (Peittes 109lbs - 27
(portland vanc sherwood pdx airprt)
Dangerous curves (not fat ones) BlonDe BoMb SHeLl --- 110lbs - New Pic Taken 3HrS Ago! - 27
(vanc, , pdx metro & Surronding)
I just ckecked... Yup, I'm wet again. Wanna' help me out? Lets get together and celebrate FUN!
Wed 08 Jan
°**° Mouth Watering °**° Jaw Dropping °**° Green-Eyed Brunette Doll °**° PERFECT 10!! - 21
(PDX: My Place or Yours)
NEW PiCs! ✄ CuT OUT the FaKES! 100%me or FREE! ✄ STOP getting tricked! IM REAL! $100 Specials! ✄ - 24
Tue 07 Jan
100% pure beautiful Freak ♡Saturday Specials♡Jessie Jane♡ kinky fetish fun♡Outcalls♡ - 36
(Portland, Portland Outcalls)
❤ ▀▄ HOT❤2Blondes •✿• »-★»•✿• 2• 50inch BOOTYS ❤ ▀▄F€TI§H €xP€RTS •✿• »-60»•✿• #1 in Vuluptiousness - 25
(Portland, VANCOUVER I/C)
Mon 06 Jan
((Your constant Craving...Blonde Stallion ...100/140/180.. - 28
(Portland, I/205 fwy/I-84,82nd st..Portland OR)
Half off private shows with proof of Military ID from now Monday 27th 6pm-3am - 18
(Salem, 3815 State Street, Salem, Oregon)
Tattooed Bombshell Available For All Your Short-Term, Adult Needs - 35
(SE Portland/near Reed College)
This Is All Yours Tonight HANDSOME _____ $99 Kisses With Your Dream ____Blue eyed Brunette Ready - 24
?`§W § HAVN ? BU NÂUGHY § HLL ? WÂiiNG 4 U ? - 22
(Portland, SE (Where ever you want me))
ThE $$ BeSt$$ PaRt $$Of $$ ThE $$DaY$$ iS $$HaViNg $$ It $$YoUr $$WaY....... - 26
(Portland, WHERE YOU WANT ME TO BE....)
Sun 05 Jan
Hot !!Eboney! really to play—Bre baby— ((*UPSCALE*!)) ——* GORGEOUS——* SEXY—————* 100% KNOCKOUT - - 25
(Portland, most Oregon and Vancouver area's)
Beautiful Bodacious Brunette with a Bonanza of Bountiful Boob - i - lisciouness Wants YOU